Chapter 13

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"This here is Venus," Cancer piped up, walking over to the lobby. The Sun looked up from the magazine he had been reading. Setting it down, he got up from his chair and padded over. Standing next to the zodiac cat Cancer was a terrestrial planet kitten.

This was Venus.

Her orangish yellow fur glowing softly, Venus gazed up at the Sun with her golden eyes. She was only eight years old, a year younger than Earth. Yet already she seemed very mature. She was also very beautiful. The Sun could see some of the other kids her age staring at her. Smiling softly, he purred, "Hello Venus." Returning the smile, Venus chirped, "Hi."

"You were also interested in adopting another kid, Mars I think it was," Cancer murmured, trying to remember. The Sun nodded his head. At that moment, a red terrestrial planet kitten came running into the lobby with a bag in his mouth. He was about ten years old. Screeching to a halt, he exclaimed, "Sorry I'm late! I was still packing my stuff!"

"Hi Mars," Venus meowed.

"Oh, hi Venus," Mars replied.

"Is that everyone?" Cancer asked a volunteer who had followed Mars down the hallway. The volunteer nodded their head. The Sun, however, spoke up, "Actually there was one more kid I wanted to see about adopting." Cancer and the volunteer looked up while the Sun continued, "I believe his name is Jupiter."

Dead silence.

"May I see him?" the Sun asked. Sighing softly, Cancer motioned for the star cat to follow him.

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