7 Enemy Assault

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Ochako POV:

After the work studies, I was able to return home with a little confidence from what I've been through. Not only was I stronger now thanks to both Whitebeard and Whitey Bay, I was also able to learn a little more about some things that the outside world has to offer. I was even offered a spot alongside Todoroki and Shinso to join the Whitebeards if I wanted. Todoroki and Shinso agreed right off the bat, but I wanted to think on it a little. I know it would be an amazing opportunity to join the Whitebeards and I'd have a lot of opportunities to be able to help my mom and dad, but I didn't wanna use that as my only way to achieve my dream. "Ochako honey, breakfast is ready."

"Coming mom." I went down the hall to see mom and dad sitting at the table listening to the news.

"That fiancé of yours really is something, isn't he?" Dad started laughing to make me blush a bit.

"I-it's not like that dad! Me and Midoriya are just friends." I began to bite into a piece of toast I had with a bit of sadness coming to me. "Besides, he doesn't wanna marry me anyway."

"Maybe not now, but he does really like you." I looked at mom a bit confused. "If he didn't like you, he wouldn't give you his honesty in thinking you deserve it or allow you to hug him. From what we saw, this Midoriya kid knows how much of a good friend you are and wants to keep you in his life. Though he's not proud of how you're getting together, he never said that he doesn't like you enough that that'll never happen."

"I guess." I watched the news to see them have a close up with the fight between Midoriya and Katakuri. "Well Midoriya should be here soon. I'm gonna go finish getting ready."

Izuku POV:

"Alright. That should do it." I stood up after finishing the repainting of our apartment door to head in to place the stuff I used to the side and grab my bag. "I'll see you later, mom."

"Bye Izuku. Have fun at school." I opened the door to walk outside and towards the train.

'Even after the Hero Killer fight, people have no respect for me or mom.' While walking out, I had the uncontrollable urge someone was watching me. I brushed it off since I needed to focus and head towards the train station since I was already running a little late. "I wonder if Uraraka got stronger after training with Pops?"

Since the work studies, I was able to talk a little more with Uraraka and find out a bit more about her. From what she said, she ate some kind of Year Year Fruit or something to make her have the ability to turn her or someone back or forward a decent amount of years by just the touch of her hand. I kinda liked this trick from how she explained it since it helps with hiding her as well as giving her the chance to sneak into enemy bases. I also heard about Shinso eating something called a Magnet Magnet fruit. Basically, he can make a magnetic polarity similar to that of a magnet that can attract or repel metallic objects. It sounded pretty cool when I heard about it, but still nowhere near as amazing as the Op Op Fruit when I did a bit of research on it. Simply put, Todoroki's got a lot of learning to do to make that fruit more powerful.

'Ok. This feeling of being watched isn't going away. Just who the hell is following me?' I began taking a shortcut down a side road before finding a giant shadow thing standing in front of me. "The hell is this thing?"

"Gishishishi! It's nice to finally meet you, son of Katakuri!" A weirdo that looked like an onion stood on top of a building with what looked like a blade of sand coming at my head.

'Crap!' I dodged it with some weirdo wearing a pink set of feathers and a guy that had an over sized sword came at my head. I was able to evade before going directly into a built guy with what looked like a bear cap on.

"Now, Paw Palm." He gently tapped my chest with me not thinking it was going to hurt to only feel like a bullet just went through me to send me back into a wall.

"How pathetic you are." A woman that has an hourglass figure walk up and kiss her finger. "Pistol Kiss!" A heart came at my head for me to dodge and go right into a guy that looked like a shark.

"Forgive our sudden assault, but we have a job to do." He pulled his fist back before going to punch me and stopping midway. "Thousand Brick Fist!" I didn't understand why he stopped, but my body suddenly felt like a cannonball hit it. I flew back and into a wall again for the seven attackers to make their faces now known to me.

"AH! The 7 Warlords I presume?"

"That's right kid. Now why don't you be a good little boy and die for us? You do, and this'll be all over quick and easy." Doflamingo smirked as he said this for me to start a group call with everyone in my contacts.

With Ochako, 3rd person POV:

Ochako was walking to the kitchen to grab her lunch when her phone began ringing, "hello?"

"Don't bother trying to call for help. We attacked you here with the format of the patrols thought out. No agency is close enough here or patrol for us to be able to handle this quickly." The voice of Crocodile was on the line for Ochako to get a little worried.

"Midoriya? Midoriya, what's going on!?"

"Perfume Fever!" The sound of another person's voice was heard with a third shortly after.

"Thread Bullet."


"Midoriya!" Ochako tried to find out from what she heard where they were for Izuku to speak up.

"So you followed me to this back street by the station knowing we're not in public for someone to defend me?"

"It was easy luring you here! Now, let's end this quickly! Ghishshsh!" Ochako immediately grabbed for the house phone to call for help.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"Please help! My friends in danger!"

"Paw Palm." The sound of Izuku going crashing into a wall made Ochako shake violently. "Forgive us if we are too violent. We wish to end this rather fast to avoid any unwanted onlookers."

"Mam? Mam!" The dispatcher on the phone tried to bring Ochako's attention back towards her. "Where is your friend?"

"H-he's near Reishi station in an alley! A lot of people are trying to kill him!"

"Do you know how many?"

Ochako began remembering Fujitora's comment about the Warlords. "S-seven! There should be about seven in total!"

"I'll get a pro to head there right away." The dispatcher hung up with Ochako putting Izuku's call on back to start dialing.

"Ochako! Where are you going!?" Her mother shouted while the brunette rushed out of the door.

"I need to help Midoriya somehow! I promise I'll be safe!" She panicked while calling up someone. "Please pick up. Please pick up. Please pick up."


"Whitey Bay! I need you to get as many of the Division Commanders to go to the Reishi station! Midoriya's being attacked by-"

"We know but we're not even on shore right now to do anything significant." Ochako started running faster hearing this hoping to help Izuku. "Ace and Marco went as fast as they could towards the shore, but it's going to be some time. We did also inform the school with Izuku contacting them as well."

"I'll see what I can do to at least help Midoriya have a more even fight."

"Uraraka! Don't-"

"Goodbye." She hung up with Whitey Bay and continued the call with Izuku to hear him repeatedly get the snot beat out of him. 'Why aren't you fighting back, Midoriya? This is dangerous.'

With Izuku

Barely able to stand, Izuku's seven attackers began to question what is keeping him from fighting back. "Boy, why are you not fighting back?" Jinbei came to deliver a solid fist to his stomach for Izuku to bend over in pain. "If you keep refusing to, we will kill you if this progresses." He gave a solid punch to Izuku's face for him to slide back.

"I've had enough of this." Hancock pushed Jinbei out of the way to pull Izuku's face up to look at her. "You know, younger men like you do tend to have more energy. Some women would find this uncontrollably arousing. It even works a bit with me." She began slowly moving her hand from his chin down his chest before moving it back to go up her own waist towards her chest. This somewhat confused Izuku before she made a heart with her hands. "Love Love Beam." Every member of the Warlords watched as they expected Izuku to turn to stone from this. The Snake Empress walked away thinking the job was done for Hawkeye to hold an impressed look on his face.

"It didn't work." Looking at the swordsman, he pointed towards Izuku for Hancock to notice him still flesh and blood instead of stone. "Either he's in too much pain to focus on that, or he doesn't see you as beautiful enough to succumb to his lust."

"You...." Hancock was enraged. Not just anyone can simply avert her powers for this to become even more dragged on than expected. "YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!" She kicked Izuku into a wall holding nothing but rage for the boy. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME BY TAKING MORE TIME THAN I SHOULD GIVE TO THE LIKES OF YOU! I'LL TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB BY THE TIME THIS IS OVER!"

"Allow me to attempt to end him, Snake Empress Hancock." Kuma walked in front of Izuku with his hand holding something in it. "Your strength to stand even to all seven of us is truly something worth mentioning boy. However, this is the end of the line for you." He blew a small what looked like a bubble of a paw to him while explaining it. "It is not as strong as my greatest attack, but it will do the job. Condensed Shock." Izuku tried to move away with the bubble hitting his shoulder to make him feel as if he was in the center of an explosion. The act made all listening through his phone fear greatly for Izuku's life.


Thanks to Izuku's quick thinking, All Might was able to be part of the group call for every teacher in the school to listen to the beating Izuku was being given. Pros like Vlad had wondered if this was a joke with Aizawa explaining this was nothing that he would do without merit since it is literally a call to everyone on his contact list from what the pro can tell. When the shock of Kuma's attack stopped, most didn't expect Izuku to live after this. Silence filled the phone before the Tyrant spoke. "You still stand."

"Jeez kid, what are you made of?" Crocodile spoke for Izuku to give a low and pained wheeze.

"This has gone on long enough. Nezu, do you know where they're at?" Aizawa spoke not wanting to hear his student get hurt even more.

"I have pros going there now as well as a unique guest who made his appearance in Japan a few days ago."

"Tell me something boy, why are you not fighting back?" Jinbei asked for everyone to turn their attention back towards the call. Those that had obtained the call listened carefully as this happened.

"If I do...then I'd be no better...than that man....I...I want to be....a....hero. So I'll...not fight...Even if I die...I won't use my....quirk. I'll take everything you have like I always do from people. I'll bear the pain. I'll become stronger from it. And when I'm done, I'll become the one to turn the tides for the Yankos." The sound of Izuku breathing in was heard for each teacher to prepare for the next part of his speech. "YOU HEAR ME!? NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE GIVES ME, I'LL STAND ON TOP NO MATTER WHAT TO BECOME THE ONE TO TAKE DOWN THE CHAR-" Izuku stopped with the sound of laughter going over the phone.

"GISHISHISHISHI! AND THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT! COLD BLOODED MURDER! GISHISHISHISHI!" Moria's laughter shook everyone in the room to the core as well as everyone listening.

"Well, that was a waste of time." Crocodile spoke up while flicking a lighter from the sounds coming off the phone. "I guess Akainu used us for a pointless fight."

"Nezu, is this call being recorded?" Aizawa spoke in anger for the rodent to nod.

"Oh well. At least the jobs done-" Doflamingo was heard before stopping himself mid sentence. "The kid's still alive."

with Izuku

"Even when faced with immeasurable damage and pain, the child still lives. Truly amazing." Hawkeye seemed rather impressed with Crocodile walking up to Izuku with his hook pulled up.

"I'm done playing games with this kid. I'm ending this now." As he was about to swing down, Jinbei grabbed the hook in anger. "Do you honestly want to stop me from doing our job...Fishman?"

"The boy has suffered enough. We have beaten him to a state in which nobody should be able to live, yet he still stands strong. He has also chosen to refuse fighting us in hopes to appease the law which we have so blatantly broken. Even if it would have been much better for him, he still refused to stand and fight us as a symbol of his honor towards his final goal. This boy is more respectable today than we could have ever been and I refuse to let such generosity as such fall."

"Heheheh. Do you honestly think you can protect him from all of us? That honor you have with Whitebeard is a nuisance." Doflamingo began moving his hands towards Jinbei before seeing Kuma stand in front. "You wanna play hero too Kuma?"

"As a man with ambitions, I admire and wish to honor Izuku Midoriya's wishes to become a man to turn the tides against Big Mom."

"Fine then, you two can die with the boy." Crocodile seemed rather irritated before noticing Hancock and Hawkeye begin to leave. "Where do you two think you're going!?"

"I've had enough of this. The boy won today." Hawkeye pointed towards the floor to show Izuku's phone on and giving a call. "This whole conversation has most likely been recorded and given to the police. In the end, we're the villains in this and not Midoriya."

"Since that's the case, I'll take my leave now as well. The boy's done nothing but anger me today and I feel as if I need to shower off this filth I feel."

As they left, Moria, Doflamingo and Crocodile pointed their attention towards Jinbei and Kuma. "I don't care if I have to kill you both, IF YOU GET IN MY WAY, YOU'RE DEAD!" Moria began making his shadow come alive before it was cut to ribbons. "WHAT THE!?"


"Seems you're all having fun here. Mind if I join?" A man with red hair and three scars down his left eye walked into the abandoned street somewhat agitated. What was more notable about him was the loss of an arm on one side of his body.

"AAAHHHHHH!!! RED HAIRED SHANKS!" Moria began panicking with both Crocodile and Doflamingo glaring down the Yanko.

"If you three want a fight, then I'm able to fill that mantle compared to a kid who doesn't wanna lift a fist to people that deserve it." Shanks held his blade for a stalemate to be between the four.

After a solid minute of agonizing silence, the Warlords pull back knowing that they weren't a match against Shanks. "Consider this a draw Red Hair. The boy however is going to to be taken down soon enough. Take that as you will." Doflamingo gave this last bit of information before leaving with Moria and Crocodile.

Once gone, Shanks turned to Izuku who was hardly even breathing. "It's ok kid. I'll take you somewhere safe. I gotta admit though, you beat the Warlords without lifting a fist. That takes admiration in my book." Shanks began calling for his men to bring Izuku towards UA with the figure of Katakuri staring up from above clearly angered to no end.

"So you think it's fun to go after my son, don't you Akainu? No matter. I'll make sure you know why nobody goes after the Charlotte family soon enough."

And that finishes this chapter. See what Akainu's act will do for the Marines next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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