Chapter 36

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Graduation caps were flying in the air a year later as the crowd broke out into applause. The class had officially graduated from high school and would go on to forge their paths in the big wide universe. Their families of course were very happy for them. Watching from the stands with the rest of his kids, the Sun was bursting with pride as he watched Earth throw her cap into the air with the rest of her class. He was so proud of her.

There was a series of squeaks and chirps from above. Glancing up, the Sun chuckled softly to himself as the Moon pranced around on his head, trying to get a good view of her adoptive mother. In her efforts, she slipped and tumbled off. Catching the small moon kitten before she could hit the metal bleachers, the celebrity star cat commented, "Woah, easy there Luna. That would've been a nasty fall." Sitting up on his giant paw, the Moon squeaked and pointed at Earth excitedly. Giving the spotted gray kitten a nuzzle, the Sun stated, "Okay okay, we're going down. Come on kids."

"Ugh, finally. We've been sitting forever," Mercury groaned. Stretching until his spine cracked, Mars muttered, "Tell me about it. I can't feel anything." Trotting by as she followed the Sun and the Moon down the steps, Venus meowed, "Come on boys, we're going to see Earth!" Watching her walk away, Mars sighed quietly. Noticing this, Mercury grumbled, "Three words for you man. Ask her out."

"I've got three words for you too. I can't do it man," Mars replied sternly before following the rest of the family. Frowning in confusion as he muttered numbers to himself, Mercury retorted, "That's five words!" Trailing behind the two terrestrial planets, Jupiter rolled his eyes and grumbled, "Oh so now you're good at math."

"I can count to eight!" Pluto chirped cheerfully as he trotted past, wagging his tail in delight. Walking alongside the small planet kitten, Neptune flicked his torn ear and muttered, "Yes, cuz that's how old you are Pluto." Pluto responded with a happy giggle. Taking up the caboose was none other than Saturn and Uranus. Adorning an outfit made with pink fluffy feathers, a white jacket and blue tassels, Saturn carefully walked down the steps. Glancing over his shoulder, the gas planet kitten warned, "Careful Uranus, the steps are very treacherous."

"Okay Saturn, bye Saturn," Uranus meowed as he suddenly rolled down the steps past his best friend. Everyone else down below quickly scrambled to get out of the way of the incoming ice giant planet kitten.

Walking amongst her fellow classmates, Earth couldn't stop smiling for one second. This was so exciting! She had officially graduated from high school! Who knows where life will take her now? As she neared the fence where everyone's families were waiting, she spotted her family in the crowd. Her smile growing even bigger, she waved at them cheerfully while trying to get over to them as quickly as possible. Finally making it over, she hugged the Sun and purred, "No more high school for me!"

"Yep, no more high school for you," the Sun declared, hugging his daughter back. Venus joined in on the hug. Letting out a series of loud squeaks and chirps, the Moon hopped down from the Sun's head and landed on Earth's shoulder. "Aw, Luna, you're so cute. Thank you sweetie," Earth meowed, nuzzling the little moon kitten as the tiny thing rubbed her head against the terrestrial planet cat's cheek. Looking up at her adoptive father, the young feline shuffled her paws nervously as she asked, "Dad, could we have a graduation party at the house tonight?"

"Ooh, yes! Can we?" Uranus piped up from where he was sprawled out on the ground from his earlier tumble. By now the rest of the children had gathered around their adoptive father. Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, the Sun finally answered, "Alright, I see no problem with it." The kids cheered until he added, "But I'm sticking around for this one."

"You got Vega on speed dial?" Mercury asked in a hushed voice. Already texting away on his satellite, Mars whispered back, "What do you think I'm doing right now?"

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