Chapter 2

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The sky was cloudless, with a single twinkling star. The owls hooted and the crickets chirped, creating a rhythmic tone that followed every night in Northend. The chilly wind that blew throughout made a whistling tone, bothering no one. The guards stood outside the palace, their shift just to the end. One could easily blend in with the shadows. And that was exactly Elora's plan.

She made sure her cloak was over her head so that no one would recognize her. She swept gracefully in the shadows, making sure to stay out of sight from the guards. Since their shift was almost over, they would take it lightly to do their jobs.

Elora ducked and ran to Excalibur, still managing to look beautiful in the night. She slowly stepped onto the stone, glancing from side to side before rising up. The guards thankfully hadn't noticed her. She wasn't even sure whether their eyes were open under their helmets.

Elora took a deep breath and rested her hands on the sword hilt. At first she expected some sort of feeling. But nothing came. It was just an ordinary sword. Which was kind of disappointing considering the fact that it was the first sword Elora had ever touched. Excalibur was like any other sword. Though she couldn't help but notice the same sparkle that had come before appear again. She glanced to the side, still no one. But she knew her luck was running out.

Then, with a great inhale, she pulled.

At first nothing happened. It was as though the sword was wedged right into the earth. Elora could feel the pull. She frowned, wondering if it was a mistake, when suddenly it came up with Elora's hand, a SHING! Reverberating through the whole village, along with a hiss. Which scared Elora. As though something was awoken, and it shouldn't have been. It was loud enough to give away her spot, and Elora knew that she should have run, but she stood frozen, poised on the spot. An impassive look on her face as she glanced at Excalibur. 

Even with it's sword tip inside a rock for centuries, it was still immensely sharp. The sword looked undamaged and polished, as though cleansed everyday. Elora glanced at her reflection on the sword, her mouth agape.

Suddenly, lights switched on within the houses near her. Shouts and groans were heard as shuffling crowded Elora's ears. She frantically glanced to sides, houses with lights on on all sides. Even the guards were beginning to wake. Elora knew that she was trapped.

Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide

'Hey you!' A voice shouted. A man came out in rags, squinting at her. He walked with a lazy manner, then backed up, upon seeing Elora with the sword. She breathed heavily as people crowded around her, all of their faces embedded with shock. Whispers were being shared as she felt sweat pour down her face, despite chill.

'Young lady, what's in your hand?' Questioned one woman. Elora knew her as Ms. Perton, one of the town's humble women.

Elora glanced at the sword. She held it up to see for herself, but unfortunately the people got a better view.

'The sword! Excalibur! She pulled it out!' Shouts rang out as Elora started to feel like crying. She wasn't ashamed of it, the knot in her chest was creating an immense pain within her. She had made the biggest mistake of her life.

'What's going on?!' A voice shouted from behind her. If Elora was scared before, dead cold fear gripped her heart as the guards came to her.

'You! Turn around, what're you doing on the sword in the stone?!' 

Elora turned around slowly, the sword in her hand. The guard backed up. Elora could see the fear in his face.

He hastily took his guard by the arm. 'The duke.. sword.. go!' The guard next to him ran away. Elora watched him go. If the duke would find out.. his position would have been for nothing. Actually, Elora wasn't even sure what would happen when everyone found out. 

'What's the matter of this?!' Came the duke's cold voice. Thaddeus Harrington.  He was in his pajamas, which truly almost made Elora laugh. His brown hair was neat and combed, and his toned face had a venomous look as he looked at the commotion. His eyes fell on Elora, his glare immediately fading replaced with shock. To him, Elora looked like a god standing on the stone with the sword. The hood on her face along with her cloak being brushed by the wind. A true warrior indeed.

Then, he regained himself. 'How did you.. ?' The question wouldn't form on his lips. Everything just seemed so wrong. So wrong that nothing would be right ever again.

Thaddeus decided that he would decided what to do in the morning. The night would cause to much of a headache.

'Give her a bed in the castle' He instructed one of the guards, dismissing the people. The guard went to her and reached for Excalibur, but she held it back. Thaddeus pressed his hands to his temples and groaned. The guard looked at him as he nodded. They walked to the palace as Elora followed.

She was excited yet scared. It would be her first time in the palace. She would actually be in the castle of a king! Her, a commoner with no status of sorts. But the mood and recent moments just ruined it. 

They walked for a while, going straight until the entrance of the palace was visible. It was a stony white. The large wooden door without a guard. Banners hung on the sides of the England sign. The walls had no textures, beautifully flat. The guards pushed open the doors as Elora followed Thaddeus. She gasped when they were inside. The lights were inside, which kind of hurt her eyes for a moment. But she adjusted, and immediately gasped at the lovely chandelier. It was humongous, and Elora though that the chandelier in the pub was huge. A large wooden table lay in the center, which chairs every side, evidently the dining table. Thaddeus turned and ended up in staircase that were white and polished. They ended up on the side hall, a platform extending from the sides. It was a huge hallway, larger than Elora's. And it was only a side platform. They passed several rooms, before reaching the end. Thaddeus turned to the door on the right, and pushed the door open. Elora gasped. It had a beautiful bed, enough for four, with a stand above it. There was a view looking onto the large city of Northend. Elora immediately preached it, watching the turns the road took down the road. She spotted two inns she had never even heard of. Her own city, and she knew so little.

'All right' Began Thaddeus. 'You will be sleeping her for the night. We will figure out what to do with you tomorrow' He took one more glance at Excalibur. Elora did too, she had completely forgotten about the sword in the stone. 

Thaddeus met her eyes, before marching away, his guards flanking him. The door shut as Elora threw herself on the bed. A whole room in a palace, just to herself for a night. She felt it didn't justify what she had done. But then, they had said that they would deal with her tomorrow. She dreaded it, and the events that would follow

word count: 2709/2000

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