Chapter 4: My Other Family

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I woke up to the sound of squeaking. I fluttered my eyes open and looked over the side the bed. I was greeted by white mice stealing my lucky hat.


I fell out of bed, the blankets coming with me. The mice started to flee out of the room with my hat. I scrambled out of the blankets and chased after them. They fled down the wooden stairs and into the dusty hallway. I found myself chasing them all the to the small door and the hid behind it.

"HA!" I swing the door open and my brown hat, lying in front of a magical tunnel? It was purple and blue, and it was like it was breathing. I got down on my hands and knees, I squinted and saw the white mice running down the long path.

I slowly placed my brown hat on my head. I looked around behind me to if Grunkle Stan was around. I looked back at the tunnel that was before me. It blew wind and I felt magic radiating from the other side. I hesitantly play my hand onto the tunnel's floor, it seemed to be sturdy enough. I started to slowly crawl into the tunnel, feeling the magic all around me. I pushed open the door on the other side and I find myself back in the hallway.

My face turned unamused and I stood up. I then get a scent of something that smelt delicious in the air. I smelt roast beef, hot gravy, mashed potatoes. My mouth started to water from the idea of food and my stomach growled for something to eat.

Letting my nose lead the way, I found myself going toward the kitchen.  I glanced at my surroundings and saw Grunkle Stan cooking.

"Grunkle Stan, what are you doing up so-" I stopped talking when "Stan" turned to face me. His eyes... they were black buttons. "You're not my Grunkle Stan..." I got into a defensive position, just in case. "My Grunkle doesn't have..."

"What? Buttons for eyes?" He laughed. "I'm your Other Grunkle." He turned his back toward me and picked up a cow oven mitten. "Now, be a sport and go tell your Other Sister that dinner's ready." He put the cow oven mitten on his large hand and looked at me with those black button eyes. "Go on, she's in the living room." I tilted my head at him before stumbling out of the kitchen.

'Since the kitchen was in the same place on my side, the living room should be right- AH!'

I was greeted by the bottom of boots swinging towards my face. If my reflects didn't duck, I would've been knocked in the face by a black boot. I stood up and saw "Mabel" standing on top of the couch, wearing an eye patch and pirate captain's hat with a wooden sword in hand. She also had black buttons for eyes.

"Ha Ha!" Other Mabel shouted in a pirate accent and held her sword up to the ceiling. "At last you come, Dipper!" She pointed her wooden sword at me. "Are you gonna duel me?"

"I- uh-" I was a little confused what was going on until I saw her hold up another wooden sword with its handle pointing at me. I hesitated but eventually took it.

"En garde!" She swung her sword at me and I deflected it quickly. She kept making her swings and I kept up my defence then I took charge. It was one on one, twin vs twin, both trying to see who would make the first hit. The living room was the pirate ship, and we were moving across the deck of it. I swung my wooden sword at a slightly different angle which cut Other Mabel off guard and sent her sword flying in the air, right into my other hand. I pointed my sword at her and she held her arms in defence. "I yield!"

"Ha!" Dipper held his hands up in victory before he remembered why he was there. "Oh, uh Grunkle- I mean Other Grunkle Stan- well, he asked for me to come to get you because dinner's ready."

"Yay! I can't wait to see what Grunkle Stan made for us! He always makes the most wonderful food!" Other Mabel exclaims as we headed out of the room. I laugh a bit because she was still wearing her pirate gear. 

This all felt too real to be a dream yet it's too good to not be a fantasy.

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