Chapter 29

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Thank you QuietKingof0 for the color ideas, I love them.

"Hey Dad?" Mars asked quietly. His ears perking up in interest, the Sun looked up from the book he had been reading. Mars was standing there beside his armchair, a notebook and pencil in his paws. Sitting down on the floor, the red furred feline continued, "I have an idea for a house that I can build for us when we're older. I'm just asking everyone how they would like their rooms to be designed."

"Why that's very nice of you Mars," the Sun remarked. He reached over and patted the thirteen year old on the head. Mars let out a small purr in happiness. Looking up at his adoptive father, he asked, "How would you like your room done?" Scratching his chin thoughtfully, the Sun murmured, "I haven't thought about it. I'm not very picky, I'm more of the simple type. I wouldn't mind having some big windows and a bookshelf for my books."

"I can do that. Do you want your desk in your room too?" Mars replied, jotting down everything in his notebook. Nodding his head, the Sun commented, "Yeah, that would be nice. Believe it or not, I'm not a morning person." Just then, the star cat's satellite rang. Glancing at the number, the Sun gasped and cried, "It's Vega!"

"Well, answer it," Mars urged. "What do I say?!" the Sun yelped. Rolling his eyes, the terrestrial planet kitten reached over and hit the answer button. The Sun practically jumped out of his skin as Vega's voice came through, "Hello?" Trotting away, Mars could barely keep back a snicker as his adoptive father managed to squeak out, "Hey! Hey Vega, how's it going?"


"Hey Mars!" Earth called from where she was laying on the floor with her cone on. Staring down at the feline before him, Mars questioned, "Do I even wanna know what happened?" Giggling, Earth meowed, "I tripped over my own feet and fell."

"Mars!" Venus squeaked in surprise, finally emerging from the closet the two sisters shared. Seeing her made Mars smile. His heart fluttered in his chest as he sat back and watched her help Earth up. Turning to Mars, Venus could feel her own face blushing a little as she meowed, "This is a pleasant surprise. Do you need something?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm designing our dream house and I'm just checking how everyone would like their rooms done," Mars answered, snapping out of his thoughts. Clapping her paws together excitedly, Earth exclaimed, "Oh yes! I have so many ideas! For starters, I'd like one or two blank walls so I can draw all over them!" Snorting in amusement, Mars purred, "Of course, how about the other walls?"

"Well, I had this crazy dream about what I might potentially look like in the future. I made a sketch of it and thought it would be a lovely mural to have!" Earth explained as she started digging through a stack of artwork. Grabbing a sheet of paper, she held it up for Mars and Venus to see. There were strange shapes drawn with squiggly outlines and the whole piece was done in colors of blue and green. One would think it was a map. And it was actually pretty good. Pulling out his satellite, Mars asked, "Can I take a picture of this? For reference?"

"Absolutely!" Earth chirped, handing the paper over to Mars. Her tail wagging happily, she lunged forward to give him a big hug. However, the red furred feline saw it coming and quickly sidestepped out of the way. "Earth no, not while you're infested with fleas," he pointed out as Earth crashed to the floor for a second time. Hopping over her, Mars turned to find himself face to face with Venus. Finding his tongue, he stammered, "Um... how... how about you Venus?"

"I would like a bulletin board for my photographs and a closet," Venus meowed. Thinking for a moment, she added, "For my walls, I would like orange and pink in a marbled pattern." His ears perking up, Mars replied, "You like marble patterns?" Blushing softly, Venus nodded her head and answered, "Yeah, they look very nice." Grinning quietly, Mars nervously mumbled, "I love marbled patterns too, thinking about doing that with my room too but with red and gray."

"That's pretty cool," Venus purred. Meeting her gaze, Mars murmured, "Yeah..." The two were staring at each other for a while until a cough interrupted them. Still laying on the floor, Earth waved to the pair before giving them a thumbs up and chirping, "You're both doing great." His face flushing redder than his own fur, Mars stammered, "I should go check to see what the others think!"

"Good idea, have fun!" Venus squeaked, waving goodbye as Mars left the bedroom. Once the door shut, she let out a huge sigh. Collecting herself off the floor, Earth flicked her tail and remarked, "You should ask him out." Gasping in horror, Venus yowled, "I can't do that!"


"I want everything to be gold!" Saturn exclaimed, his paws performing jazz hands. He was about to begin a ramble when Mars swiftly interrupted, "Hold up, we are not just making your room gold Saturn." A shocked expression coming over his face, the gas planet kitten meowed, "Why not?"

"It's not aesthetically pleasing dude," Mars pointed out. Rubbing his forehead, he grumbled, "Look man, you're the one who has taste in designs. Just think of something creative." Humming to himself as he tapped his eyeliner against his chin, Saturn finally replied, "Gold background with bright yellow circles. And I want a really big closet for my wonderful outfits." Huffing, Mars wrote it down as he mumbled, "Much better, thank you Saturn. How about you, Uranus?"

"Blue!" Uranus cheered, his head popping out from a pillow fort he had made on his bed. Saturn snorted and laughed when he saw that. Mars, meanwhile, facepawed and exclaimed, "I just finished explaining to Saturn why the room is not going to be a solid color!"

"Make mine blue!"

"Do you want some white added?"

"Yes and blue!"

"Pick a shade of blue."


"Cyan it is."

"Ooh! Make my walls cotton candy colored!"


"Cotton candy colored!"

" want pink?"

"And blue!"

"Fine, it's cyan, white and pink. Happy?"

"Very much so."


"Black," Neptune answered in the most monotone voice ever. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Mars muttered, "I just told Saturn and Uranus they can't have a solid color for their room. And I'm definitely not making your room entirely black! And what in the universe are you two doing anyways?!" Before him was Neptune seated at the drums and Jupiter tuning a guitar. Glancing around the garage, Jupiter answered, "We're forming a band."

"And you talked Neptune into joining?" Mars asked. Shrugging his shoulders absentmindedly, Jupiter replied, "He's a very good drummer." Flipping his notebook open, Mars stated, "Okay, so I'm guessing you guys want to use the garage for band practice?" Both cats nodded their heads. Jotting it down in his notebook, the terrestrial planet kitten remarked, "Good thing we don't have a vehicle."

"I still want my bedroom to be black," Neptune chimed in. Sighing heavily as he stared at the ceiling, Mars grumbled, "I am not making your room just black." Flicking his ear, the ice giant planet kitten proposed, "Fine, if I pick another color could you also do black?" His pencil ready to write, Mars nodded his head. Resting the drumsticks on the drums, Neptune declared, "Dark blue."

"You've got to be kidding me..." Mars grumbled. Writing it down anyway, he added white by the colors. No sense in having a very dark room, right? Looking up at Jupiter, he questioned, "How about you big guy?" Shocked, the gas planet kitten rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he admitted, "I uh... I don't know." Tapping his pencil against his chin thoughtfully as he stared at the larger cat, Mars suggested, "How about a blend of magenta and red?"

"Well, I suppose that will work- ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF MY BAD EYE?!" Jupiter thundered when he realized what colors were listed. Mars jumped back when the gas planet kitten lunged forward with snapping jaws. If Neptune hadn't grabbed Jupiter's tail, Mars believed he would be getting pummeled right now. "I swear, I wasn't!" he cried. Straining to pull his tail free, Jupiter snarled, "Yet you're still staring at my face!"

"I'm just gonna go, goodbye!" Mars squealed, bolting out of the garage just as Jupiter finally broke free, slamming into the door. Staring down at the downed feline, Neptune rolled his eyes and muttered, "I live in a house of idiots."


"Okay Pluto, which color do you want your room to be?" Mars asked as he sat down with the small planet kitten. He had a bunch of color cards laid out before him. Sitting across from his older brother, Pluto stared at the color cards before putting his paw on the purple one. Looking up at Mars, he playfully stuck his purple tongue out. Patting the kitten on the head, Mars meowed, "Thank you Pluto."


"Back so soon?" Mercury commented where he was laying on his bed with a towel wrapped around his head. Mars didn't answer right away as he was distracted by the pile of fur in the trash can. "Is your fur okay?" he finally found his tongue. Biting his lip, Mercury answered, "Good I guess, it doesn't hurt." Gesturing to the shaggy mess his pelt was at the moment, he continued, "But it's so weird. And get this, I caught a glimpse of the fur underneath and it looks so different!"

"Maybe you should see a doctor? Or a groomer," Mars added the last part with a chuckle. Sitting down on his own bed on the other side of the room, the red terrestrial planet kitten asked, "Anyways, I got everyone's room designs. I already know what you want but what about the color?" Scratching another clump of fur off, Mercury replied, "Eh, I like a bright shade of orange. What do you think would compliment it, since you're the house design expert?"

"Normally blue but that's not your favorite color so how about dull purple?" Mars suggested. Thinking about it, Mercury nodded his head and answered, "That would be awesome, thanks dude. Dude?" He looked over at Mars to find that the red furred feline had passed out on his bed. He was out like a light. Scoffing, Mercury muttered, "You were only gone for an hour."

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