Chapter 38

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"Oh we've been looking for you everywhere sweetie!" the female terrestrial planet cat exclaimed, nuzzling her daughter's soft fur. Resting his chin on Earth's head, the male murmured, "It's been so long." Enveloped in the embrace of her birth parents, Earth purred, "It has been a long time."

"Aww, that is so sweet," Uranus whispered. The rest of the family was watching the scene from the living room. Nodding his head in agreement, Saturn replied, "I know, my heart is melting from the cuteness." Noticing that the Sun was awfully quiet, Venus turned to her adoptive father and asked, "Are you okay Dad?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah," the Sun murmured. Shaking his fur, he mumbled, "Excuse me kiddos." The rest of the children went back to what they were doing but they kept an ear open. They wanted to know what was happening. Padding up to the terrestrial planet cat family, the celebrity star cat cleared his throat and meowed, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you folks. Come, take a seat. I'll see if I can get you something to drink."

"Oh, no worries sir. We were planning on taking Terra home," the male terrestrial planet cat remarked, waving his paw. Straightening up the furniture nearby, Mars and Mercury froze when they heard that. They sensed something was about to happen. "Uranus, go grab some drinks. And for once don't raid the fridge while doing it," Mars whispered. "Aye aye captain!" Uranus answered, saluting the red furred feline before trotting away. In the meantime, Mars and Mercury crept closer.

"Terra, that's my old name, right?" Earth asked, tilting her head. Looking confused, the female terrestrial planet cat placed her paw on her shoulder as she responded, "Sweetie, that's your name, your birth name." Her eyes widening in wonder, Earth squeaked, "My birth name?" Wagging her tail, she looked back at the Sun and exclaimed, "Did you hear that? My birth name was Terra!"

"Wow, how original for a terrestrial planet cat," Mars grumbled. Both he and Mercury were peeking around the corner, watching everything. They weren't alone either. Venus and Jupiter were stationed at the other corner. The atmosphere was thick with suspense. And it needed to be defused quickly. Looking back towards the kitchen, Mars growled, "Where is Uranus?"

"Hey Saturn, wanna see how fast I can chug this gallon of milk?" Uranus asked, opening the jug. Alarmed, Saturn ditched the kitchen towel as he cried, "Wait Uranus don't! That's our only milk jug!"

"Terra is a wonderful name, Earth," the Sun commented with a nod of his head. There was a sudden gasp from the newcomers. The female held onto Earth protectively while the male practically shoved his face into the Sun's. "What kind of cat names a child Earth?! It sounds horrible!" Freeing herself from her mother's grasp, Earth piped up, "I think it sounds nice."

"Sweetheart, stay close to me. We're getting you home," the female terrestrial planet cat declared, reaching out. Her ears pinned against her head, Earth backed away as she replied, "But I am home. I'm not going anywhere. And that's final."

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