Chapter 7

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Perched on the windowsill, Earth silently watched the asteroids as they drove by. Even though she was on the second floor of the apartment building she and the Sun lived in, she could see everything. Probably because the apartment building was the only large building in the area. She would be able to see the Sun when he came home.

Earth was ecstatic. When the Sun told her that morning she was going to be a big sister, she was actually ready to start bouncing off the walls. Her birthday wish was coming true! Sure, it was a month late but who cares?! The wait was worth it. She was going to be a big sister!

A taxi cab asteroid slowly rolled to a stop outside of the apartment building. Out came the Sun and a small kitten about Earth's age, or younger. Her tail wagging happily, Earth jumped down from the windowsill and raced towards the front door, rocketing through the apartment like a comet. Moments later, she heard footsteps in the hall. Then the door opened.

"Earth, I'm home- woah!" the Sun exclaimed. He soon found himself lying on the floor. Earth had just tackled him. Laughing, he cuddled the little terrestrial planet kitten as he purred, "Hey kid, missed you."

"I missed you too," Earth squeaked, wagging her tail. Looking up, she saw the gas planet kitten that came home with the Sun. He was trying to enter the apartment. However, he kept walking into the door frame repeatedly. Hopping off the Sun, Earth trotted over to the other planet kitten and meowed, "Hi there! It's nice to meet you! I'm Earth!"

"Oh, hi! My name is Saturn," the kitten replied, finally finding his way into the apartment. Getting up to his paws, the Sun cleared his throat and chimed in, "Saturn, this is your big sister Earth." Upon hearing that, Saturn ran up and hugged Earth. A purr rumbling in his throat, he murmured, "I always wanted a big sister."

Smiling happily, Earth hugged Saturn back as she purred, "I always wanted a little brother."

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