Chapter 2:Weirdos

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Knuckles is still doesn't know what to do, first he have a fight with eggman and the others next a explosion happen then here he is controlling some random echidna's body from thousand of years ago surrounded with his dead ancestors.

The grey echidna which he learned named Zephyr is talking non-stop for who knows how long, he became lost in his thoughts to even listen to him.

"Asim, the chief have a task for you" that snapped out of knuckle's thoughts as he look over at the orange echidna that called him in a different name causing him to raise a brow.

He soon remembered his controlling the echidna named Asim which made him sigh.

"aww man guess your busy, meet me next time?" said Zephyr as Knuckles look at him and slightly nod.

"..yea..see you there" he said as the grey echidna smiled and wave as he walked off.

"so..what task?" he asked towards the orange echidna as he just replied.

"he wants you to collect some fruits for the coming supper and some vegetables as well" replied the orange echidna as Knuckles just nodded in respond.

" right there" he said walking over as the orange echidna left.

He look around and ask for a basket which they gladly give him some so his now on the forest collecting fruits and vegetables.

He doesn't know how to feel in this situation, should he be happy that his living with his ancestors or should he be worried about going back, he doesn't know.

He carried a basket of fruits and was about to go back until he bump into someone causing him to drop the basket and spilled the fruits.

He grumbles in annoyance as he kneel down to put the fruits back on the basket not even bothering who he bump into.

The next thing he knew he sees a purple hand grabbed the apple he was about to grab causing him to blink, he look who it was and frozed.

(Art by me!)

It was a purple echidna, his deadlock quills are longer and have white tatoos on them but instead of stripes the white tatoos goes up to his deadlock quills, same as the other echidnas his wearing the similar tribal clothes, two rings infront of his deadlock quills but what caught Knuckle's attention is his Crimson red eyes.

Whenever he look at his eyes he feels like his looking into shadow.

The purple echidna stared at the apple, he then look at knuckles with a blank expression and handed him the fruit which cause him to snapped out and hesitantly take the apple out of his hand.

"t-thanks.." he said putting the apple on the basket and carried it, he was about to walk away.

"wait!" the purple echidna said grabbing knuckle's arm stopping him, knuckles turn around to face him with a brow raised.

"i...just wanna ask if your alright...i heard you had a nightmare" he said making knuckle's look confused, then he realized his talking about when he first wake up in this place.

"oh..fine, I'm fine now" he said as the purple echidna smiled slightly in respond.

"that's goo-"

"hey Asi..." Zephyr said but stop when he sees the purple echidna making him stared at him, knuckles and the purple echidna look and sees him as the purple echidna stared back.

"...Erabus..." said Zephyr with his face darkens, same as the purple echidna that is known as Erabus.

"...Zephyr..." he said back as they both glared at eachother, knuckles look between them with a annoyed expression.

"you guys done? Because i have some other places to be" Knuckles said about to walk away but Erabus pulled him slightly causing him to yelp and almost dropping the basket.

"wait, i still want to talk to you" he said with desperation as Zephyr glared at him and grab Knuckle's other arm.

"let him go Erabus, he doesn't want to be with you"

"well he also doesnt want to be with you too" Erabus said as they both glared at eachother, Knuckles look between them with a very annoyed expression, they do remind him of sonic and shadow that always fighting for stupid things.

"why do you want to talk to him anyway?"

"it's none of your buisness copycat"

Knuckle's eye twitch in anger hearing them argue, he yank both of his arms down making both of them to let go and look at him confused then suddenly Knuckles bonk their heads at eachother making them yelp in pain as they hold their foreheads.

"i don't have time for this! If i see any of you fighting like this again I'll bury you two alive" he said at them grabbing the basket and walked off.

"weirdos.." he mumbled as he walk off ignoring the fact that the two echidnas are still glarring at eachother.

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