Chapter 15

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"The Sun is home!" Earth and Saturn cried. They had been sitting at the apartment window, waiting patiently for their adoptive father to return. They had just witnessed the taxi cab asteroid roll to a stop in front of the apartment building. The Sun had stepped out. The brother and sister duo didn't wait to see who would follow him out.

They were already racing to the front door.

"Move aside slowpokes!" Mercury exclaimed. He rushed past Earth and Saturn, startling them and causing them to stumble. He was determined to be the first one to the door. Not that he cared about new siblings or anything like that. He just liked being the first to everything. Reaching the door, he jumped up and opened it.

A scarred face waited for him on the other side.

"Oh my Celestial!" Mercury screamed. His tail puffed up like a bristly brush. The small terrestrial planet kitten darted away just as Earth and Saturn arrived at the scene. They came face to face with the scarred cat as well. Leaning towards Earth, Saturn whispered, "Am I wearing my glasses?"

"Right, I wanna go back to the orphanage," Jupiter muttered. He turned around to walk away from the apartment. Venus and Mars had to push their way around him. The Sun, meanwhile, stopped the gas planet kitten from leaving and led him back into the apartment.

"Hi! I'm Earth! Are you guys our new siblings?" Earth introduced herself. Her mismatched eyes were wide open and shining brightly with excitement. Her tail wagged nonstop. Smiling softly, Venus bowed her head and purred, "I'm Venus, and this here is Mars and Jupiter."

"Wait, we live here?" Mars asked. By now, everyone had made their way into the living room of the apartment. Looking around at his surroundings, Mars couldn't help but feel it was too small. This was now a family of seven for crying out loud! The apartment was no longer big enough. He went to grab some drawing paper.

"What are you doing?" Mercury asked, seeing Mars. Looking up, the red planet kitten meowed, "Drawing blueprints." Tilting his head to the side, Mercury muttered, "Why?" Already sketching out his ideas, Mars replied, "Because I think we need a bigger house."

"So, you are a gas planet kitten and I am a gas planet kitten," Saturn remarked. He was sitting next to Jupiter. Glancing at the fashionista sideways, the bigger kitten grumbled, "Yeah, and?" Clapping his paws together, Saturn exclaimed, "We're going to be best friends!"

"Never happening."

"It's for sure happening."

"Nope, never."

"We're gonna be sisters forever!" Earth and Venus squealed excitedly, their voices going high pitched. Watching all six of his kids interact with each other, the Sun smiled softly as he remarked, "They're getting along so well..."

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