Chapter 39

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"Honey, don't be ridiculous. Your home is with us," the female terrestrial planet cat stated firmly. The male, meanwhile, grabbed Earth's wrist and attempted to pull her out of the doorway as he growled, "There's no way your mother and I are going to allow you to stay with a bunch of strangers." Freeing herself, Earth dashed back into the house. Hiding behind the Sun, she meowed, "This is my family."

"Young lady, we're your family. Now come on!" the male feline snapped. He was about to barge into the house when the Sun blocked his path. His sunglasses were gone, revealing the red hot flames in his eyes. His tail tip was set ablaze as well. Glowering down at the trembling terrestrial planet cat before him, the celebrity star cat hissed, "Don't even think of it."

"I've had enough of this. Terra, you're coming with us right now!" the female terrestrial planet cat spat. She managed to get past the Sun and was just about to grab Earth when Saturn came running over with a sickly Uranus in his arms. "Everyone move! He just chugged an entire milk jug!" the gas planet kitten shouted. Knowing what that meant, the other children fled the scene as fast as possible. The female terrestrial planet cat wasn't so lucky though as Uranus suddenly threw up on her. She screeched in horror while the ice giant planet kitten mumbled, "So worth it..."

"Why you little- AH!" the male screamed in pain. Something had a hold of his tail. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that his tail had been sucked into the Orbit. Sitting atop the machine with the Moon, Pluto squeaked, "Excuse me mister, but I think your tail got eaten by my Orbit." Baring his teeth, the terrestrial planet cat unsheathed his claws as he muttered, "That's it-"

"Oh no you don't!" Jupiter thundered. A moment later, the male terrestrial planet cat was body slammed by the much larger gas planet cat. There was so much force behind the blow that the smaller feline practically flew off the doorstep and into the yard. His female counterpart, meanwhile, yowled when she suddenly got sprayed with perfume in the face by Venus. Once both trespassers were outside, Mars quickly turned the yard sprinklers on full power. Both felines found themselves soaking wet. Clearly, they were not welcome on the property anymore. Scrambling to his paws, the male ran as he called to his female companion, "Well, things could've been worse!"

"Four!" Mercury shouted, swinging his golf club. He managed to strike the golf ball with the precision of a pro athlete. The little projectile sailed through the air before striking the female terrestrial planet cat in the back of the head. Stumbling, she accidentally caused the male terrestrial planet cat to trip over her and right into the pile of trash gathered at the end of the driveway. Staring at the two cats laying in the trash he had just brought out, Neptune muttered, "Thanks, y'all just cost me a trash bag for myself. Please leave now."

"Gladly! You're all psychos!" the male terrestrial planet cat hissed. Pulling his friend up to her feet, he bolted with her by his side. Running alongside her partner, the female grumbled, "The boss is not gonna be happy about this!"

"And stay out!" Mars caterwauled at the fleeing cats. The family could see the strange pair running off into the night. Hopefully, that would be the last they ever saw of the pair. Having calmed down enough to have his sunglasses back on his face, the Sun rumbled softly, "Alrighty kiddos, that's enough. We still have some work to do." Understanding, the planets went back to doing what they were doing beforehand. Turning his attention to Earth, the Sun asked, "You okay sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Earth mumbled, cuddling the Moon close to her chest. Nuzzling her father's cheek, the young feline continued, "That was scary." The Sun nodded his head in agreement. Sighing in relief, Earth added, "At least I know I'll always have my real family by my side if anything bad happens." Hugging his daughter, the star cat purred, "Of course, we're all here for each other, always."

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