Chapter 30

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Six Years Later...

"...and with that I'd like to give a round of applause to this year's graduates!" the principal Ursa Major called out. The constellation cat proceeded to clap her giant paws together. She was followed by her son Mayor Ursa Minor and her grandson Polaris who were on the stage with her. Then everyone in the audience broke out into cheers as the graduating class threw their graduation caps into the air.

"Let's go Mars!" Venus cried, standing up. Down on the football field, the red furred planet cat looked up and waved to her. Venus blushed when she met his gaze. Standing next to her younger sister, Earth murmured, "Just ask him out already." Gasping in horror, the other female exclaimed, "I can't do that!" Rolling her mismatched eyes, Earth muttered, "Okay, but don't forget to cheer for Jupiter, he's graduating too."

"Oh my Celestial that was terrifying," Mars rasped as he walked over to the stands. Leaning against the chain linked fence that separated the track and stands from the football field, Mercury shook his shaggy coat as he meowed, "Nah, it couldn't have been. If it makes you feel better, it seems like Venus couldn't keep her eyes off of you the whole time." His face visibly paling, Mars hissed, "Shush! She might hear you!" Snickering, Mercury sneered, "She and the rest of the family are higher up in the bleachers you scaredy-cat."

"Can we go down to see them now? Mercury is already down there," Uranus begged. Having been watching his two oldest boys graduate, the Sun turned his gaze towards the ice giant planet kitten. The blue furred feline was joined by his brother Saturn who pleaded, "Please?" Chuckling softly, the star cat nodded his head and rumbled softly, "Of course we can. We have to meet up with them sometime, don't we?"

"Alright!" Earth exclaimed, overhearing the conversation. Before anyone knew it, she was making a beeline for the steps. However, she immediately tripped over her own paws and proceeded to tumble all the way down said steps. Horrified by what they had just witnessed before their very eyes, Venus and the Sun quickly ran after Earth. Uranus and Saturn followed suit. Having been quiet this whole time, Neptune was about to join them when he heard the sounds of struggling. He turned around.

"One... step... at... a time..." seven year old Pluto chirped to himself as he cautiously walked down the steps. It was hard though with his short legs. For a planet kitten his age, he was still very small. Going back, Neptune gently picked up his little brother by the scruff of his neck. Wiggling in excitement as he dangled over the ground, Pluto squealed, "Neptune I'm flying!" Carrying him down the steps, the ice giant planet kitten snorted in amusement as he mumbled through a mouthful of fur, "Sure ya are Pluto."

"Earth, how many heads do you see?" the Sun asked urgently. He and Venus were looking down at Earth. Laying sprawled out on her back, the terrestrial planet kitten mumbled, "I see two. One, three, two." When she counted, she first pointed at the Sun before pointing straight up at the colorful dark skies above then at last pointing at Venus. Breathing a sigh of relief, Venus cried out, "Oh thank Celestial she's okay!"

"What happened?" Mars asked. Venus immediately fluffed up when she heard his voice. She had not realized he had arrived with Mercury by his side. It was the Sun who answered, "No worries, Earth fell but she's okay now." Sitting up, Earth gave the boys a thumbs up. Looking around, she asked, "Where's Jupiter?"

"I'm the one who's supposed to be half blind Earth, not you," Jupiter growled as he walked by. Apparently he had been there but no one saw. Earth glanced away guiltily. Clearing his throat, Mars took a step forward and asked, "Dad?" Turning his gaze towards the red furred feline, the Sun replied, "Yes Mars?" Shuffling his paws absentmindedly, Mars continued, "Mercury and I were discussing this but... could we throw a graduation party?"

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