Chapter 1:What The Hell?

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Darkness, Darkness is all knuckles can see.

He felt nothing, no pain, all he remembered is shadow and sonic both warning him then the next thing he knew a explosion came out and the shockwave consumes him...

Is he died? He doesn't know, he didn't know if he died or not, either way he can't die. He needs to go back, he still need to protect the master emerald, his friends-

"Hey! Get up!"

Knuckles frozed, hearing the unrecognizable voice, who is this?

"your over sleeping again, c'mon get up"

Another voice, though knuckles notice their not speaking the same language...their speaking...The Ancient Echidna tongue? No one knows that language, only his species can learn and understand that. Who are they?

Knuckles have many thoughts in his mind, wondering what's going on or where he is-


"AH!" Knuckles shot his eyes open from the sudden coldness that is splashed on him, making him sit up and hug himself from the cold, it doesn't help that the breeze of the wind goes to him making it worse.

"Finally, your awake"

Knuckles once again heard another voice, he glared whoever splash him with water but soon his angry glare turn into disbelief, he instantly went pale seeing what's infront of him.

Sure it will be strange to see alot of mobians starring at you with smirks and impatience frowns but these mobians are not any type of mobians.

Their...Echidnas, their all Echidnas.

Different heights, different eyes, all have deadlock quills with white stripes tattoos and different colors of fur on them, different white designs on their chests and they all have spikes on their knuckles like he does.

But one thing that is out of place is what they wear, their wearing the tribal clothing, some of their deadlock quills are tied in a different styles of ponytail while some have their quills hanging down, all have white stripes tattoos on their bodies.

"W-What the hell?!" he said in confusion and disbelief trying to get back only to hit his back against the stone wall.

Now he can look at his surroundings and sees his in a small hut made of stone, his laying in a nest of leaves and flowers that are surprisingly comfortable, though it doesn't help his situation seeing the real and alive Echidnas right infront of him all starring at him with a confused look.

"what's wrong with him?" A Orange male echidna asked the other echidnas beside him with a brow raised pointing his finger on knuckles making him blinked.

The other echidna stared at knuckles as knuckles is panting not sure if his having a panick attack or anxiety, maybe both.

"a nightmare perhaps?" suggested the brown fured Echidna, Knuckles still look at them with wide eyes he keep his back against the wall.

"w-who are you?" Knuckles ask on wariness, the echidnas all look at him they all have a clueless expression on their faces, knuckles is now the time to be confused until he realized his speaking in a wrong language.

He tried to think of a translate to what he said, he hope he still remember the language.

"Who are you?" Knuckles asked again this time on the same language their on, the Echidnas look at eachother then at knuckles.

"What are you talking about?"

"did he hit his head too hard yesterday?"

"that's impossible, his invincible for him to have a memory loss"

Knuckles heard the echidnas said different things and it just overwhelmed him even more.

"what's going on? Where am i?" knuckles demanded, he is still confused and panicking a bit but he have to find out what's going on.

"Asim, are you alright? Are you sick?" One of the Echidna asked making knuckles to glare at him but soon stops when he see what the echidna is.

(!Art by me!)

The Echidna is a grey one with bright emerald green eyes, wearing same tribal clothes but in different design, his quills are a bit smaller infront while the quills on his back are longer and tied.

Knuckles recognized the Grey echidna's emerald eyes, as if his starring at sonic.

He quickly shakes his head to focuse on the situation.

"I'm fine...w..what's going on? And who splash me with water?!" he asked with pure anger and annoyance as the echidnas look at eachother.

"well you wouldn't wake up so we have no choice but to splash water on you, the cheif doesn't want lazy warriors" said the green echidna with much longer quills that reach on his waist.

"are you sure your okay? Your not sick are you?" the grey echidna asked again putting his hand on knuckle's forehead which made him flinch and instantly get back away from him, the grey echidna is now very worried and confused.

"speak!" Knuckles got startled by a sudden boom of a voice he look and sees the tall and much more build echidna with his fur yellow fur bright as light.

"why are you afraid of your companions?!" the same echidna asked knuckles in a warrior attitude.

Knuckles didn't speak, still trying to process all of this, he still can't believe his surrounded by dead echidnas.

Well not dead but soon anyway, that is until knuckles notice his hand it's in different shade of red, more of a maroon color than the usual bright red.

They all stared at knuckles as the grey echidna sigh and turn his attention to the other echidnas.

"go, I'll handle this you guys have work to do" he said making them all leave the hut, the other echidnas are hesitant to leave while others just left.

When they all left it only leaves him and the grey echidna as he turn his attention back to knuckles.

He sees him looking at his hands like it's his first time seeing it, knuckles then look at his body and sees his also wearing the same tribal clothes and sees white stripes tatoos on his arms and wrist but the white cresent sign is still there, knuckles is very confused this isn't his body isn't it? He needs a mirror.

"Asim?" knuckles snapped out of his thoughts, he look and sees the grey echidnas approuch him and sit on the nest with leaves with flowers beside him.

"what? Who's Asim?" knuckles asked as the grey echidna raise a brow.

"your Asim, oh chaos what is going on with you? You never act like this" the grey echidna said as knuckles start to glare at him.

"do i need to bring you to Sura?" the grey echidna asked as knuckles blink and shake his head.

"no, i don't want to go to a stranger like you" he said as the grey echidna blink.

"stranger? Ouch that hurts my feelings" he joked as knuckles blinked, why is he joking at a middle of a situation like this? Who is this guy anyway?

"it would be nice if you apologize and go to my hut tonight~" the grey echidna wink right after, now this just made knuckles speechless, is this guy seriously flirting? Is this how ancient echidnas flirt? If so then it's bad as sonic's flirts.

The grey echidnas sees knuckle's confused and annoyed expression as his smile fade away, he soon sigh and grabbed his arm.

"alright that's it I'm bringing you to Sura" he said as knuckles blink in suprised when the grey echidna suddenly drag him out of the nest.

"h-hey! Where are you taking me?!" he said stumbling out getting dragged out of the hut.

"I'm getting you to see what in the chaos is wrong with you" he said as knuckles look irritated.

"i said I'm fi-" knuckles soon stop when he sees what's outside of the hut as it made his jaw dropped.

His in mystic ruins but it isn't in ruins, the place have stone huts all around, statues and all.

Especially Echidnas are all around the place, where ever he look echidnas are everywhere he even see some of them swinging through the vines landing on the branch and some sparring at eachother tackling to one another until one of them broke a bone.

"ASIM!" Knuckles once again got startled as he sees the same grey echidna, he didn't realized his place changes since his so busy looking at the tribe to notice the grey echidna's worry.

"you aren't listening to me are you? Ugh i swear I'm ganna punch you" he said with annoyance as knuckles blinked.

"c'mon let's go-"

"wait wait! Where are we going?" knuckles asked as the grey echidna look at him.

"we're going to Sura, maybe she can see what is wrong with you" he said as knuckle's eyes widen and quickly shake his head.

"there's no need to! I'm fine " he said as the grey echidna stared at him up and down.

"you sure?" he asked as knuckles nodded, there's only one thing that explains this situation his in, a explosion happened, a shockwave of chaos energy consumes him and now since his body is very different and everyone calling him a different name, he guess he got send back and controlling someone's body from the past. He doesn't know how that works but it's happening right infront of him.

The grey echidna stared at him to his head and feet, he stared at him suspiciously before sighing.

"fine then if you say so" he said letting go of his arm which made knuckles relief, he look around for a while still trying to take this all in that his surrounded by his own species.

He did wish to live among his species but his controlling someone's body, he doesn't even know who this 'Asim' guy is.

"now c'mon don't just stand there, we have some tasks to do" the grey echidna said with a smile walking away, knuckles look at the grey echidna and follows him.

As long as he keep the act being Asim he will be fine, then he'll find a way to get back home and everything will be back to normal...if he just know who Asim even is then this would be easy but nope he doesn't have a clue on who this guy is, he just hope he doesn't mess this up.

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