Chapter 7. Going Rogue.

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Bronya:"Subject Bronya must make sure the readers know the Spoiler section has been updated. Read with caution."



Y/N and Durandal were outside of the interrogation room, looking through the one way glass. There, in that room, sat the girl that has brought so much trouble to Otto. Kallen Kaslana.

What confused Y/N so much is, why was she so excited to talk with him again. Something is wrong but doesn't know what.

Durandal:"So, she was here all this time?"

Y/N:"Not always. One of my valkyries saw through her disguise. She joined a couple of weeks ago."

Durandal:"Why? What does she want from The Hyeprion? Or you for that matter?"

Y/N:"No idea. So far, I know she doesn't have bad intentions."

Durandal:"Otto will not be happy about this."

Y/N:"We have a deal, Durandal."

Durandal:"I know. That's the only reason I'm not going to say anything. Still, you have to hold on your part of the deal."

Y/N:"After I interrogate her."

Durandal:"Go on then. We don't have much time."

The Captain nodded and went inside the room Kallen is in. Upon seeing him, the girl looked rather happy.

Kallen:"I knew it would be you. Long time no see, Y/N."

Y/N:"I'm afraid I do not know you."

Kallen:"So, it is true..." *Sigh* "That makes everything harder."

Y/N:"What exactly?"

Kallen:"You and I. It's a very long story but to summarize, you and I were partners a long time ago."

Y/N:*Chuckles* "Ma'am, I haven't seen you in my entire life. I do not know what are you talking about."

Kallen:"Don't worry. You'll remember. You are supposed to be the one interrogating me, right? Then keep going, ask questions."

The captain noticed how relaxed she looked around him. He can take that to his advantage.

Y/N:"Why infiltrating The Hyperion? Red team reports say you didn't dissappear a lot of times, you were always around unless you had to do 'girl things'. What exactly is your plan?"

Kallen:"To be with you again. I know this sounds weird. Very weird. But you and I were partners. Perhaps... even more. I only wanted to be back with you."

Her words were sincere. The girl doesn't show any signs of dementia or something alike. Y/N was extremely confused. Is she saying the truth? It can't be.

Y/N:"Why is Otto pursuing you?"

Kallen:"Otto has always been a pain in the ass. Back then, he had good intentions at the very least, he was just jealous of you. Now, he wants me to go back to force myself into something I don't want to."

"She still speaks as if I lived in this "past" she speaks of" Y/N thought.

Y/N:"Otto mentioned you stole something of great valor. What is it?"

Kallen:"Hmm... I don't remember much of that, to be honest. You and I stole a black cube, an artifact extremely powerful. Then, you took it and left. I never saw you again, I thought Otto killed you... till now."

What Kallen just described appeared in Y/N's mind in the form of flashbacks. They were very blurry, but he managed to see three things that called his attention. Kallen, the cube, and a man, similar to Kiana and Kallen.

Durandal:"Captain Y/N, can you go outside please?"

Durandal opened the door slightly, enough to talk with Y/N. She and Kallen glanced at each other. They don't trust the other.

Y/N:"Of course, I-"

Kallen:"Wait Captain, one more thing. I want you to be sure of something. I do not have bad intentions. I'm not going to hurt anyone inside the ship. I only want to make sure Otto does not have his way with Kiana, the cube... and you."

Y/N:"We'll see about that."

He left the room and faced Durandal. The top tier Valkyrie had a worried expression on her face. She was checking the captain.

Durandal:"Are you okay? You looked... distracted out there. Did she do something to you?"

Y/N:"No, no. I'm okay. This may sound weird but... I think we can trust her."

Durandal:"Are you sure? She's the perfect fit for a terrorist. Heck, there's no info from her. She's a living ghost."

Y/N:"I have a feeling she will be of great aid." *Presses a finger on his ear.* "Theresa? Release Kallen. Give her an A-rank Valkyrie authorization for the moment."

Theresa answered through the comms around the ship.

Theresa:"Captain, are you sure about this? She's in search for terrorism."

Y/N:"I know what I'm doing, Teri. Believe in me."

Theresa:"Very well captain. I trust you."

Durandal and the captain walked out of the interrogation room and towards the elevator. He pressed the button to the Captain's room.

Durandal:"Well, are we ready to speak about your part of the deal?"

Y/N:"Indeed. The ones behind the attack are World Serpent."

Durandal:"I knew I caught a glympse of Raven around. Did she hurt you?"

Y/N:"No, we just talked, nothing else. It seems they used the attack as an excuse to get to me tho."

Durandal:"Monsters... what do they wanted?"

Y/N:"An alliance. I don't mess with them and they don't mess with me."

Durandal:"You know negotiate with terrorists, Captain?"

Y/N:"I've been working with one all my life, Durandal."

The elevator took them to his dormitory. Durandal sat on his bed while Y/N looked at some reports from his various S.W.A.T teams left on his desk.

Durandal:"Perhaps, but this is different. Otto has never launched honkai beasts on a town."

Y/N:"Give him a reason to and I'm sure he would."

Durandal:*Sigh* "Still, why accepting the deal?"

Y/N:"We are at war with the Honkai, not one another. I need allies, even if their motives are currently unkown."

Durandal:"I don't think-"

Before Durandal could finish the sentence, the door opened. Himeko walked inside. She glanced at the S rank Valkyrie and ignored her.

Himeko:"Captain, I wish to speak with you. Privately."



She got up and leaved the room, leaving the two alone. Himeko suddenly started to act all flustered and shy.

Himeko:"I came here to... well, I..." *Grunts* "It's hard to say..."

Y/N:"We have 2 hours till we arrive at our destination, take your time."

Y/N leaved the reports on his desk and sat on his bed, waiting for Himeko to muster up the courage needed to say what she wanted to say. Sighed and sat next to Y/N.

Himeko:"During our date... I had a different ending in mind for it. The thing is, I would really like if... we could still do what I prepared for us."

Y/N:"Which is?"

Himeko:"Y-You're really gonna make me say it?"

Y/N:*Laughs* "I'm just messing with you. Look, if we do it, I want it to be special. Let's wait till the end of this long and exhaustive day. Then, you and I can give our date a proper ending, okay?"

Himeko:"I-I like that idea. Besides, I'm sure we'll be very pent up~"

Y/N:"I agree, but for now, let's go and focus Major, I'm sure Otto won't like the news."

Himeko nodded. The two stood up and were ready to leave, but Himeko grabbed his arm and kissed him. The kiss was a very short one, after all, she didn't want to make him lose more time.

Himeko:"A good luck kiss! Now, let's move, Theresa doesn't like when she has to deal with The Hyperion and The Twins at the same time."

Y/N:*Chuckles* "Right. Let's move then."

Himeko and Y/N walked to the elevator and pressed the button to the bridge. When they arrived, they saw a little bit of chaos everywhere.

Ai:"Captain on bridge!"

Y/N saw Theresa on his spot, focusing on the skies. Rozaliya and Liliya were jumping and playing with one another, annoying Theresa. Mei had her hands close to her blade, her eyes focused on Durandal, who ignored the Valkyrie. Bronya was just acting as Theresa's assistant. When the Captain and Himeko appeared, everyone smiled a little.

He walked towards Theresa and gently patted her shoulder, a way of saying "my turn now". Teri steps aside, letting the boy on his position. Himeko went to talk to Mei to make sure she doesn't do anything drastic.

Y/N:"Luke, how much?"

Luke:"A.T.A is 2:30 A.M sir. No rest for today I see."

Y/N:"Agreed. We will all sleep when this is done, for now, we have to take our Valkyries out of here. Theresa, where's Kallen?"

Theresa:"She took the elevator and is moving towards us. Captain, is this truly a good idea? What are you thinking anyways?"

Y/N:"Pardon the expression but, Otto fuck with me. I plan to fuck with him now. He wants Kallen, but we got her first. I'll just make sure he doesn't try anything on us again."

Theresa:"But Y/N, wouldn't that put a target on us?"

Y/N:"After taking the serum, we'll have one anyways. If I'm going to hell, might as well sin as much as I can. Don't want to make the devil wait."

Theresa:*Sigh* "There's something else you're not telling us, right?"

Y/N looked at Theresa and smiled. She blushed a little, not expecting that.

Y/N:"I always have a plan."

Bronya:"Captain, subject Bronya requests permision to speak."


Bronya:"This one has tried to communicate with subject Kiana. She's not answering."

Y/N:"Otto's troops are jamming the comms, she-"

Bronya:"Inacurate. I managed to speak with Fu Hua, but the call was cut short. Something made them go radio silent."

After hearing that, Y/N glanced at Durandal. She heard it all, and immediatly went to talk with the troops attacking Fu Hua. There was no answer. A look of horror appeared on Mei's rostro.

Mei:"I-It can't be... are they all-"

Y/N:"Luke, full speed! I want to be there, now!"

Luke:"Understood! We'll be there in 20 minutes sir!"

The elevator opened. From it, Kallen appeared, dressed in new clothes.

Kallen:"Thanks for the outfit Theresa, but I believe they are a little... short for me."

Theresa:*Whispers* "And I'm supposed to be her clone..."


Theresa:"I'm keeping an eye on you, terrorist. That's what I said."

Kallen:"I'm sorry, but I haven't done anything to deserve-"

Y/N:"Knock it off the two of you. Listen up everyone, I'm gonna go down there with a group of Valkyries. Kallen, what was your rank on our... 'past'? Be honest."

Kallen:"S-rank. I can prove it if you want to."

Y/N:"No, I believe you. Kallen, and Durandal will come with me. The Twins and Bronya will come too, they will act as support Valkyries."

Mei:"Sir, I want to go too! They are my friends and-"

Y/N:"Let me talk, Mei."

Mei:"M-My apologies, sir."

Y/N:"Gold and Blue team will be deployed too. Mei, you will lead them. Your mission is to find survivors and take them to The Hyperion. Himeko, you will take red team and make a safe outpost in the hotel Fu Hua is hiding. The main room must remain safe at all times. Grace, do we expect Honkai activity?"

Grace:"Lots of them sir. The readings are unusually high. This ain't good."

Y/N:"Theresa, tell our S.W.A.T members to bring heavy gear. We'll hit them with all we have. I'm not gonna let our Valkyries stay there any longer. Get ready people, this one's gonna he hard."

Timeskip brought to us by two femenine figures, having a last stand against hordes of the Honkai.

The Hyperion arrived at Spain, in the Basque Country, a very rural place. The hotel was near the shore. The beach was filled with snow. Red snow. Bodies of innocent people were all around with marks of claws and teeth and even black arrows all around their bodies. They had no chance.

Five helicopters appeared from The Hyperion. The first two had the S.W.A.T teams and Mei. The third one belong to Red team and Himeko. Lastly, the other helicopter was for the Durandal and an empty one to take the survivors out of there. Y/N was inside his suit. He had a signal patched up with everyone, just to be sure.

Y/N:"Alright people, one more time. Durandal, Kallen, Bronya, The Twins and I will do cleanhouse. Himeko, make sure the main room is safe. Mei, look for survivors. Fu Hua and Kiana are ours."

Everyone:"Roger that sir."

Theresa:"Captain, we detect two human life forms inside the hotel. Those must be our girls. As for Durandal's friends..."

Durandal:"It's okay. They were all rookies, I knew this could happen. Let's get your valkyries out of here, captain."

Y/N:"I owe you a big one for this, Bianca."

Durandal:"Dully noted."

Kallen:"Why are you helping us tho?"

Durandal:"Why are YOU helping us?"

Theresa:"Hey, hey, hey! You two will have time to kill one another later on! Focus here!"

The helicopters finally landed on the beach, letting everyone out. Y/N and his group sprinted towards the hotel, weapons drawn. Himeko and Red team were making sure the LZ was a safe zone. Lastly, Mei and her teams were checking the corpses, trying to find survivors.

When Y/N went inside the hotel, he expected beasts to be inside but the place was empty. Bodies of soldiers, beasts, civilians and valkyiries were all around. Also, there was a weird silence in the air.

Kallen:"What happened here?"

Y/N:"Bronya, look for Honkai energy."

Bronya:"Captain, something's going on. Our scanners are not working."

Y/N:"Can you fix it?"


A voice was heard through their radios. It was Fu Hua.

Y/N:"Fu Hua?! What's your status?! Where are you?!"

Fu Hua:"I-I'M-...Kiana's woun-...requesting ev-...basement!"

Durandal:"She's in the basement."

Bronya:"Captain, bad news. Honkai energy, lots of it, near the basement!"

Y/N:"Durandal, go there, double time!"

No more words were needed, the S rank valkyrie dissappeared into a hallway, going towards the kitchen, were the stairs to the basement are.

Bronya:"Sir... Fu Hua ain't in the basement, she's in the sixth room. There's Honkai energy there too."

Y/N:"Rozaliya, Liliya, go with Durandal, give her some assist. The rest, with me."

Everyone nodded and splitted up. Y/N went into an elevator along with their Valkyiries. Sadly, it doesn't work. Annoyed and stressed, the Captain broke the hatch above them and jumped, going out of the elevator, now on it's roof. 

Two electric wings appeared on his back. He used them to fly upwards till he reached the sixth floor. Then, he kicked the metallic doors open. The doors crashed into a group of zombies with katanas. Three archers aimed their bows at him, but he quickly rushed at them. His speed was no match for the beasts. They got sliced up really quickly.

Y/N saw various zombies going into one of the rooms. Fightning noises came from there. He entered Time Fracture and rushed at the zombies. Fu Hua was inside that room, kicking one of them in the chest. She looked tired, extremely tired. Blood was on her suit and forehead. She also had a couple of wounds. The poor girl didn't noticed the two arrows aimed at her head. Y/N quickly appeared in front of her and sliced the arrows up, saving her life. The zombies stopped on their tracks, intimidated.

Fu Hua:"C-Captain?"

Y/N:"You're safe now. Let me handle this."

The captain's assistant fell to her knees, completely exhausted. The zombies charged at the captain, but he made a quick slice, decapitating the two archers and one zombie with claws. The last one, wielding a scythe, attacked Y/N but he grabbed her neck and crushed it.

Once the fight was over, Y/N crouched down and looked at Fu Hua. She was severely wounded. The girl had a slice wound on her tummy, a bruise in her head and a hole in her left wrist.

Using his suit, Y/N started to treat her wounds. From his hands, he sprayed Medi-Gel all around the wounds. The gel accelerated the healing process. In a matter of seconds, only scars remained, yet the pain and exhaustion was still there.

Fu Hua:"Captain... Kiana... She's in worse state than I... I'm sorry, I couldn't-"

Y/N:"Sshhh, it's not your fault. You did a good job, Fu Hua. Don't worry. Durandal is here, she will take care of Kiana, don't worry."

Fu Hua:"I... all those people... I couldn't save them, sir. I failed them, I failed you."

Y/N:"You didn't fail me, Hua. Where's Kiana? And the serum?"

Fu Hua:"The serum is with me. As for Kiana... I..."

He sat down and putted Fu Hua in his lap. She cuddled in his hold, sad. Tears fell from her eyes.

Fu Hua:"W-When Kiana got stabbed I... I didn't know what to do..."

Kallen and Bronya appeared. The two went inside the room. Bronya crouched down next to Y/N.

Bronya:"Sir, Subject Durandal has sucesfully rescued Kiana. She's out of comission, but she will recover. Subject Fu Hua applied first aid and saved her life."

Kallen:"Also, the main room is safe. But there's more beasts around the hotel. Also... something is wrong. There's no way simple beasts could do this, specially with that amount of Valkyries around. There has to be something else here."

Fu Hua:"A... Dragon..."

Y/N:"A dragon?" *Presses finger in his ear* "Theresa, do you copy?"

Theresa:"Loud and clear."

Y/N:"Watch out, the skies may not be safe. There could be Judgement class Honkai around."

Theresa:"Are you sure, Captain?"

Y/N:"No other beast is capable of such destruction, and we do not detected a Herrscher around. Be on high alert, Teri."

Theresa:"Copy. We will take defensive manuevers. If it comes for us, we'll be ready."

Y/N:"Good." *To Kallen* "Grab Fu Hua and evacuate her. Bronya, with me. We're gonna find that fucker."


Y/N lifted Fu Hua and as gently as he could, he gave the girl to Kallen, who carried her out of there. The Captain and Bronya walked out of the room and moved through the hallways in search of the cause for such destruction.

Bronya:"Weird. It looks to be empty, yet I really doubt whoever or whatever did this is gone."

Y/N:"I'm sure it's still around." *Through radio* "Durandal, where are you?"

Durandal:"Outside, looking at the back of the Hotel. There's a trace here... and a big path of destruction."

Y/N:"What do you mean?"

Durandal:"Whatever did this has gone to a nearby town. I can see buildings in fire from here."

Y/N:"Go, put a stop to that. Mei, you heard that? Go there and evacuate the civilians around, take them to the hotel!"

Mei:"Roger that, sir!"

Y/N:"Bronya, hold onto me, we're flying."

The little girl gulped, not knowing if she's gonna like this or not. She hugged his waist, but Y/N was a little uncomfortable so he lifted her up and carried her like a little kid. Those wings from earlier appeared again.

Y/N went through a window and started flying towards the town. In front of him was Durandal, carrying The Twins, doing exactly the same as him.

Durandal:"It seems we had the same idea."

Rozaliya:"I don't like this! I don't like this at all!"

Liliya:"Me neither."

Bronya:"Subject Bronya is really comfortable like this. She thinks we should do this more often."

Y/N:*Through radio* "Theresa, we are moving to a nearby town, whatever caused this chaos is there. I need eyes on the town."

Theresa:"Acknowledged... oh my god, sir, you might want to look at this."

A screen appeared on Y/N's screen. His eyes widened.



Theresa:"You know it?"

Y/N:"She was borned the same day Serin came to earth. She killed one of my brothers. She managed to escape my wrath. No more, this time, I'll put an end to her."

Theresa:"Sir, there's also more bests around. They are slaying innocent people, you have to be quick."

Y/N:"Got it. Theresa, aim at the dragon and open fire at my signal."

Theresa:"Copy that sir."

Durandal:"This one won't be pretty, right?"

Y/N:"No, but we will make it, don't worry."

After 2 minutes, the group made it into town. Y/N and Durandal landed in the snowy town's plaza. The air smells of rotten flesh and death. This scene brought bad memories to poor Bronya, who stood very close to Y/N, not wanting the same fate for her Captain.

A dragon appeared, flying above the group of Valkyries. It was circling them, not doing anything.

???:"Pawn of humanity, I already killed one of you. This time, I will finish the job."

Y/N:"I managed to defeat your master, what makes you think you can take me on, lizard?"

???:"You are outnumbered, human. Besides, I know you. You won't let the innocent die, right?"

As soon as she said that, a family appeared from the streets they were running from a couple of Knights. They were catching up with them.


Durandal:"On it."

The S rank valkyrie went to assist them. More zombies appeared from a bulding in flames. The Twins grabbed their greatswords and went clashed with them. They were getting assisted by Bronya, who used her rockets to decimate those Rozaliya and Liliya can't deal with.

The dragon looked at the three Valkyries and went to land on them. The Captain quickly entered Time Fracture and flyed at it's head, slicing it. He didn't killed it, but it suffered enough damage to fly back.

Now, they were facing each other, both flying in the air, not moving, waiting for the other to do something.

???:"Hmm... you have gotten slower."

Y/N:"You are stupider than last time. Hell, can't kill a B-rank Valkyrie? That's just sad."

???:"Next time, your precious Kiana will surely die. I'll make sure of it. Oh, I can't spare any more time with you. Maybe, I'll finish this another time."

Y/N:"What makes you think I'll let you go, Benares?"

Benares:"Want a reason? Listen closely, Captain..."

Suddenly, Mei talked through the radio. A distress call.

Mei:"Captain, we are under attack from a Emperor class beast! I need help, this is too much!"

Y/N:"...we will settle this another time."

Benares:"Agreed. Try to not get many casualties, Captain."

The dragon flew off, dissappearing in the distance. The captain pressed his finger on his ear and talked to Theresa.

Y/N:"Teri, change of plans, fire at Mei's location, she's getting overwhelmed!"


Y/N:"Mei, take cover! Out of the streets!"

Mei:"Roger that! Blue team, Gold team, into the buildings, now!"

As much as Y/N wanted to go and help Mei, Rozaliya and Liliya were starting to have trouble. Knights and archangels appeared to assist the zombies. Bronya can't deal with all of them, she has to risk letting one group do as they want.

No matter, Y/N crashed in mid of the enemy group, launching a group of zombies and archangels flying away. Now, Bronya can focus her fire on the knights, making sure they don't reach either Rozaliya or Liliya.

The little girls charged at the now flying zombies, slicing and dicing through them. Meanwhile, Y/N used his super speed to move towards a different group of knights. He mounted one, thrusted his sword through the rider and into the actual beast, forcing it to crash into another knight.

The third knight attempted to charge at Y/N but he dodged the attack. He moved so fast it almost looked like he teleported behind the beast. With a single kick, he launched the beast into a house, the knight going through it.

A group of archers aimed at Y/N, but they got ambushed by Rozaliya and Liliya who started spinning around.

While all of this happened, explosions could be heard from the town's entrance.

Y/N:*Through radio* "Mei, status report!"

Durandal and the family approached Y/N. Their fight was over, so was Y/N's. The plaza was secured.


Mei:"We're okay, don't worry sir. Hostlies neutralized. We will proceed with the evacuation."

Y/N:"Copy thay. Any survivors?"

Mei:"I can count... roughly 35. Mostly males, only two childs."

Y/N:*Sigh* "We were late. Damnit..."

Mei:"As harsh as it sounds... we were here for a different reason, sir. We knew nothing of this."

Y/N:"I know. Theresa, do you detect any more life forms?"

Theresa:"Negative. The remaining beats are pulling back. They are following that dragon. Should we pursue?"

Y/N:"No, the civilians come first. We must take them out of here. Mission accomplished, we're going home."

Even if he sounded optimistic, Y/N could only wonder if this a victory, or a defeat. If it's a victory... it doesn't look like it.

Y/N:"I have many questions, Durandal. How did the dragon appear right now? Does Otto have something to do with this?"

Durandal:"Can he? I do not know of any human capable of controling the Honkai."

Y/N:"That's not what I asked."

Durandal:"If he's behind this, I'm not aware. I will find answers for this."

Y/N:"Good. One more thing. Tell Otto this is my last mission with him. From now on, we're enemies."

Durandal:"Captain, if you do that, we will have to face each other at one point."

Y/N:"I hope not, but if that day comes, be sure of this. Any friend of Otto will be considered a criminal under my judgement. They will all pay."

Durandal:"You can't be sure he's behind all of this, Y/N."

Y/N:"He is. I'm sure he is. That man has more resources than it looks. Benares appearing exactly where the serum is? How did she know that? How did she know that there was only one competent Valkyrie there?"


Y/N:"Thought as much. Let's go home."

Timeskip brought to us by Otto, speaking to a woman with white hair.

APRIL 13, 2002, ST FREYA

After the civilians were brought to safety, Y/N and The Hyperion returned to St. Freya. Fu Hua and Kiana were immediatly putted under medical care. They are now hospitalized. Both are recovering, but they will be on bed for a long time.

Durandal returned to Schicksal, not knowing what to think of Otto anymore. Doubts filled her mind. Should she stay with him? Or maybe go with Y/N?

Mei and Bronya are working harder for their fallen comrade. They are always training, making sure they can protect her next time.

Rozaliya and Liliya stayed with Kiana, and Fu Hua checking on them.

Theresa had to take care of her duties as St. Freya's principal, but she checks on her friends from time to time.

This leads us to our last three people. Kallen, Himeko and Y/N. The three are currently inside The Hyperion, in a meeting room, where Y/N usually talked with Otto in private.

Himeko was very angry she couldn't have her "proper ending" yesterday, but she understands why. After all, she also prefered the give Hua some company, even if she was unconscious. Kallen and Y/N were serious, the situation is a bad one and it could get worse.

Y/N:"Okay, miss Kaslana. If there's anything we can use to make sure Otto doesn't screw us any further besides the serum, it's now or never."

Kallen:"Okay. Remember when you interrogated me? I mentioned how you escaped with a black cube."

Y/N:"I do. What's with it?"

Kallen:"After your dissappearance, I searched all around the world for you. I couldn't find you, but I did find the cube."

Y/N:"Cool. What does it do?"

Kallen:"It contains the souls of old warriors known as 'Flame chasers'. Who are they? No idea, but they can help us."

Y/N:"Good. Where is it?"

Kallen:"In France. Paris."

Himeko:"How romantic. Hiding a dangerous relic there."

Kallen:"If that's a pun, I don't get it."

Y/N:"Himeko, do me a favour, tell Mei and Bronya to return to The Hyperion. I'll need more people for this."

Himeko:"Understood sir."

Himeko threw one last glare at Kallen, who simply looked at her, confused. As soon as Himeko left the room, Kallen sighed, saddened.

Kallen:"Y/N... I think I'm not going to get along well with your crew. Everyone treats me like a monster..."

Y/N:"Trust me, if it wasn't for my vision, I would have more than enough resons to treat you like a mad woman."

Kallen:"Visions? What visions?"

Y/N:"Sometimes, I... see a castle. You are sitting in a golden chair, all bored, looking at a crowd. I'm next to you, also looking at the crowd. When I look at you, you... smile. Your rostro changed from bored and tired to pure happiness."

Kallen:"That was our palace! Y/N, that actually happened! Well, I don't remember what exact day those visions belong to since that palace was our house, but, all of that was real."

Y/N:"I need proof of that, Kallen."

Kallen:"Well, I'll gladly do so. But, you cannot show this to anyone."

Y/N:"Sure thing."

Kallen grabbed something from under the collar of her outfit. A necklace that can be opened. She gave it to Y/N.

The boy slowly opened the necklace. To his extreme shock, there was a little photo there. Of Kallen and... him.

He looks slightly different there. His look was more... cold. Like how he was when his brothers were around. He had a different hair style and the typical clothes someome would wear around the 1800's.

Y/N:"This... I-Is this real?"

Kallen:"It is. I'm not lying Y/N, you and I met. I don't know how you were... young again. I have a slight idea of who could've done that, but don't know how."

Y/N:"I... I have so many questions..."

Kallen:"Don't worry, my dear..."

We have all the time in the world.

Alright people, that's the end of the chapter! Now, I want to do something I've never done before. A votation.

A lemon is right around the corner, but, who would you rather see doing the deed with our beloved Captain:

Option A: Kallen Kaslana.

Option B: Murata Himeko.

Option C: Someone else (Let me know who. Bronya and The Twins are not an option."

That's all. See you on the next one!

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