Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Moana's POV

Three days later...

  Maui and I are arriving back at the island now. I'm feeling a little bit better than I did when we left the L.A. area, but I'm still kind of glum. I know that Maui's right when he says that if it's meant to be, we'll be able to return there again one day. It's just hard having to say goodbye, at least for awhile. Goodbyes suck. When we dock on the island, Maui helps me unload my fifteen shopping bags as well as my actual luggage before even unloading his own. I tell Maui that I can make a few trips down to the shore myself to carry everything back to the cave, but being the gentleman he is, he insists on doing most of the work himself. I pouted about it but that still didn't change his mind. I then caved in and just let him do as he pleases, though I do appreciate his sweet gesture. 

An hour later...

   Everything has been unpacked and put away. Now, Maui and I are just lounging around for the rest of the day because we have boat lag. It's like jet lag, but with a boat instead of a plane because we've been doing a lot of sailing these past couple of weeks. "Princess, are you feeling any better?" I give him a sincere smile rather than a forced one. "I am actually. I'm not going to lie, I've had a few moments where I've gotten sad, but I've realized that you're right. If it's meant to be, I'll return there one day." He smirks at me. "The Maui, demigod of the wind and sea, was actually right for the first time in forever? Wow... that's shocking. I can't believe you admitted that I was right for once. I wish you had a camera right now to capture this historic moment." I roll my eyes playfully while bursting into laughter. "You are both a diva and massive dork." He chuckles. "A dork yes, a diva... never." I put my hands on my lips and give him a look of sass. "Maui, you're always a diva! Just some days more than others is all." 

   He pretends to be offended. "Ouch princess, that was a brutal burn. I think I'm going to need some for that. Why don't we ask that ice chick from that Disney movie Frozen you like to reference all that time?" "Maui, Elsa is a fictional animated character from a Disney movie voiced by the amazing Idina Menzel. Elsa is just a character voiced by an actual famous person." Maui makes a goofy face. "Oh... I knew that." I roll my eyes playfully once again. "No you didn't, but it's cute that you thought you did." He returns my eye roll with one of his own. A few minutes of silence pass before Maui suddenly becomes serious. "Mo, there's something I need to talk to you about." My happy exterior becomes a rather nervous now, my heart beginning to skip a beat. "What is it Maui?" He sighs. "It's something that regards our future together." My heart races even faster. "Is it good or bad?" "That depends on how you take it Mo." 

   "Well out with it Maui, tell me." Maui bites his lip. "I want nothing more than to be wed to you one day princess, but there's one question I need to ask you because it's an important one... do you want to have children?" I honestly didn't see that question coming, at least not for awhile. It's a fair question to ask though because it does determine the direction of a relationship to some degree. "To be honest with you Maui, I'm simply going with the flow. If we have sex after we're married and happen to find out that I'm baring a child, I'll go forward with the pregnancy. If not, I'm not stressing out about it too much." I look up at Maui, quietly watching him absorb my answer. After a couple of minutes of silence, panic arises in me. "Maui, did I upset you?" He looks at me with hurt in his eyes. "I'm not sure that I want to have a child yet either, but the way you say it's not big deal hurts me. Deciding whether or not to have a family with the love of your life is a huge deal." 

   Maui who hardly ever cries looks like he's on the verge of doing so, making my heart feel as though it just got run over by a semi. "I-I'm sorry Maui. That was a way for me to phrase my thoughts. I was just trying to say that I don't want this decision to be stressful for us. I'm sure that things will work out for us in every way in the future, including the aspect of building a family." A tear slips out and I burst into tears, flinging myself into his arms. "I'm an idiot. I'm so sorry for hurting you Maui." He then starts crying and the two of us become emotional messes. This is all my fault. Why did I have to say something so stupid as what I said? I ruin everything I touch. I'm a monster. No wonder why my parents shunned me. I wouldn't blame Maui if he did the same. I'm not worthy of love. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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