Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Maui's POV

  I'm not normally a super sensitive guy, but I'm truly hurt by Moana's lack of compassion towards a serious matter that could impact our future together. Now I'm not a hundred percent sure that I want to be a father one day, but I should still have the option to want to be for the time being. I know that Moana didn't mean for what she said to come across the way that it did, but my feelings are getting the best of me right now. I hate crying, I hate it more than almost anything yet here I am doing it in Moana's arms like a child. When my tears finally stop, I pull apart from Moana's hold and sit down next to her, staring off into space. I can feel Moana's gaze on me, but I can't get myself to look at her right now. "Maui, please say something. I'm so truly sorry. I love you so much. I hate when you're upset with me and vice versa." 

   I take a deep breath and force myself to look at her. "Mo, I'm sorry for overreacting, but at the same time, I'm not. I know that both of us aren't entirely sure whether or not we want to extend our family after marriage, which will come eventually as well, but it's your attitude about it. Deciding whether or not to have a child is a big deal. It's not like going to the store and picking out a bag of your favorite candy, it's so much deeper than that. If were to have intercourse... even before marriage and ended up conceiving a child in the process, we'd be becoming parents shortly after that period of conceiving." She sighs. "I know Maui. I'm sorry. I don't know how many more times I have to say it." I sigh. "I forgive you Mo. I'm just really tired. Can we go to bed and call it a night?" I notice Mo becoming teary eyed and give her a gentle hug and peck on the lips so she doesn't have a panic attack, thinking that I'm still mad at her. I'm not, I'm just exhausted. It's been a really long day." 

  Mo hugs me back gently and kisses me on the cheeks and forehead in addition to kissing me back on the lips. "I love you Maui. Even when we're upset with each other or general, don't forget that. Okay?" I give her a tired smile. "Okay." I get myself comfortable in bed before Mo cuddles into me, holding on to me for dear life. The action both warms my heart and saddens it at the same time. I know that we apologized to each other, but I still feel guilty about overreacting. Hopefully a good night's sleep will do us both some good.

The next morning...

   Moana and I wake up feeling refreshing and in much better moods than last night. I volunteer to fry us up some fish for breakfast. I caught the fish right after we got back yesterday and saved them. I'm glad I saved them rather than eating them all myself, I had a feeling that they'd come in handy. "Maui, have I ever told you how great of a cook you are?" She then wraps her arms around me from behind while I finish frying the fish. I look down at her with a smirk on my face. "No, usually you tell me how sexy I am, which I have yet to be told today. What are you waiting for princess?" She giggles adorably. "Finnneeee Maui, not only are you a great cook, but you're super hot and sexy. You have abs and muscles for days. Happy?" A cocky grin forms on my face. "Very."  The fish is ready a few minutes later and we dive right into it. Both of us are starved because we were so tired last night that we forgot to eat supper. 

After breakfast...

  Moana and I freshen up a bit before going for a stroll. We didn't get to enjoy the ocean last night because we were too caught up in our feelings. I'm determined not to feel any negative emotions today. In fact, I just want to spend the day reminiscing with my girlfriend about the amazing trip we had together, including the memories that both of us will cherish forever. Spoiler alert, that's exactly what my princess and I do. Another spoiler alert, the day ended with us having a steamy makeout session in bed and cuddling afterwards. Chee hoo! 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! There will be most likely be a time skip in the next chapter because I don't drag certain parts out too long. :) -Mary 


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