Chapter 6

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"Congratulations sir. And thank you for adopting with us," the quiet zodiac cat Cancer whispered, his voice barely audible. Bowing his head to the therapist, the Sun looked up at the sound of footsteps in the hallway, followed by a thud and some mumbled words. A moment later, one of the doctors rounded the corner with a small kitten trailing behind.

"A little bit of advice, try to keep your living space organized. I think he has trouble walking," Cancer pointed out. Nodding quietly, the Sun murmured, "Thank you." Standing up, he walked over to the doctor and kitten. Sitting back down, he smiled and remarked, "So, you must be Saturn. I've heard a lot about you."

"It's nice to meet you sir," Saturn quipped, wagging his tail. The gas planet kitten had no idea he was talking to a wall. The doctor facepalmed when they saw that. Ignoring it, the Sun leaned down and nuzzled the kitten. "Ready to go home?" he asked, "Your big sister is waiting."

"Yay! I have a big sister!" Saturn cheered, scrambling across the floor as he ran for the door. He crashed into the wall next to the door.

One year had passed since the Sun adopted Earth. Though her memory was still not functioning properly, she was doing fine. She actually celebrated her fourth birthday a month ago. All she wished for was a little brother. And by Celestial the Sun was determined to give her one.

Everyone, say hi to Saturn.

The Sun had been scrolling through available adoptions on his satellite the night of Earth's birthday, looking for a good candidate to be her little brother. Among the options was three year old Saturn, a gas planet kitten who was dropped off on the orphanage's doorstep one day. It was said he had poor navigational skills and bumped into everything. The Sun didn't let that stop him. He now had a son who was a planet cat.

Take that Betelgeuse.

"I can't wait to see our home!" Saturn squealed, hopping into the taxi cab asteroid. Actually, he was struggling to hop in. He had headbutted the side of the taxi cab on accident at the peak of his little hop. Picking up the planet kitten by his scruff, the Sun mumbled with fur in his mouth, "I can't wait either buddy." Turning to the taxi cab driver, he meowed kindly, "Alright, we're ready. Take us home please."

With that, the asteroid started rolling.

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