Chapter 16

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"Trust me, you are going to love this place," Taurus commented, giving the Sun the keys to the house. Bowing his head, the celebrity star cat purred, "Thank you. You enjoy your vacation my friend." A smile on his face, the muscular zodiac cat walked away. In the meantime, all of the Sun's kids rushed into the rental farmhouse, including newcomer Uranus.

"Yo this place is dope!" Uranus exclaimed, trotting through the farmhouse. The blue ice giant kitten wagged his tail as he explored the family's new home. The Sun leaned against the doorway, watching as his kids wandered about in the big house.

A year had passed since the Sun had adopted Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Thankfully, everyone seemed to be getting along. Despite being younger than her sister by a year, Venus was proving herself to be an older sister figure to Earth. Mars and Mercury had become the best of friends and found delight in playing pranks on poor Jupiter. The latter would then beat up the two chuckleheads. Saturn was still the fashionista of the family. The family lived in their small apartment all that time.

Then came Uranus.

It happened a month ago. The Sun had been walking along the sidewalk with his star cat friends when they came across a blue ice giant kitten in an alleyway. The kitten was downright confused and disoriented, claiming that he had been tossed out of a party. His fur was stained red with some fruit punch. Luckily, he was able to remember some things, like his name was Uranus and he had no family.

Upon hearing that, the Sun immediately took him home and eventually adopted him.

With the family now at eight members, the Sun knew that they would have to find a new home. The old apartment was just not gonna cut it. Fortunately, good luck had been smiling down on the growing family. The farming zodiac cat Taurus was going on a round trip across the universe and wasn't expected to come back for a year and a half, perhaps even two. He heard about the family's dilemma and graciously rented his farmhouse to them while he was gone.

Problem solved.

"Kids, remember! We are simply borrowing this house. Do not break it in anyway!" the Sun called out loud and clear. His voice echoed throughout the farmhouse. A moment later, the responses filed in.

"Don't worry, we got this! Right Earth?"


"Yo Mars check this out!"

"Dude, don't-"

"Mercury! Stay out of my freaking room!"

"Hey guys, it's your boy Uranus with another livestream!"

"Do you think there's enough closet space for my clothes?" Saturn asked, carrying his three suitcases. They were packed to the brim with all of his outlandish fashion. As of right now, he was bedecked in golden rings and a big puffy jacket made of pink feathers. Flicking his ear, the Sun answered, "Yes, you're upstairs across from the girls." The gas planet kitten set off to his destination. The Sun sighed softly, enjoying the peace.

"Uranus! Get out of our room!" the girls squealed. The Sun facepawed.

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