Chapter 14

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"Are you sure you don't want to see another kid?" Cancer asked. He was practically crawling on his belly as he and the Sun walked side by side down the hall. His eyes were round, begging the star cat when he added, "Jupiter is a problem child."

"I can handle him, no worries. Is this the door?" the Sun responded, pointing at the door they were approaching. Cancer solemnly nodded his head. Turning to the celebrity next to him, he advised, "Don't stare at his face. And get out if he attacks." Nodding his head in understanding, the Sun opened the door and entered the dark room.

A baseball missed him by a whisker, hitting the wall so hard it stayed there, embedded into the wall.

"Get out!" a voice hissed angrily. Getting over his initial shock of the baseball throw, the Sun looked to his right. Near the window was a gas planet kitten about ten years old. He had light ginger and white stripes all over his body. His right eye was a light brown color. Despite his age, he looked pretty big. His tufted ears were clawed up.

This was Jupiter, it had to be.

"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you," the Sun spoke softly, "I just wanna talk." He stepped further into the room, shutting the door so the gathered crowd outside couldn't bother them. It was just him and Jupiter now. The kitten was glaring at the cat over his right shoulder, growling. Turning away, he muttered, "There is nothing to talk about. Leave me alone."

"Actually, I think we have a lot to talk about-" the Sun started saying. However, Jupiter whirled around and snapped, "No there isn't! Why don't you get out before I beat you?! I did it once and I can do it again! Everyone else knows that I don't need anyone! Go follow their example!" Panting from his released frustration, he grumbled, "I don't need anyone..."

The Sun had no reply, not yet. He was trying hard not to stare at Jupiter's damaged face. An ugly scar ran across the left side of the gas planet kitten's face, beginning above the eyebrow and ending below the chin. It caused the kitten to have a permanent scowl on his face, at least on the left side. His left eye was bright red and blind.

"I don't need your pity either," Jupiter growled. He had noticed that the Sun had been staring. Turning away once more, he wrapped his striped tail around himself. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, the Sun padded over quietly and sat down next to the kitten. Without saying a word, he wrapped his own fluffy tail around Jupiter and pulled him close. Shuddering, Jupiter looked up at the Sun with sad round eyes, tears threatening to fall. Gazing down at the kitten, the star cat whispered, "Come home with me."

"But what if no one likes me?"

"It doesn't matter what others think. I will always love you no matter what."


"I promise."

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