Chapter 40

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Three Years Later...

"Okay Sagittarius, you can come in and hold her," Earth spoke softly, peeking her head out the door. Backing up into the room, the terrestrial planet cat moved out of the way so the zodiac cat could come through. She led the way over to a crib where a tiny little star kitten slept. Smiling when she saw the look of wonder on the zodiac cat's face, she meowed, "Say hello to your daughter."

"She's beautiful, thank you for your help Doctor," Sagittarius rasped as he gently picked up his youngest child. Dipping her head in acknowledgment, Earth left the room to allow the dad to bond with his newborn child. Walking down the hallway, she sighed softly. She loved this job very much but now it was time to clock out for the day.

"You have a good night Earth, see ya next shift," Cancer chirped as he and Aquarius padded by with some of the other zodiacs. They were on their way to see their brother. Waving her tail, Earth replied, "You too, see you later." Heading over to the computer, the terrestrial planet cat clocked out for the night just as she heard a familiar squeak. Recognizing it, she turned around with a warm smile.

It was the Moon alright. Scuttling across the floor on tiny little legs, the four year old moon kitten continued squeaking as she approached her mother. Laying down, Earth snatched up the kitten in a hug as she purred, "Hey Luna! How was your day sweetie?"

"Mira! Mira!" Moon mewed, holding up a piece of paper excitedly. Gingerly taking it in her paws, Earth's heart melted when she saw what her daughter drew. It was the two of them playing together in a meadow. And the rest of the family were drawn in as well, doing some of their favorite activities. Gently ruffling the fur on top of the Moon's head, she meowed, "This is so beautiful, sweetheart, thank you so much." The Moon squeaked in reply.

A calm roaring noise sounded. It was Earth's satellite. Helping the Moon up onto her shoulder, the terrestrial planet cat answered the call, "Hello, this is Earth. How may I help you?"

"Earth, it's me, Mars. I'm guessing you just got off work. Excellent," Mars' voice crackled through the satellite. Walking out of the Eagle Nebula, Earth listened quietly as her older brother continued, "Look, I already let the rest of the family know and I'm gonna text you the coordinates as well here after this call. But meet us there as quickly as possible, I got a surprise for everyone. Hurry, okay? Bye bye, see you soon." End of call. A moment later, Earth received a text message containing coordinates.

Looking back at the Moon, Earth remarked, "Alrighty Luna, let's see what crazy Uncle Mars has planned for us."

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