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I had a major headache from this entire event, I had to make sure to strangle Naoki or something. No wonder I didn't remember dating Lui, I was in a car crash and had freaking amnesia!

Valt tapped my shoulder. He asked, "Hey Shu,  how do we know Theodore didn't kill that Damian guy?"

"Because he's not that kind of a monster," I said with a scowl, remembering the things he'd done to Lui as a child.

Rantaro and Wakiya looked at me in a suspicious way, but I waved them off. "Alright, let us move on now," Naoki said.

Daigo shook his head. "I still can't believe you're doing this, everyone deserves their right to their own privacy!"

Naoki grinned. "All in the name of science."

["Attention passengers, the plane will be arriving shortly." The intercom above spoke out. Lui groaned, he was sick of having to wait several hours just to travel back to his hometown.

"This bet better be worth it," he said in a rather cold tone, which quite frankly suprised him. He shook his head and mumbled, "Of course it's worth it, the bey is from my mom."

Lui let out a tired sigh and could feel tears stinging the egdes of his eyes at the mere thought of his deceased mother. Over the years he had started to realize that the memory of her had slowly begun to fade.

In the end, he fell asleep, minutes before the plane landed.]

I had the strangest feeling of self hatred, partially because of how I responded to Lui's insensitive remarks. He had gone through so much and I just responded the same way he did, but I guess it's sort of my fault he became all cold like this in the first place.

"Hey Shu." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Valt, who had called out my name. He frowned and asked, "Watcha thinking about?"

I shook my head. "Nothing in particular."

[Lui yawned as he got off the plane and entered the Astilan Airport. He knew Theodore had made him arrangements to meet someone but how was he supposed to know who that was?

"Excuse me, are you Lui Shirosagi?"

He turned and was faced with an old lady of about 40, who was covered in head to toe with black clothing. She had a bitter look to her face, as if she had resented everything in life.

"Yeah," Lui responded with a raised eyebrow, "who's asking?"

She wrinkled her nose. "Of course you wouldn't remember me, sonny. Do you not recognize me?"

Just as he was about to say no, he stopped and remembered.

When his mother went to work and couldn't care for him on certain days.

She left him with one of her accquaintances.

The lady whom Lui had despised as much as she had despised him.

His eyes widened.

"Old hag?"

She sighed. "Correction, Mikuni Himari. Oh, how I hated you calling me that nonsense."

Lui growled as the woman crossed her arms and began walking away. "Well? We don't have all day, let's just get you your mother's gift." He followed and heard her grumble, "Although you don't deserve it. Never forget Hidemi died because of you."]

"WHO IS SHE TO REMIND LUI OF HIS MOM DYING?" Valt yelled angrily, he huffed and crossed his arms while slumping in the chair.

Rantaro nodded. "You have to admit, it was pretty funny when he called her old hag."

Oof I finally got the inspiration to start writing. Stupid writers block lasted like a year ;-; anyways hope you enjoy sorry it sucks

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