Chapter Six: Phantom-Fairy War pt. 1

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Sky's POV:

One minute before Chaos left

After walking back into the bathroom to change into the clothes that Chaos handed me, I immediately put my back against the door and slid down till I was sitting against the window of non-transparency. I never felt more embarrassed in my life!

'He just saw me practically naked! In my house, yeah, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! What if he thinks that I'm that type of person who walks around their home naked! Oh god he'll never want to be with me now.'

This is all I was able to think about before I heard the balcony door open and the wind coming inside.

Putting on the clothes, I see the door open. I look around to see if Chaos or Esmeralda were still here, and judging by the snores coming from the guest room and the barren living room, Chaos was the one that left. He usually doesn't leave unannounced without leaving at least something behind. And sure enough, on the coffee table, there was a note from the man himself.

"Heading out to see if I can find any traces of Phantom in the town still. While I'm out, I guess I'll get you some more coffee, tea bags, and even some more eggs for the morning considering that Esmeralda and Miranda eat like two pregnant heifers in the winter.

I'll see you either when I get back or in the morning when we wake up.


I drop the note and start panicking. I'm not worried that Chaos won't be able to handle himself, because he's by no means weak. He could take on a whole legion of Rune Knights and ask if they're getting serious yet. It's just that...

... I can feel that something hasn't gone right tonight.

I choose to wait on the couch for him to get back, turning on the little reading light lacrima and grabbing a book off the shelf.

No better time to find out what happens in a world where a green-haired hero fights a person that can quite literally change/kill anything he touches.

Chaos POV

One hour after leaving the apartment

Man, there's no way the feeling of killer intent can just disappear like that, right?

Well, apparently it can. The area that I felt it from earlier, suddenly was removed from all intent except sleep. I looked around, trying to find any trace of it. It seemed almost impossible that there would be any chance that nothing would be left behind. Sure, it's raining, but that's not enough to wash away the scent completely.

But this is different. It's like the rain washed away all traces of blood, debris, or anything that proved there was a scuffle here. Deciding to call it a night, I jumped back onto the rooftop and made my way towards the store for the items I wrote down for Sky.

'Thank whoever is up there that Magnolia has a late-night convenience store. Their hours of operation are very convenient, one could say.'

Walking in, nothing seems out of place, really. No one looks shady, the manager looks tired as hell, the old lady that doesn't seem to ever grow tired is here for cat-food, and there's a blue haired girl with a Ushanka hat on.

I found all that I needed and proceeded to check out, thanking the clerk on my way out and jumping back onto the rooftops to the apartment.

Sky was sitting on the couch inside with a little reading light and a book as she's all curled up around it. I won't lie when I say this but....

...she looks adorable as hell. If anything were to disturb that peace on her face, well I'm sure it would still stay that way.

I moved over to the kitchen and put everything where it goes and walked back out into the living room. I picked the girl up on my back, and walked her to her bedroom to lay her down on her own bed. Again, the thought crawls back into my head about how cute and adorable the girl before me is.

'Jesus. I really need to get that thought out of my head.'

With a sigh, I simply laid back down on the couch to sleep; however, it would seem that the action came harder than normal. There was no way to shake the feeling of dread that keeps creeping its ugly head around. No matter what evidence was missing from the town. There was no way that a scent could disappear that quickly from rain. Sure, it would muffle it a little, but usually there was still a little something there that was mixed with the water droplets.

Now that I think of it, though, the smell of rain was completely different than normal. There was definitely a hint of magic mixed into it, and now I'm worried that there was something even bigger that I missed.

I just hope I don't have the luxury of finding out in the morning.

7:45 AM



I hate when I'm right.

Esmeralda POV

Something about waking up early in the morning became easy for Miranda and I. We would rise from our slumber, brush our teeth and hair, apply maybe a small bit of makeup, and then be on our merry way. We would normally meet Chaos, Natsu, and Happy in the forest near the Flame Dragon Slayer's house, and begin our three-way training regimen. However, it appeared that was not the case.

As soon as the two of us awoke, we were met with a frantic Sky and a slightly more angered Chaos. I was fixing to ask what the long faces and anger was, but then the smell hit both of our noses.

One of our own got jumped, while they were in their team/safe group.

I couldn't tell who it was exactly, nor could I even find who did it, surprisingly, but us two Dragon Slayers looked at each other and immediately knew that something went down, and the uneasiness wouldn't cease to exist until we found out what.

Us girls all went to the bathroom to get ready for the day, while Chaos simply gathered what he needed, which wasn't much, mind you, and went to check around town one more time before we all went to the guild.

"Chaos, tell me what the hell is going on? Why are you on edge all of a sudden?" I could tell Sky wasn't really used to this sort of thing. Her eyes were wide and there was a slight shake in her voice.

"We need to get to the guildhall. Now!" Chaos put Sky on his back, allowing her to move faster since he has the most speed of our group while Miranda grabbed the back of my vest and we proceeded to the skies.

We weren't really prepared to see Team Shadow Gear-Levy, Jet, and Droy- to be bolted and cuffed to the light post by the guildhall. Looking closer, the poor girl had Phantom's Guild mark painted crudely on her stomach, while the guys were both in bad shape. Levy herself had a large scratch going from her hip to mid torso.

Team Natsu had finally arrived and they were pissed, with the pinkette himself climbing up and busting the three out of the chains. Gray caught Droy and Erza had Jet, while he brought down Levy as if she were a piece of glass.

A rumbling could be heard. Makarov's presence was nothing to forget about, especially for those who had been there since the beginning when he had removed... let's just say that none of us will ever forget. His voice boomed across the city, a declaration of war had been made against Fairy Tail, and it would not go unanswered. With his rallying words, all of us jumped into a warcry as we charged for the location of Phantom Lord.

At least, for almost all of us. One voice went unspoken, and even though the volume is normally low to begin with, it was unnerving when I had turned around to the only male of our group.

His focus was on something else entirely. Not staring at the pole that held our ambushed friends in chains nor on the iron rods that destroyed the hall. Instead, he was staring at the distance, his eyes no longer the deep brown that captivated those entrapped in the orbs' gaze.

Instead they were pure crimson, a deep glow and light growl left his throat as he stared at the object of his focus. The very same disturbance that he's been feeling since this morning when he had rushed us out of Sky's apartment.

On the field behind our grounds, lay sheets of ice moved in such a way that Gray nor that Lyon guy could ever dream of creating. Steam rising off the ice as the morning sun rose over the horizon. The scent coming off the frozen water resembled nothing like Ice-Make or even Dragon.

It instead reeked of something otherworldly, and Chaos seemed to know exactly who it belonged to. And he immediately blasted off towards the city to the west that housed our rival guild now turned enemy.

End Scene

And that's chapter six! Relatively short but this is going to be the beginning of the split from my OC's to the main cast. I had said in the past that making my character's fight and have interactions with opponents that are huge moments for the MC's would be as if I'm trying to do a self insert of sorts.

That's not what I want to go for. Instead I want to still use the sets from the main story moments, but put the focus on my character's and their own villain's/rivals. Which is why I added the new presence of an Ice user.

I am willing to take ideas for the new character as I want to find a way to enroll them into the story such as Juvia and Gajeel were. I won't start working on the next chapter for the character until I have the scene set and characters in their spaces. So share your designs, names, designation of power, and whatever and I'll review them.

Thank you, and apologies for the short chapter and lack of bloopers or Deleted Scenes.

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