Chapter 4. Herrscher of Thunder.

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Y/N:"Keep it up!"

In the training room, we could see Y/N parrying and dodging attacks from Raiden Mei. Both had wooden swords in their hands and were really concentrated on their fight. Sakura and Himeko were watching the fight, whispering among themselves.

Himeko's experiments are finally over. While her stigmata is weaker now she won't die.

Sakura mentioned to the captain how Mei is more enthusiastic of her future now. The girl's hopes were raised thanks to the Captain who even managed to get the permission from her father to let Mei become a Valkyrie at some point.


Mei stopped immediatly, putting her sword away.

Mei:"So, how was I?"

Y/N:"You're getting faster, that's for sure. We have to train the precission of your slashes a little bit more and teach you some new tricks but I think you're ready. What do you say?"

Y/N turned at Himeko who smiled at Mei.

Himeko:"You're ready to be a proper Valkyrie."

Fu Hua open the door and walked towards Y/N. She then whispered something in his ear.

Fu Hua:"We need you on bridge. Honkai energy is rising in the outdoors of Japan."

Y/N:"I see. I'm sorry Mei but I have to go. Go to class and I'll see you later, we will get the paperwork ready together, okay?"

Mei nodded, picking up her things from school. Then, she walked to her room to get changed accompanied by Sakura. Meanwhile, Y/N, Fu Hua and Himeko walked out of the dojo and into an helicopter waiting for them.

Y/N:"Himeko, you feel good?"

Himeko:"Yeah, why shouldn't I?"

Y/N:"Y'know what I'm talking about."

Himeko:"I told you many times before Otto did a good job. You don't have to worry."

Y/N:*Sigh* "Can't help but do so."

Himeko:"My oh my~ Am I your weakness, Captain?"

Y/N:"No, that would be drunk red-haired girls."

Himeko blushed and looked at the horizon, ending the conversation. Fu Hua laughed knowing perfectly what they were talking about.

The helicopter arrived at the docking bay. The trio entered the elevator and pressed the bridge button. Once they arrived at the bridge, Y/N took his usual spot with Fu Hua on his right and Himeko on the left.

Ai-Chan:"Captain on bridge!"

Crewmates:"Hello, sir!"

Y/N:"Grace, report."

Grace:"Sir! We've detected Honkai energy inside Mount Fuji! The Honkai beasts around aren't very threatening but if we don't take care of this it could grow into something more serious."

Y/N:"Get me a view of the place."

Vivian:"Showing image."

A console appeared in front of Y/N showing satelite images on Mount Fuji. From a cave, various beasts came to the surface terrorizing the wildlife aroumd.

Y/N:"Where's Kiana and Bronya?"

Luke:"They are on the dorms with Theresa. She's teaching them some tactics and such."

Y/N:"Ai-Chan, get those two over here."

Ai-Chan:"Affirmative Captain." *Through the speakers around the ship* "Bronya Zaychik and Kiana Kaslana to the bridge. I repeat, Bronya Zaychik and Kiana Kaslana to the bridge."

They waited a couple of minutes for the girls to arrive, time they used to prepare a plan. The two B-rank Valkyiries appeared from the elevator and walked towards the Captain.

Kiana:"Caaaptain! You promised us fun!"

Y/N:"And fun you will have. I've got a mission for you two. Listen up, we've spotted Honkai beasts in Mount Fuji. Your objective is to eliminate all the beasts and find the source of the energy. You will be asisted by a S.W.A.T team along with Himeko."

Himeko:"I'll go get my sword. I will wait for you two in the docking bay."

Y/N:"Dismissed. Try not to get hurt, will ya?"

Kiana:"Roger roger!"

Bronya:"The Bronya will keep Kiana and the officers safe."

Y/N:"Very well. Go to the docking bay and wait for Himeko. Stay frosty you two, expect the worse."

The two Valkyiries saluted and walked to the elevator. Kiana looked at Y/N in a... weird way. Lately, she's been having some dreams she can't explain about her and Y/N. She's very curious about the boy...

Y/N:"Luke, get us to that mountain. Ai-Chan, get Blue team ready for deployement."


Ai-Chan:"As you wish Captain."

Y/N:"Fu Hua, are our daily activities finished?"

Fu Hua:"Not really. We still have to do the patrolls around the area your lab was attacked. We haven't founded yet who the culprit may be."

Y/N:"What do we have tho?"

Fu Hua:"One of the testimonies said it was a girl dressed up in nun outfit. Do not worry, Theresa is safe since we brought her over there and the guard said "This girl is too small, it ain't her." So yeah, we have nothing."

The Captain grinned, knowing he has another reason to tease Theresa.

Y/N:"I do not recall anyone fighting in a dress besides St. Freya and Schicksal's Valkyries. Start from there."

Fu Hua:"I could use some contacts to get info on Schicksal's Valkyries since your relationship with Otto isn't the greatest anymore."

Y/N:"Thank you, Fu Hua. You're a life saver."

Fu Hua:"Just doing my job."

The elevator open yet again, Theresa coming out of the elevator. She walked towards Y/N and gave the boy a little hug from behind. Fu Hua raised an eyebrow, confused at her behaviour. Y/N simply patted her head.

Y/N:"Glad to see you here, Teri."

Theresa:"I'm glad too..."

Luke:"Sir, we will arrive in 5 minutes."

Y/N:"Very well. Ai-Chan, get our people ready for deployment. Vivian, show me our troop's vision. I want eyes on everyone."

Vivian:"Got it."

Vivian showed an two screens at Y/N. The first one shows the H.U.D's of every member of Blue team. The second one shows Kiana, Bronya and Himeko's P.O.V

The S.W.A.T team boarded an helicopter and the three Valkyries a different one. The two vehicles took off and went towards a safe LZ.

Y/N:"All good Theresa?"

All this time, Theresa has been hugging the boy. While he doesn't care, this behaviour wasn't the usual from her. Theresa simply smiled and nodded.

Theresa:"I'm fine, don't worry. Just wanted to get a feel of you..." *Separates from Y/N* "Okay, that would be all. I'll stay here and watch the operation."

Even if she was acting weird he never addressed her behaviour, he simply nodded.

The two helicopters went down, all the Hyperion's troops going out of them. Blue team reunited with the three Valkyries and followed them.

The group marched towards the cave with caution, weapons ready.

Y/N:"Himeko, 200 meters in front of you, contacts."

Himeko:"Roger. Three officers with Bronya, another three with Kiana and the last three with me. Let's surround them."

Everyone followed Himeko's orders, splitting up into the groups she mentioned. Kiana went to the left and Bronya to the right. Himeko simply walked forwards.

It didn't took long for her to reach the cave's entrance. It didn't look too deep so many of them were already out, hunting or simply on guard.

Himeko:"On my signal, everyone open fire. Bronya, see the group on your right? Fire your rockets and take them all out in a single blow. Kiana, assist me on the left, take care of those I can't."

Bronya looked at her right to see a couple of zombies with bows looking straight at Himeko's hiding spot. Kiana grabbed her two deagles and aimed at the group of archangels flying around.

Himeko:"Everyone ready? Then let's go."

Himeko stood up and charged at a knight, jumping on top of it. She thrusted her sword into the beast, killing it.

The zombies turned around but Bronya blew them to pieces. The Archangels tried to rush Himeko but Kiana and her group opened fire at the little drones, taking all of them down.

Chariots came from the cave accompanied by claw zombies charging at the Valkyries. Two of them charged at Kiana who was busy shooting at drones.

One of her officers noticed the two zombies approaching his Valkyrie.

Blue 6:"Lady Kiana, behind you!"

Kiana performed a spin kick, hitting the zombie behind her. She followed up the kick with another high kick, sending the zombie towards it's partner. The girl finished the two with her guns.

Bronya looked at the chariots rushing at Himeko. She used her powers to make a little black hole, attracting the beasts at it. Himeko took the chance to pierce her greatsword at the ground and drag it towards the hole, creating a wave of fire that burned all of them down.

Some more zombies ambushed the officers but they reacted on time, turning around and firing on them. One zombie managed to get a jump on Blue 3, tackling him to the ground. Before the zombie could finish him, the officer grabbed his knife and sliced the zombie's neck, killing it.

Himeko:"Bronya, reagroup with my team and stay behind! Kiana and her team, with me!"

Bronya nodded, moving towards Himeko's officers along with hers. They stood together protecting the cave's entrance while Kiana, her team and Himeko explored the inside.


The officers turned the flashlights on, iluminating the place. There was three templars there, already charging at the group.


Himeko putted her greatswords sideways, blocking the attacks from the three Templars. Kiana took the initiative and jumped over the beasts, mounting one of them.

Kiana:"I have this one! Woah!"

The beast jumped over and over, trying to pry Kiana off itself. The three officers opened fired, attacking the other two beasts.

Y/N who saw everything decided to take command.

Y/N:"Bronya, get inside that cave and support Himeko now!"

Bronya:"The beasts are still attacking, subject Bronya fears we get surrounded."

Y/N:"We will give support fire from here. Blue 7 and 8 will cover the entrance from the inside, now move!"

Bronya rushed inside, all the officers already knowing what to do.

Meanwhile, Himeko parried the attack from one of the templars. She dodged to the side in time to avoid getting impaled by the second one but it did sliced her side, hurting her.

The officers and Bronya opened fire on one of the beasts, killing it. Kiana finally managed to get a good grip on the beast. She aimed her magnums at the beast's head and executed it. Himeko parried one last hit and thrusted her sword into the templar. The girl moved the sword upwards, slicing it in half.

Himeko:"That was a-" *Grunts*

Blue 5:"Major Himeko!"

The officer putted his gun away and putted Himeko's arm around his shoulder, letting her have some support.

Himeko:"Thank you. See the source of the Honkai Energy?"

Blue Leader:"Affirmative. I have visual on a crystal. Looks bigger than the first one we encountered."

Himeko:"Don't touch it. Schicksal will take care of it."

Y/N:"Good job team. Get out of there inmediatly. Himeko, go to the infirmary get that wound patched up. I'll end the transmission."

The two consoles turned off and Y/N turned at Fu Hua.

Y/N:"The mission it's a success, call Otto and-"

Out of nowhere, an enormous ray of light appeared on Japan. It was purple and it reached the sky. Everyone looked in shock at Japan, paralyzed at the sudden ray.

The Captain was the first one to get out of the initial shock.

Y/N:"Vivian, what the fuck is that?"

Vivian:"Sir, it's a Herrscher! A Herrscher has appeared in Shiva Academy!"

Y/N:"What?! That's where Mei is! Get us there inmediatly!"

The two Valkyries looked in shock at their Captain. Alarms were going all around the Hyperion, putting everyone on edge.

Y/N:"Ai chan, get Gold team ready for deployment, tell them to get the Honkai Disruptors. Who's the nearest Captain?!"

Ai-Chan:"We are on our own, Captain."

Y/N:"Shit. Fu Hua, you'll be on command, I'll take care of this. Theresa, get Kiana, Bronya and Blue team. You two will be our support team."

Theresa:"Got it!"

Y/N:"Let's hope we get there on time..."

Timeskip brought to us by Mei, standing on a rooftop, looking at the ground below.

Y/N ans his team were on a chopper going straight at Shiva Academy. Kiana, Bronya, Red and Blue team were on ground, evacuating the place and taking care of the beasts that appeared attracted by the Herrscher's powers.

Y/N:"Disruptors ready?"

Gold Leader:"Yes sir."

Theresa started to speak with Y/N through radio.

Theresa:"Will the disruptors take care of Mei?"

Y/N:"No, but her power will diminish enough for me and you to secure her."

Luke:"Sir, you are approaching the target."

Y/N:"Pilot, land on the buildings near the school! Aim the disruptors and wait for my signal! Theresa, were are you?"

Theresa:"In position."

Y/N:"Very well. Let's get this done."

The helicopter landed in the roof of a house next to the school. Gold team got behind cover and aimed their disruptors at the girl, levitating in the air. The disruptors are like normal assault rifles but more futuristic.

Y/N looked at the Mei who was floating in the air. Her appearance was... very different.

Theresa:"Sir, we have confirmed casualties... they were all Mei's classmates... poor kids..."

Y/N:"We will have time to mourn we have a more important thing to take care of right now. I will stop her, wait for the signal and then fire."

Gold Leader:"Understood sir. Good luck."

The Captain used the boosters in his feet to fly towards Mei with his sword ready. The Herrchser turned around and parried Y/N's attack instantly.

She tried to behead him, but Y/N flew backwards dodging her attack. Mei was not over, she quickly assaulted the captain with a barrage of slices, all of them getting parried by Y/N.

Tired of her attacks doing nothing, she charged lightning her hand and threw it at Y/N who dodged to the side in time.

Taking the opportunity, she made a single slice towards him, a wave of energy going towards him. Y/N saw he was infront of his S.W.A.T team, if he dodges they will all die, so Y/N blocked it.

Part of the wave hitted his head, the helmet's visor breaking a little, his left eye now on show. Mei looked at his eye. It reminded her of Y/N, the only one who believed in her.


Y/N looked at the ground level to see Kiana and Bronya along with Blue and Red team, all of them aiming their guns at Mei.

Theresa:"What the- get out of here Kiana, it's too dangerous!"

Herrscher of Thunder:"Pests. Die all of you."

Mei threw another wave of lightning to Kiana and her group. Bronya pushed Kiana out of the way and blocked the attack with her robotic arms but due to the amount of strength behind the attack Bronya went flying into a building. Red Team inmediatly pulled back and rescued Bronya out of the debris. Kiana and her team got into cover.

Y/N saw the unconscious Bronya and got really angry.

Y/N:"Let's finish this..."

The boy charged at Mei, clashing swords with her. He parried her sword and feinted a thrust attack, grabbing the girl by the neck. She pushed his arm to the side and made an upercut, prying the helmet off of him. As soon as she saw his face, Mei widened her eyes.


Y/N:"Theresa, now!"

The little Valkyrie used her cross to summon some chains that trapped Mei, tying her up.


Gold time opened fire on Mei, shockwaves hitting her body. She shouted in pain, the horns in her forehead dissappearing. Y/N did something that shocked everyone, including Mei and the Herrscher in her.

Y/N hugged Mei, caressing her back.

Y/N:"Mei come back. It's okay, you aren't alone anymore. I'm here. You'll be a good Valkyrie in the future but I need you to come back to your senses for that. Please..."

With a last shout, Mei fell unconscious in Y/N's arms. Her clothes dissappeared, leaving the poor girl in a compromised position. Y/N landed on the ground softly.

Blue team appeared along with Kiana. One of the officers gave Y/N a blanket to keep Mei warm. Y/N putted it over Mei while he walked towards an helicopter Fu Hua called for them.

Y/N:"Fu Hua, do you copy?"

Fu Hua:"Affirmative sir."

Y/N:"Get Green team down here with bodybags. Give them to the Japanese police officers, they will take care of the rest."

Fu Hua:"Sure thing. Also, I reported everything to Otto, both the cave and Herrscher incidents."

Y/N:"Good job Fu Hua. I owe you."

Fu Hua:"Just doing my job sir. I will be waiting here."

APRIL 10, 2001. ST. FREYA.

After the incident, Mei was instantly kicked out of school to be placed under Y/N's jurisdiction. Sadly, her father died to unkown reason. That is what was told to the prez because in reality, he was the reason Mei unlocked her powers and died in the middle of all the destruction she caused.

Y/N and Otto had to "argue" about Mei's fate. After many insults and slurs, Y/N managed to get a good deal. Mei will be part of the Hyperion but in order to seal her powers, a chip will be placed in her core that will stop it from working till removed.

Mei still has dreams of all the pain she caused to her father and school mates but thanks to Y/N and the other Valkyries, all those dreams have been appearing less frequently. She holds The Captain very dear to her heart even if he doesn't know.

Y/N placed Kiana, Bronya, Mei and Rozaliya & Liliya under Himeko's orders. The four will be the official Hyperion's Valkyries. Theresa only participates when they need extra support and Fu Hua still works as Y/N's assistant.

Right now, Y/N is in his room in St. Freya. The Hyperion is docked in the backyard where a giantic airport specifically made for The Hyperion was made.

He was sitting on his couch, looking at the T.V where Bronya and Kiana were playing a fighting game of their choice. Mei was behind the three in the little kitchen Y/N has. She has been practicing her cooking skills to try and get a hobby. The twins are with Theresa, having proper classes since they're still too young for deployement.

Kiana:"Oh c'mon, stop spamming!"

Bronya:"Subject Kiana is mad because she's bad."

Kiana:"Bring it you loli looking ass!"

Y/N:"Watch that language young lady!"

Kiana:"S-Sorry Captain."

The two girls focused on their match, trying to beat the other. The smell of chocolate reached Y/N's nose. The boy couldn't resist the urge to get up and walk to his kitchen.

He approached Mei who didn't heard the boy getting close. When he peeked his head over her shoulders, Y/N saw the hot chocolate she was doing.

Y/N:"Isn't the wrong time on the year for hot chocolate?"

Mei:"In my country, it's never late for chocolate."

Y/N:"We usually drink it on Christmas."

Mei:"So much to learn, Captain..."

Y/N:"Heh, if the things you're gonna teach me are as delicious as this chocolate I may be interested."

Mei:*Giggles* "Dully noted."

Both stayed in silence, staring at the chocolate. Y/N can't help but wonder how bad Mei should be feeling after everything that has been going on recently. He placed a hand on her shoulder and confronted her.

Y/N:"Mei, are you sure you're okay?"

Mei:"Huh?" *Looks at herself* "Have I hurt myself? I feel okay."

Y/N:"No, no. That's not what I meant."

Mei:*Sigh* "I see... the dreams always come back. Not as usual... but they do."


This topic isn't one Mei enjoys very much and Y/N realised it. He was about to offer her something, but Mei interrupted him before he could talk.

Mei:"But it's okay. Now that I sleep in the same room as Kiana and Bronya, I always have company. I don't feel alone. So I can sleep without much trouble."

Y/N:"Even then you can always relay on me for everything Mei. I wasn't kidding when I told you I will take care of you."

Mei:"You're very kind Captain but don't worry. You are already taking care of me, that's what matters. Oh, the chocolate is ready! I'll get some cups!"

Y/N:"I'll get the table ready. Bronya, Kiana, finish the game, Mei has made the chocolate!"

Kiana & Bronya:"Okay!"

Y/N grabbed two packages of cookies and some plates. He brought them to a table with enough room for six people. He putted a plate on 4 seats and in middle the two packages. He sat down next to Kiana and Mei who was giving a cup of chcolate to everyone.

Before Y/N started to eat their dinner, he looked at the time. 11:30 P.M. It was dark outside.

Mei:"Bon Appétit!"

Y/N:"You can dip the cookies in the chocolate if you want to."

Kiana took a little sip of the chocolate and burned her lips, forcing her to put the cup in the plate instantly.

Kiana:"Ah! It burns a lot!"

Y/N:"Don't be inpatient. Wait till it freezes a little you dummy!"

Bronya:"The chocolate is delicious. Mei's cooking skills are remarkable."

Mei:"O-Oh! Thank you Bronya! That's very kind of you!"

The four shared a little laugh, enjoying their dinner in peace.

Like a little family...

2 hours later...

After dinner, the three girls left Y/N's room to sleep on their own room. Y/N, who was tired was now peacefully sleeping in his bed, dressed up in his pijamas.

The door got opened a little, a certain redhaired girl looking inside the room to check for it's owner. She spotted The Captain passed out on his bed and smirked. It was Himeko, dressed up in a nightgown.

She entered the room uninvited and closed the door behind her. Her cheeks were red, and she reeks of alcohol.

A little woobsy due to her state, Himeko managed to get towards the bed without making much noise. She got naked and climbed in, putting the sheats over the two of them.

Even if Himeko was drunk, she was sober enough to know exactly what she was doing. In a way, she was... happy to be like that.

The girl hugged the still sleeping Y/N and whispered some words in his ear as a way to tell him goodnight.

Himeko"I love you captain~"

Meanwhile, Theresa was walking down the corridors of St. Freya. Normally, she would be sleeping at this hour, but she had a lot of paperwork today. Also, she heard a lot of noise from Kiana and her friend's room and had to put the kids on their place a couple of times.

Before she could reach her own room, she saw something strange. A girl, dressed up in a nun outfit just like her entering St. Freya's library. She also saw her white hair which caused her to be on high alert due to the not so recent attack at Y/N's lab.

Curious, Theresa went into the library. As expected, not many people where there at that hour, many were students preparing themselves for their lasts exams some even sleeping in the tables, exhausted.

After looking around, Theresa spotted the girl with a couple of books on her hands walking towards the librarian. Before she could get away, Theresa got next to her and faced the librarian.

Theresa:"Don't worry Sussie, I'll take this one."

Librarian:"As you wish director."

Theresa took the librarian's place and grabbed the two books from the mysterious girl. She now had a good look at her face and appearance.

The books the girl wanted where also very suspicious. The first one was: "Story of the SSS rank Valkyries" and the other one was "The deadly trio of Schicksal", both talking about Y/N, Joshua and Mark.

Also... she looks exactly like her... but she's way more taller... and have bigger "weapons".

Theresa:"What are these for?"

???:"A class project."

Theresa:"How interesting. Can you tell me your name?"

Judah:"Ka- Judah. Judah's my name."

Theresa:"Okay Miss Judah, what class are you from?"

Judah:"Um... 1-A."

Theresa:"I see. Don't you have an algebra exam tomorrow Miss Judah?"


Theresa:"Then better not keep your heads in the clouds with those books." *Gives her the books* "You may fail the exam because of that."

Judah:"I won't."

She quickly went out of the library with the books. Theresa looked at the door with a serious face. Sussie, the librarian, tapped Theresa's shoulder.

Librarian:"Umm, director, I'm afraid there's no exam tomorrow."

Theresa:"I know."

Librarian:"Then why did you lie to that student?"

That was no student.

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