Chapter 21

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"We managed to stop the bleeding and fix up his throat. Long story short, he's gonna be fine," Aquarius informed the Sun. It was a brand new morning at the Eagle Nebula Hospital. The Sun had stayed all night with the ice giant planet kitten that he and Vega had found and rescued. Relieved to hear the news, the star cat asked, "Who is he?"

"It took me a while but I managed to get some info," Aquarius replied as he handed the Sun some papers. While the star cat looked through them, the zodiac cat explained, "Essentially, his name is Neptune and he was registered to an orphanage several hundred miles away from this galaxy. I have no idea why he's so far away."

"Vega and I did see an asteroid rolling away. Is it possible he was abandoned?" the Sun asked. Scratching his chin, Aquarius murmured, "I have heard rumors about this orphanage. The headmaster there is a terrible cat. I think Neptune was lucky to be abandoned if that's the case."

"And his wound? Do you think this headmaster or someone else could've done that?"

"No I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"The scratch marks on his neck match his own claws."

"Are you saying..."

"I believe he did that himself."

"I'd like to talk to him," the Sun declared. Nodding his head, Aquarius led him down the hallway towards one of the rooms. Opening the door, he let the star cat inside before shutting the door behind him, leaving the Sun alone with the ice giant planet kitten.

"Hello there Neptune," the Sun spoke softly. He quietly approached the bedside. Laying with his back facing his guest, the planet kitten growled, "Go away. I don't need anyone."

"I'm sorry but that's not true," the Sun pointed out. He pulled up a chair on the side of the bed Neptune was facing. He found himself staring at the face of a young planet kitten with dark blue fur and purple eyes. Reaching out, the star cat placed his paw on Neptune's paw as he went on, "You and I both know that's not true."

"So what? Why do you care?" Neptune snarled, baring his sharp fangs threateningly. His purple eyes narrowed to thin slits. Unfazed, the Sun glanced at the bandages wrapped around the planet kitten's neck. "I care because you want someone to care," he murmured, "You have so much to live for yet and I want to give you that chance."

"Really?" Neptune mumbled, his gaze softening. Nodding his head, the Sun replied, "Yes. You just need to let me have the chance to help you."


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