Katakuri's Rage

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Momo POV:

Class had started strangely late today with us being almost half an hour in and there still being no teacher. "Anyone know what's going on?" Kirishima questions with everyone in the dark as well. The only people that were not acting as if something was odd were Todoroki and Iida who held a face of fear over them.

"Hey! Some red haired guy's walking into UA. Uraraka and the monster's with him too!"

'Red hair?' We all walked towards the window for us to see the man and my face lose all color. "That's Red haired Shanks! One of the four Yankos!"

"Wait,! You mean those four that are the strongest like Whitebeard and Big Mom!?""

"The same Ashido."

Mr. Aizawa and Recovery Girl immediately ran out to motion the villain into the building with Uraraka staying as close as she could. Not long after they walked into the building, Ms. Midnight came in fairly shaken up.

"Everyone. I need you to come with me to the auditorium right now. This is an assembly for first year hero students immediately. Matters in regards to an attack on a student must be addressed this instant." We followed Ms. Midnight with Iida and Todoroki walking up to her.

"Does this have anything to do with the contact we had gained from Midoriya this morning?"

"Is he alright?"

"All your questions will be answered later. Right now, just follow me."

We entered into the assembly room with class B already there. Kendo ran up to our class and spoke with Todoroki and Iida. "You think this is about the Warlords and the attack on Midoriya this morning?"


"Possibly. I only hope Midoriya isn't too badly injured." Iida looked to his hand with Todoroki starting to walk towards the door before Mr. Aizawa and the rest of the UA staff came in.

"Stay in here Todoroki. Midoriya's with Recovery Girl now and Uraraka's already informed about the fine details of this meeting since she refused to leave his side." Our teacher walked up to the podium with his face clearly showing anger and rage. "I'm certain you all are starting to pick up pieces something is wrong, so I need you to listen carefully. Earlier this morning, one of class A's students was attacked by the 7 Warlords. For those that don't know them, they're a legal vigilante group led by the Marines. If all 7 were stationed to attack someone or something, there is high chance this is the result of being asked to by Fleet Admiral Akainu."

Everyone was uneasy with this before principal Nezu got up to the podium. "Due to this, UA will officially stop any and all work studies and internships with the Marines. We will not tolerate one of our students being attacked for no apparent reason. The information will also be given to the police with any further repercussions being done at a later date." I tried to think of who it would be with the thought of the person in question being most likely the villain.

"Is Midoriya ok?" Kendo from class B raised her hand for all of us to look at her like she was crazy.

Mr. Aizawa got back towards the podium to answer. "As of right now, Midoriya is in stable condition. He had taken quite a beating with his life being at risk if something wasn't immediately done. However, there are still things that we will have put into place because of this unsightly incident."

Principal Nezu continued with his talk. "Due to this attack, we will be changing UA into a boarding school. This isn't a new topic and has been brought into question to make into the curriculum for some time but for one reason or another has been stopped. Starting this weekend, you all will be living on UA grounds with a written form being given to your parents today."

"Wait, so we gotta live with the Charlotte now!?" Jirou shouted in agitation with Bakugou adding in.


"You wanna know, Bakugou?" Aizawa took the podium again. "Midoriya did nothing wrong today to provoke this. Due to an eye witness testimony by Red Haired Shanks, we know for a fact that Midorya did not provoke nor instigate the Warlords to start this fight. This happened, because people just like yourselves wanted to judge Midoriya for something he had zero say in. Have any of you thought for one minute that Midoriya most likely doesn't even like the fact he's a Charlotte?" Many remained silent hearing this. "Didn't think so. Midoriya and Uraraka of class A for their own protection are going to be moved into the dorms that were already built on school grounds later today. The rest of you, make sure you have everything you need from your home. Going off campus now will be hard to do with the requirement of proper authorization. That's all."

We all began walking back towards our classroom before Red Haired Shanks walked up to me in particular. "With me. Now." We walked towards Mr. Aizawa who seemed more irritated than usual.

"I'm going to ask you once and you are going to answer yes or no. Did you have any idea that this was going to happen to Midoriya or that your uncle was going to go towards these extremes to get him?"


"DID YOU!?" He seemed excruciatingly angry to force me to answer to the best of my ability.

"My uncle said that he would handle the Charlotte after the Sports Festival and didn't go into any greater detail. I didn't expect him to get a bunch of vigilantes to kill him though!"

"Starting now, any information you have in regards to Akainu and anyone he chooses to go after Midoriya is given to the school. If I find out you're holding back information in regards to Akainu's future endeavors, I will hold you accountable for any acts just as much as him."


"Are you certain of that!?" My teacher spoke up in anger. "You were put in my class specifically because of the history you have with Midoriya. Up until UA, you were able to do what you wanted without any form of punishment. That won't fly with me. Now I have a student that was assaulted in the infirmary that just fought for his life to check on, so stay out of my sight." He walked away with his words still in my head.

'Damned villain. You should've died in the attack.'

At Marine headquarters, 3rd person POV:

"So let me get this straight. You two denied to finish the job, the two of you chose to stand with the Charlotte, and you three ran with your tails between your legs when a Yanko showed himself to you!?"

"It wasn't just any Yanko. It was Red Haired Shanks."Crocodile lit his cigar before continuing. "Even if all seven of us ganged up on him, I doubt we'd win against him."

"Especially since his crew wasn't that far behind him from what I could tell." Doflamingo added with a bit of a laugh at the end.

"Alright. Then why did the two of you leave!?"

"The boy won that fight without needing to lift a finger. He knew he wasn't a match for all of us at once strength wise, that he knew. So he used the one thing he knew would make a lasting damage. His mind."

"That doesn't answer my question though, swordsman!"

Hancock raised an eyebrow before explaining why. "Even if we would've finished the job, it would've looked far worse for everyone. Especially the Marines. So to answer your question, it was to save face. Something these three didn't care much for."

"Are you implying I give bad credibility for my job!?" Hancock ignores Moria who only gets more enraged. "Why you disrespectful little-"

"Then why did you two side with the Charlotte? And your reasons better be good."

Kuma pulled himself out of his bible to look at Akainu. "From what it seemed, the boy's pride and strength outmatched anything we could offer. No matter what we would do, Izuku Midoriya would not submit. In my eyes, this was divine intervention to keep him from submitting."

"Mine was more due to my own beliefs. I joined the Warlords to make a link between Fishmen and humans, not to play executioner. If you deem this traitorous, then I apologize."

The Fleet Admiral began to catch fire before slamming his fist covered in magma onto the table. "ALL OF YOU GET OUT OF MY SIGHT RIGHT NOW!" The Warlords left with leaving Akainu to himself. "That filthy brat! Now that he has done this, my ability to salvage the situation is worn thin. How can I pick up the pieces to save face?"

A snail began to ring for the Fleet Admiral to answer. "Akainu sir! We have a problem!" The sound of absolute chaos reigned in the background with the building shaking.

"What's happening?"

"It's the Charlotte family! They're killing our meGAH!" The marine on the line stopped speaking for the sound of what's happening to be stopped as well. The only sound heard after was the voice of Cracker laughing while picking the transponder snail up.

"Well hello Fleet Admiral. It's nice to finally get to speak with you."

"You're part of the Charlotte family, aren't you."

"As precise as ever sir. But I'd be more worried about the rage father coming to your office. You did a very naughty thing to my nephew. Hope you don't die. AHAHAHAHAHA!" The he snail stopped giving a signal for Akainu to look up and see Katakuri standing above him clearly irritated.

"Katakuri Charlo-" he was cut off by a fist to the face coated in Haki.

"You filthy son of a bitch!" He began using his Mochi powers to create small rings and beat the Fleet Admiral faster than he could react. What gives you the right to harm a child!? An innocent one at that who has no reason to be harmed by you or that fucking bitch of a niece!" Akainu tried to attack Katakuri with a magma fist to only miss and gain a knee to his jaw by the angered father. "Sengoku was far better of a Fleet Admiral than you could ever be. He at least gave respect and credit where it was due! Unlike you who sees it as your sworn goal to rid any lineage of villains even if they're harmless!"

Katakuri kicked Akainu across the room into the wall with the Fleet Admiral coughing up blood. "Fleet Admiral sir!" A bunch of Marines aimed their guns at Katakuri for their shots to completely miss with the father turning to their general direction and show his veins popping out of his forehead. He pulled his arm back with Armament Haki covering it before launching a Yaki Mochi attack to send the line of troops back.

"I hope you enjoyed that, because that'll be the last act you ever do as a living being." Akainu attacked Katakuri with a magma fist for it to go right through him in a hole made by his mochi abilities.

Immediately, Katakuri grabbed Akainu's face to slam his head down into the floor repeatedly. Each hit, the father saw his son being beaten, stabbed, and slashed by the Warlords obeying the man under his hand's order. He only stopped when the Fleet Admiral was barely conscious. "If you're worried I'll kill you, I won't. If I do, that'll cause more problems for Izuku and make you look like a saint when you die. No. I'm going to let you writhe in pain as the little outsmarting trick my son did is spiraled all across Japan with the help of the Charlotte family. By the time things are over with, your name will be dragged so deep into the mud, you'd look no different than a villain or the monster you labeled Izuku as."

Katakuri stood up looking down at the Fleet Admiral with Cracker walking in after. "Jeez. You did a number on him."

"He nearly got my son killed. He's lucky he's still breathing right now without the help of a respirator."

"HAHAHAHAHA! THAT'S FUNNY!" Cracker held his spear over Akainu before having his neck grabbed from his older brother. "GAH! Brother. I can't breathe."

"The Fleet Admiral lives today. But the next time he does this, I'm ending him personally and making sure he never hurts my son again." The two leave with Akainu still on the floor struggling to stand up.

"Damn...fucking pirate."

Several hours later, Izuku POV:

I started to wake up to a weird ceiling above me. "The hell is this place?"

"MIDORIYA!" I was quickly tackle hugged by Uraraka with a sharp pain in my side.


"Sorry!" She backed away with me looking around to see a somewhat nice house.

"Where am I?"

"To make a long story short, Red Haired Shanks brought you to UA with Recovery Girl healing you. You've been out for most of the day and we're currently in the new dorm system that was put up after the attack on you."

I tried to get up, but could barely move my body. "I remember the part about Shanks, but why are you the only one here and why does it look a little spacious?"

"We're in the common space. Since there's fear of you and me being targeted, they asked us to get into the dorms as early as today. I was able to help your mom get your stuff, so it shouldn't be hard to get your room set up the way you like it when you can move."

"So how long is that gonna be?"

"Recovery Girl never gave an accurate answer. She said it would be a miracle if you woke up before tomorrow." I laid on the couch silent before feeling Uraraka hug me a little to not hurt me. "W-when I heard that phone call, I was scared. Y-you're my friend and...and..." She began to cry a bit into my chest before continuing. "*hic* I was afraid you were gonna die when I saw you."

Seeing this scene, I was reminded of the times my mother comforted me when I was bullied and hurt by people. Trying to replicate the consoling she gave, I wrapped my arms around Uraraka and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry if I scared you, but I promise I'll try harder to prevent you worrying so much."

"You better." We stayed on the couch for a few minutes like this to try and be at ease with what happened. However, I knew I'd have to get stronger if I wanted to be a match against not only the Charlotte family, but also the Warlords and anyone else Akainu wanted to send my way.

And that finishes this chapter. See how the world responds to Katakuri's attack next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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