Chapter 3. The incident.

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Inside the big ship, in the Captain's dorm, we can find said man peacefully sleeping in his bed. The boy was having a little nap while he cans.

On top of him was Bronya, who was playing videogames on a PS4 Y/N bought for her. She also got her first Valkyrie suit, one she loves since it's also a gift from Y/N.

Sadly, not everything are good news. Due to her robot, she has paralysis on her legs. To make sure she can use them, Otto built two prothesis she wears as boots to artificially move them. Also, she can now summon her robot at will instead of awkardly having it on her back at all times.

Something that troubled Y/N the most is how a weird chip appeared out of nowhere in her brain. In Bronya's words is "what keeps everything in check", refering to her robot. Y/N fears the worst.

Bronya's tummy started to make sounds. She was hungry. The little girl looked at her Captain and patted his forehead. He opened one eye, still tired.

Bronya:"Subject Bronya requires food."

Y/N:*Sigh* "There's some cookies in the fridge, go and eat them. I'm in no mood of cooking right now."

Bronya nodded. She got up and walked to the fridge. Y/N closed his eye again, trying to sleep. Suddenly, the alarm started to sound all around The Hyperion, making Y/N got up in an instant. Both Bronya and Y/N were suprised, not knowing what was happening.

Himeko barged into the room in a hurry.

Himeko:"Sir, we have very bad news! A Herrscher has been spotted!"

Y/N widened his eyes.

Y/N:"Grab something and come with me Bronya. We have things to do."

She nodded, quickly grabbing a couple of cookies to eat, then quickly walked with Himeko and Y/N out of the room. They walked to the elevator.

Y/N:"Himeko, I'm gonna get my Valkyrie suit ready. Go to the bridge along with Bronya. You're in charge while I'm not there."

Himeko nodded, a plan already on her head. The elevator took them to the Valkyrie suit room, where dozens of suits for the different Valkyries where there. While he dresses up, Himeko and Bronya went to the bridge, where Fu Hua, The Twins and Theresa are waiting.

Himeko took the Captain's position, looking at the crew.

Himeko:"The Captain is getting ready for combat, I'll guide us in the meantime. Luke, report."

Luke:"This is... strange. The Herrscher has been spotted in a shack, on Nevada. The shack is on a secluded spot far away from all civilisation..."

Himeko:"Take us there immediatly, we will have time to search for answers later."

Fu Hua:"Himeko, Otto told me someone broke into his labs and escaped with one of his experiments..."

Himeko:"Are you trying to say, Otto is behind all of this?"

Fu Hua:"Much likely. I'm sure this Herrscher has something to do with Otto."


Theresa:"He just can't stop messing up now can he?"

Vivian:"Ma'am, incoming transmission."

A screen appeared in mid of the ship. The one who was calling them was a girl Himeko knew pretty well.


Ragna:*Giggles* "Here I thought The Captain was a male!"

Himeko:"I-I'm only taking his spot for a while. Are you also participating on this mission?"

Ragna:"Indeed. My squad and I are moving to the Herrscher's location." *Gets serious* "This energy... is similar to the one that killed two of our best Valkyries, Himeko, be careful."

Himeko:"The Herrscher of the Void? But Y/N defeated her!"

Ragna:"So I thought."

Himeko:*Sigh* "This is gonna be tough. Be careful out there, Ragna."

Ragna:"Likewise. We'll be in touch."

The call ended, worry in everyone's heart.

Theresa:"Y/N is not gonna like this..."

Himeko:"No, he-"

Ai-Chan:"Captain on Bridge!"

Y/N appeared through the elevator, walking towards them. Himeko stepped away, letting Y/N in his usual spot.

Y/N:"Okay, Fu Hua, report."

Fu Hua:"You're not gonna like this, Captain..."

Timeskip by a husband and his wife, standing against their daughter.

The Hyperion eventually arrived at the place the Herrscher was detected. Y/N has been silent all this time, his fists were clenched really tightly, intimidating everyone in the room. They've never seen him like that.

Y/N:"Himeko grab Rozaliya and Liliya. Theresa, go with Bronya. I will take Fu Hua and take care of the Herrscher."

Himeko:"Sir, if we-"

Y/N:"No. Make sure everyone is safe. I will do this on my own."

Images appeared on Y/N's head of the amount of people that died the day she appeared. He won't take any risks at all.

Y/N walked at the elevator followed by Fu Hua. His Valkyries tried to reason with him, but his mind was clouded by vengance.

The group got on land by helicopter. Even if Y/N ordered to scatter, they refused to follow his orders, walking along with him. Y/N lets it slide. For now...

In the distance, the group saw a little shack on fire. The sound of fightning could be heared in the distance.

Y/N:"The Herrscher must be there. Move, look for survivors."

The Captain moved on his own, charging towards the shack, followed by Theresa. She was worried for her best friend. She was acting like in the past... a past she doesn't remember. The rest were also following closely.

When Y/N reached the shack he could only see dead Valkyries on the ground. He doesn't recognise anyone, but he was still sad to see he was too late. Suddenly, someone crashed into the building. Y/N could quickly grab her before she hurts herself.


Cecilia:"Y/N, please... save Kiana... please..."

Cecilia tried to stand up, but she fell on Y/N's lap.

Y/N:"Are you okay?! Fu Hua, over here! Theresa, Himeko, go on your own! Help our allies!"

Himeko and Theresa nodded, going through the hole Cecilia made. She was staring at Y/N's face, smiling.

Cecilia:"Siegfried was right... you came."

Fu Hua crouched down next to Y/N and grabbed Cecilia, putting her head on her own lap. The Twins stood next to Fu Hua to protect her, yet they were really worried.

Fu Hua:"I have her. Move, sir, you're a sitting duck over here."

Y/N nodded and followed Himeko and Theresa with Bronya on his side. When the two went through the hole, they could see the situation clearly. Not good.

Ragna was on the ground, defeated. She was heavily panting, wounded. Siegfried was on one knee, a little tired. Himeko and Theresa were doing what they could to keep her away of their two friends, but they were struggling.

Bronya fired a couple of missiles at the Herrscher. Smoke was everywhere, stopping them for viewing the results. 20 spears came from the smoke, aimed at Bronya. Y/N grabbed her and jumped away, dodging them all. When the smoke died down, he could see the one he was facing.

Sirin:"You... from all the disgusting humans, you are the one I want to kill the most."

Y/N:"Using the body of an innocent kid to go on a killing spree... there's a special place in hell for you, Sirin."

Sirin:"You will go there with me, human."

Sirin threw more spears at the duo. This time, Bronya used her robot to block them, hurting herself a little. Himeko rushed at the Herrscher but she appeared right next to her and punched her away.

Theresa threw a couple of crosses at Sirin that got immediatly blocked by energy shields that she summoned. Y/N charged at the girl now that she was distracted. Sirin tried to kill him with more spears, but he was used to her moves.

Y/N dodged to the side, blocking them. When Sirin tried to impale him by summining spears from below, he jumped, getting above her. He was about to slice her up, but Sirin floated away.

The Captain rolled to cushion the fall. He reagrouped with his Valkyries, eyeing Sirin with hatred.

Siegfried stood up and made spinned his sword a little.

Siegfried:"Happy to see you here, Y/N."

Y/N:"Any ideas?"

Siegfried:"Immobilise her, I'll seal her powers. Leave it to me."

Y/N:"Gotcha. Bronya, use your power!"

Bronya nooded. She looked at Serin and used all her energy to make a black hole behind her, slowly pulling her in.


She planted her giantic cross on the ground, chains coming out of them. They went around Serin's limb, stopping her movements.

Y/N and Siegfried charge at her, ready to seal her powers. Siegfried was about to swing his sword at her to get Kiana back, but the girl summoned a spear, thrusting it in his arm, stopping him.

A voice reached out to Y/N. It was the voice of a male. He somehow recognised the voice, even if he doesn't know who he is. The name Kaslana ringed in his head.

Kaslana:"Y/N. If you want to save the girl, repeat with me..."

Y/N:"Kallen! Your hero is here! Come to me!"

Theresa and Serin widened their eyes. It was as if something clicked in their heads. Serin screamed at the top of her lungs. Kiana was fighting back.

Eventually, she fell to the ground, unconscious. Siegfried removed the spear from his arm and walked towards him, confused.

Siegfried:"Who the hell is Kallen?"

Y/N:"No idea... it just... appeared in my head..."

Siegfried:"Whatever that name is, it managed to stop her? Why?"

Y/N:"I told you, I have no-"

Y/N turned around and looked at Theresa. She was looking at her own hands, shocked, completely horrorified. It was as she was remembering something she once forgot.


She looked at him, with tears in her eyes. Quickly, the girl shook her head and wiped her tears, calming down.

Siegfried:"Y/N, I need you to promise me something."

The Captain looked back at Siegfried. He had his daughter in his hands, knocked out. She was smiling, having a pleasant dream.

Siegfried:"Protect her. She doesn't have the fault for this. If someone must be blamed it's me. I was the one to bring her here, the one who caused this."

Y/N:"Nonsense. Serin is inside the girl, she's the one to blame."

Siegfried:"Perhaps. But, if I'm gonna provoke this- if Cecilia causes this... I'll rather have Kiana with you. Please, protect her."

Y/N:"I will. I promise."

Siegfried lifted Kiana up and passed her to Y/N. He was carrying her like a princess. When Y/N looked at her, the same flashbacks that he had with Theresa appeared.

Siegfried:"You okay?"

Y/N:"Yeah... let's go."

He turned around and reagrouped with his team. Himeko was healing Ragna, who managed to survive. Fu Hua, carrying Cecilia went through the hole she made, along with the Twins. Theresa quickly walked to Y/N, standing next to him. She was feeling weird now, but this new feeling was... good.

Bronya called The Hyperion and asked for the extraction and a couple of bodybags. While they all rested a little, Cecilia being helped by Fu Hua approached Y/N.

Cecilia:"Y/N, I need you to do a favour for me."

Y/N:"I'll keep her safe, don't worry."

Cecilia:"And please, find my daughter. I know she's out here, I just know..."

Y/N:"Don't worry, I'll find her..."

Y/N was confused. "Isn't Kiana her daughter?" he thought. The boy looked down at Theresa who was staring at him. When their eyes met, Theresa sweetely smiled at him. She was looking at him in a way she never did before, confusing Y/N even more.

The helicopters landed, various S.W.A.T officers going out of them to not only help the wounded but to get the deceased Valkyries.

Y/N and Theresa got into one of the helicopters. He was looking at the girl in his arms, not knowing how did he just stopped Sirin with that phrase. The boy tried to remember someone named Kallen, but there was no luck. He doesn't know anyone with that name...


After the incident in Nevada, many things have changed for our Valkyries.

Ragna got hospitalized, her condition getting worse and worse each day that passes. Himeko, extremely worried for her mentor, started to drink to try and aliviate her pain a little. This behaviour concerned The Captain, who didn't liked it at all.

Siegfried and Cecilia abandoned the ship after getting medical treatment. They thanked Y/N and left Kiana with him.

Kiana became a Valkyrie under his orders. The girl had a lot to learn but she was getting there. Unlike Bronya, Y/N didn't gave Kiana permission to go in any missions, not till she was ready.

Theresa changed her behaviour after that day. She was happier than ever whenever The Captain was around. The little nun got very clingy, always trying to pass as much time as possible with him. If it wasn't for Y/N remembering her she's the director of a school she would've forgot about that.

Right now, Y/N is peacefully sleeping in his dorm inside The Hyperion. Today there haven't been anything unusual and he didn't got any missions, so he took the chance to get some sleep.

But... he got some company. Under the covers, a girl was moving around, completely drunk as usual. She peeked her head, seeing the sleeping Captain's face. This girl was Himeko who, after one of her usual "drinking nights" she decided to sneak into Y/N's room and sleep right there.

Himeko hugged her Captain, pressing her 'assets' on his torso. The girl planted a couple of kisses on his collarbone, provoking a smile on his rostro.

Sadly for her, it didn't took much time for him to wake up and see his Valkyrie on top of him, drunk.

Himeko:"H-Hello, darling~! Would you like to get a taste of... me?"

Y/N:"W-What the- Himeko?! What are you doing here?!"

Himeko:"Sleeping." *Gets confused* "Is it that weird?"

Y/N:"No, the sneaking into someones room without permission, getting into their rooms and hug them while being naked is the weird part!"

Himeko:"Don't get so angry, Captain, you have a hot girl all over yourself~"

Y/N:"T-That's not..." *Sniff* "Jesus! You reek! Off to the bathroom, right now!"

Himeko:"I'm fine, Captain, I-"

Y/N stood up, really annoyed and lifted Himeko, carrying her to his bathroom. The girl was very happy, giggling and smiling like an idiot.

He carefully dropped the girl in the bathtub. He couldn't help but stare at the beauty he has for a Valkyrie, but he quickly got himself together and resumed his actions, ashamed that he was checking her out while she was drunk.

Y/N grabbed the shower head and putted it in hot water. He carefully washed her body first, using a towel to clean her, not daring to use his hands. She was fine with everything he was doing, not really caring.

Eventually, he started to clean her hair, putting shampoo in it, making a lot soap all around her hair. She smells good now.

While Y/N was carefully cleaning her hair, Himeko was quietly staring at him. The alcohol effects have dissipated a long time ago, yet she's surprised he haven't took advantage of her in any way, in fact, he's taking care of her.

She blushed, yet in her face a little smile grew, happy to know she has someone that will take care of her.

Eventually, Y/N has finished his "cleaning duties" and gave the girl a towel to hide her beautiful body and to also dry herself. While Himeko did that, Y/N went back at his room to grab her clothes.

He gave him her clothes and closed the bathroom's door, giving her some privacy.

Y/N:"Himeko, I'm going to the bridge, see if everything's okay. Once your ready, go there."

Himeko:"Okay, Captain."

Y/N:"Also... we have to talk about these drinking habits of yours. I don't like them."

Himeko:"...I understand, sir."

Y/N:"Good. See you in a few minutes."

The Captain walked out of his room and took the elevator to the bridge. Fu Hua was already there with a tablet in her hands. She was checking all the activites they still have to do. Y/N took the usual captain spot and salutated everyone in the room, getting the same treatment from his crewmates.

Y/N:"Good morning, Fu Hua. You have something for me?"

Fu Hua:"Good morning Captain. Not really, besides Kiana and Bronya's training we have nothing to do. Himeko has to go at Otto's for her last experiment in a couple of hours."

Y/N:"I'm sure she's aware of that."

Fu Hua:"Then let me see... no, we're clear for the day. Those would be our only daily tasks, sir. Theresa has already made a couple of arrangements to put both Bronya and Kiana in the same class at St. Freya."

Y/N:"I thought Bronya was younger than Kiana though?"

Fu Hua:"True. Kiana is 14 years old while Bronya is only 11, but you know how Theresa is..."


Fu Hua:"Talking about Theresa, haven't you noticed something... weird about her?"

Y/N:"Weird? Like what, per example?"

Fu Hua:"She's more competitive about you."

Y/N:"About me?"

Before Fu Hua could answer, the elevator doors got opened. Himeko, Kiana and Bronya were there. Kiana, upon seeing the Captain rushed at him and hugged him, making him smile. Bronya said a faint "hi" and moved her attention at the Nintendo DS she has on her hands. Himeko stood next to the Captain with a severe headache.

Y/N:"Hey there Kallen! How was the training?"

Kiana:"Huh? That's not my name, Captain!"

Y/N widened his eyes. He shook his head and laughed it off.

Y/N:"Sorry, I was just thinking of something else, Kiana. How was the training?"

Himeko glanced at him, thinking she knew what was the "something else" he was thinking.

Kiana:"Very well! The classes were super easy but very booring, I-"

Bronya:"Subject Kiana almost failed two of the tests Miss. Theresa made for us."

Kiana:"That's not true! She's lying!"

Bronya:"The Bronya never lies."

Kiana:"Liar liar pants on fire!"

Bronya:"Yes, we both completed the tests with no trouble. Well, I completed them with no trouble, Kiana did."

Kiana stuck out her tounge at Bronya, who twitched her eye in annoyance.

Y/N:"Alright, calm down girls, calm down!"

Both were pouting, arms crossed.

Y/N:"Himeko, you have to go to Schicksal for your last test."

Himeko:"Damnit... that's true..." *Sigh* "At least this is the last time... I'll be back in a couple of hours. Good luck, sir."

Himeko took the elevator and went down to the docking bay, ready to depart.

Y/N:"Well, since Kiana and Bronya are here might aswell start their training. Luke, take us to Japan. I have an old friend who will help us."

Luke:"Where exactly?"

Y/N:"Y'know where Shiva Academy is?"

Timeskip brought to us by Kiana and Bronya having a cat fight to get the last cookie, annoying Y/N.

The Captain, Fu Hua and his two apprentices, Kiana and Bronya walked through the streets of Musutafu. They were headed to a big dojo. The dojo of the Raiden family.

The Hyperion was flying over the big city, making all the citizens look in awe at the magnificent flying airship.

Fu Hua:"Thanks god Schicksal has clearance to go everywhere they want..."

Y/N:"True, we wouldn't be able to take The Hyperion with us if that wasn't the case."

Kiana:"Why are we here, Captain?"

Y/N:"This 'friend of mines' has a Dojo specifically made to train Valkyries. He was ordered by Otto to train me and my friends back when Anti-Entropy and Schicksal had a good relationship."

Fu Hua:"They have been barking at each other for so long..."

Eventually, the group reached the Dojo. He pressed the doorbell, waiting for someone to open the door. A girl opened it, one that caught Y/N's eye.

???:"Greetings. I suppose you are The Captain and these are your Valkyries, right?"

She glanced at Fu Hua, recognising her, but she didn't say anything, keeping her thoughts for herself.

Y/N:"Indeed. We're here with Raiden Ryoma's permission to use his dojo."

Sakura:"I am aware. Ryoma isn't present at the moment, but I've been given orders to help you with anything you need. My name is Sakura, if you need anything just call me."

Y/N:"Understood. Thank you, Sakura."

She smiled, letting the group inside. The dojo had many katanas and samurai armors in display. There was portraits of previous owners, including one of Ryoma with his wife and his daughter.

Sakura guided the group along the halls to their own rooms, where they would stay for a couple of days till their training is over.

Y/N:"I knew Ryoma had a daughter but you totally doesn't look like your father."

Sakura:*Giggles* "That's because I'm not his daughter."

Y/N:"Oh. My apologies."

Sakura:"Don't worry, it's okay. His daughter is currently in the dojo but she's very... antisocial. I doubt you'll see her around."

Y/N:"I see. May I ask about your story? You don't look like you're from around here."

Sakura:"And you do?"

Y/N:"Fair point."

Sakura:*Giggles* "You're an interesting man. My story is a long one. What you need to know is, I'm here waiting for a certain someone to appear."

The fair maiden brought the group to their rooms. Kiana went into them in a rush, wanting to leave her baggage in there. Fu Hua went in there, ready to scold the young Valkyrie. Bronya, like the good girl she was stood next to Y/N till she had permission to enter.

Sakura:"This would be your rooms. I'm preparing the training rooms for the four of you."

Y/N:"I can help you with that."

Sakura:"No, I can't let you do something like that. You're my guest, it would be very disrespectful."

Y/N:"It's not like I can sit here and do nothing. Besides, if I help you with it we will finish it faster."

Sakura:"There's no way I can convince you, right?"


Sakura:"Very well. Come with me then."

Y/N:"Bronya, stay with Fu Hua while I'm gone, okay?"

Bronya:"Subject Bronya will stick to Fu Hua. I will be her shadow."

The girl went inside, following Fu Hua who was trying to catch a Kiana that somehow managed to steal one of Fu Hua's panties from her baggage.

Sakura:"An interesting trio."

Y/N:"Y-Yeah... let's go."

The two went to the room they will use to train. It was empty, without much things inside besides a matress and a couple of wooden swords. It was very filthy, as if no one has ever went inside. One katana caught Y/N's eyes. It was very little, so little it can be called a Wakizashi.

Sakura:"An interesting weapon, am I right? It has been used by Lady Mei a couple of times."

Y/N:"Mei? That's-"

Sakura:"Ryoma's daughter, yes."

Both started to clean the room, taking the dust and trash out of it. After a couple of minutes, they managed to clean the entire room.

Sakura:"Please, wait here, I'll bring all the things you'll need."

The maiden made a little bow and went out of the room. Y/N open a window and looked outside, fascinated by the views. He was so focused in taking into the scenary he didn't notice a certain girl, peeking into the room.

After coming back from school, Mei, Ryoma's daughter wanted to train her swordsmanship to pursue her dreams: becoming a Valkyrie. What she didn't expect is, The Captain of the new ship of Schicksal on her house.

Mei was even more surprised to see the same kid she spyed on during her childhood but completely grown up, in more formal clothes and with a reputation to behold.

Mei:"H-Hello, a-are you The Captain?"

Y/N turned around, facing the girl. A feeling of familiarity strucked him, as if he knew who she was.

Y/N:"Indeed. Y/N L/N, at your service. You are Miss Raiden Mei, right? It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady."

Y/N made a respectful bow, smiling at the girl. His behaviour towards the girl was due to the respect he has for her father, that's the reason he's treating her like royalty. Mei blushed after all this is the first time someone has treated her like that. It felt amazing yet weird at the same time.

Mei:"Y-You don't have to treat me like that! I-I'm nothing special! If anything, it should be me the one treating you specially!"

Y/N tilted his head, confused. Mei gasped, realising she had an outburst in front of a captain from the army.

Mei:"M-My most sincere apologies, sir! I-I wasn't trying to-"

The Captain laughed a little, worrying the girl.

Y/N:"Calm down, Mei, everything's alright. If you don't want me to address you like royalty, I'll treat you the way I treat my friends but you must do the same to me. Now, tell me, what do you want?"

Mei's heart skipped a bit. "A... friend?", she thought.

Mei:"W-Well, you see, I've been training to become a Valkyrie and I was wondering if you would see if... I-I'm..."


Mei:"Y-Yes! Exactly! After school is over I will-"

Before Mei could finish her sentence, she realised something. All the things everyone says about her. Her friends, her teachers even her father. The smile she had faded into a frown, saddened.

Mei:"Actually... forget it. It's not worth it. I'm-"

Y/N:"Is that katana yours?"


Y/N:"The Wakizashi. Is it yours?"

The girl looked at the katana Y/N was looking at. Her katana.

Mei:"Oh. Yes, it is. Why?"

Y/N:"Let's make a deal. Show me what your capable of. If I see talent in you, I'll find you a spot in St. Freya."

Those were the exact words Mei was expecting to hear. But even then...

Mei:"Why would you do such a thing?!"

Y/N:"Ryoma is a friend of mine, of course I would help his daughter."

Mei:"He won't approve of this..."

Y/N:"Let me handle him. Even if he doesn't want to, he still owes me one. Just, one question. Is this really what you want? Do you want to be a Valkyrie and fight the Honkai?"

Mei:"That's all I've ever wanted since I saw you, sir."

Y/N:"Then, it's settled. Pick up your sword and- wait, what do you mean by-"



A lonely girl with pute white hair approached an underground facility. Everything was painted white thanks to the snow. If it wasn't for the couple of soldiers guarding the cave, she would've never thought that's the place she has to go.

This girl took off her big coat, letting us see her appearance.

She approached the soldiers and fired a couple of shock rounds on their vests, neutrilizing them.

The intruder went down the elevator, entering the labs. The labs her love was supposed to be in if her leads are correct.

The labs weren't as big as she thought, just three big capsules with names in every each of them. Mike Rogers, Joshua Myers and...

Y/N L/N.

She widened her eyes. Finally... she founded him. Now, she does know he's out there. He's not dead.

A beep was heard in the room. She looked at a computer, showing the desktop. She sat on a chair and looked through the computer. Whoever the owner is, they recieved an e-mail.

She rode it. It was mostly telling them their advances on one of the three boys suits repairements. Interested by all of this, she kept reading various e-mails till she founded one that shocked her.

Y/N L/N, ascension to Captain.

Just when she was reading it, she felt something weird in her head. As if someone was calling for her... as if HE was calling out for her, trying to reach out for her.

Not being able to bear this feeling any longer, she quickly rode all the article, one particular thing catched her eye.

Schicksal. The Hyperion. St. Freya.

That's all she needed to know. She got up and walked away, a new goal in mind.

Kallen:"Don't worry, Y/N, Kallen is going..."

We'll see each other soon. I promise.

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