Bon Clay

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3rd person POV:

"AHHH! IT'S TOO FREAKING HOT!" Buggy shouted in anger as the group continued to walk in the desert like landscape. "Do they expect people to shrivel up and die here!?"

"Strange. We're far enough down under sea level where we should be freezing cold right now. I wonder why."

"THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE MORE CURIOUS ABOUT!?" Both Buggy and Mr. 3 shouted in anger at the Mochi quirk user for Yaoyorozu to explain.

"The level under us, the Boiling Hell is responsible for that. You see, prisoners there are meant to have a boiling cauldron active constantly. As such, the dry heat rises up into this level to create the landscape you see before you. I will admit though, it is hotter than my preference." She pulled a bit of sweat off her forehead before a strange sense came over both UA students. "You feel that, don't you?"

"We're surrounded." The four immediately turned to see prison guards on all four sides of them. Near the front however, was the smaller high ranking member of the guards.

"It's a shame we must see each other like this again, Ms. Yaoyorozu. I'm sure your uncle won't be too thrilled knowing this is what you've resorted yourself to invading a Marine prison."

Yaoyorozu rolled her eyes before looking up at the man. "It's a pleasure to see you too, Saldeath."

"You know him?"

"He's the Chief of the Guards here. He's also the one that can control the Blugori with that strange flute of a pitchfork he has. Be careful, he's a tricky one."

"It is nice to know I've met your respect of remembering. However, this is as far as you go. Men! Get the nets ready and aim primarily on the other three! They have Devil Fruit powers!"

"Yes sir!" Several guards began taking aim at the small group for Buggy and Mr. 3 to panic.


"Any ideas for escape?" Yaoyorozu asked for Izuku to look directly at an exit area.

"Just allow me to make a hole." The young Charlotte's arm bulged up with Armament Haki active before pulling it back. "Yaki Mochi!" Izuku's fist rocketed off his arm and went barreling into the group of prison guards. The result landed in an explosion to force the guards away in fear. "NOW'S OUR CHANCE!"

Izuku grabbed both Mr. 3 and Buggy with Yaoyorozu leading the charge. "Don't just stand there! TAKE THEM DOWN!" Saldeath shouted for the guards to be hot on both their trails.

"So what now!?" Yaoyorozu shouted with the group still running.

"Don't know. Making this up as I go!"


"Oh please, I doubt any of you have this fully planned in your head if you were me." The three chastised Izuku with him ignoring and evading a net. "They really don't want us to get any farther, do they?"


"Alright. You don't have to yell." Izuku slowed down as he spoke when he started to hear something.

"Why'd you stop?"

"You hear that? Sounds like...singing?" Yaoyorozu stopped to listen closer to get what Izuku was saying.

"You're right." Both waited a moment with Mr. 3 finally knowing who this was when he heard it.


"Who is it, then?"

"An acquaintance of mine. He worked with Baroque Works until we were defeated by both Fire Fist Ace and the Dragon Hero. Unlike us, he was able to handle himself without a partner. I never did find out though what happened to him after my boss's fall."

"If we have him join our cause, will he be useful?"

"Very. But he's...uhhhh....." Mr. 3 trailed off in his explanation as a way to say it was somewhat difficult to explain.

"Whatever. Complicated to work with is better than refusal to work with." The group followed the sound of the singing in hopes to gain another person to their prison break antics.

"So what, we're now going to free every prisoner we see?"

"We need help. Now they know we're here, so that makes it at least a hundred times harder on us where we need people to help." Yaoyorozu didn't like this, but she understood that right now, the more help they had, the better their chances were.

With Hancock

Arriving in front of a cage, Hancock was met with the sight of Ace, Ryukyu and Jinbei in chains. "How pitiful to see a Warlord in such a state." The three looked up with the Dragon Hero somewhat irritated.

"Of course you'd be here to rub it in my face that I'm treated no different than a rabid dog right now. You always despised the fact I took Whitebeard's side over yours."

"On the contrary, I had merely wished to see the two whom will force me to go to war against the Whitebeards."


"Alright. That's enough out of you, Ryukyu." A man who looked more like a demon came in front holding a large build to match his appearance. This man was more commonly known as the warden of the prison. Magellan.

"UP YOURS, DIARRHEA MAN!" The warden scowled at Ryukyu with her glaring at him back. "You and the Marines do now understand what you're messing with. You're facing a trainwreck when you try to execute both myself and Ace. I swear, this will without a doubt end your alliance with the Japanese government the second you do this."

"And what makes you think that? As far as the papers say, you were nothing more than a filthy pirate. People will willingly believe that over the real thing."

"Anyone that has half a brain will know that article is full of lies!"

"Hey, Diarrhea Man! Bring that sexy babe with you over here!"

"C'mon baby, show us some love!"

"Let's go Diarrhea Man!"

"Yeah, Diarrhea Man! Bring us the girl." One by one, the members of the prison level they were on started chanting their little nickname for Magellan with him getting angrier and angrier at it. Eventually, he snapped and began using his powers of the Venom Venom Devil Fruit.

"Hydra!" Immediately, three heads of liquid poison came out and began attacking some of the prison inmates. Due to the level of poison, the guards were unable to do anything to help as they stayed as far away in hopes to avoid being next to target. "Keep in mind, I can kill you all if I so please. Nobody will care that a bunch of monsters like you who have been erased from existence winds up dead." The screams of the prisoners rang in everyone's ear with Hancock saying something vital to both Ryukyu and Ace to make them shocked.

Once Megellan calmed down, Hancock began walking away. "I am done here. Take me above to the surface this instant."

"Uh...right." The guards followed Hancock out, leaving the prisoners to handle the carnage that happened along with the Snake Empress's message.

"What did that woman say?"

"She...she said Izuku was here to help bust us out." Ace sat in shock with Ryukyu just as.

"Knowing him, I didn't expect Izuku to do something so ridiculous that actually can be looked at as illegal."

"The boy holds loyalty to the Whitebeards and to both of you. Right now though, the problem I see isn't if he'll succeed, but how he'll get out if he does or doesn't."

With Izuku

Upon arrival to where the sound was coming from, Izuku's group looked inside the prison cell to see a man that seemed extremely effeminate doing ballet poses. "Oh. Doh. Twah. Oh. Doh. Twah. Raise those legs high. And twirl, twirl and twirl. And prodecimo!"

The group looked rather uneasy as they witnessed the man do this. "...So if this guy some kind of queer or something?"

"I was thinking the same thing, Midoriya."

"Why do I feel like his head isn't screwed on right."

Turning to the bars, the man smiled at the sight of Izuku. "You! You are Rebunda, right!?"

"Uhh, yeah."

"Oh how lovely! My dear friend's student has come to visit me in the flesh! My heart is to a flutter that I could fly away!" The man jumped into the air for the group of four to stare silently.

"You're the guy that Mr. 3 here talked about, right? Someone who was part of the Baroque Works with him?"

"Indeed I am. My name is Bon Clay and it's lovely to see a student of my dearest friend, Ryukyu."

" how are you friends with Ryukyu?"

"Oh it's a loving tale. We had crossed paths as enemies as her and the Fire Fist came against our boss, Sir Crocodile. We had a hard fought battle in which led to my inevitable defeat. But in that moment, a bond formed between us. One of absolute friendship and her loyalty to you, her student touched my heart as she wished to defeat the horrid man that harmed you. It was so beautiful that it still moves me to tears thinking about it." Bon Clay began crying for everyone to question if that actually happened.

(Bon Clay and Ryukyu fought and she beat him. But instead of bringing him in, she said her business isn't with him, but Crocodile to get him back for hurting her student, Rebunda. This is as far as their interaction actually was with most of Bon Clay's claims being in his head.)

"Well...if you wanna help us, we're trying to bust Ace and Ryukyu out of this-"

"DID YOU SAY THAT RYUKYU IS TRAPPED HERE!?" Bon came right to the cells to push his head out to Izuku face. "IF YOU LET ME OUT, I WILL HAPPILY AID YOU ON YOUR QUEST, YOUNG MAN!"

"...Just make sure you pull your weight, ok?" Izuku glanced at Mr. 3 who made a copy of the key to unlock the cell before turning to melted wax. "Alright. You know where we need to go now to get to the next level?"

"Over there. There's a window that will bring you down towards the next level."

Looking at the window, Izuku began altering his trajectory in hopes to aim right for it. He ran down the opposite way with everyone a little confused. "What's he doing?"

"I...I don't know, but I'm interested to see what he does." Izuku's hands came  right next to the group for them to be directly between them. "Suddenly, I'm scared." Buggy spoke up with Izuku maneuvering himself to aim right at the window.

"Alright. Time to test out that other power I've got. Gum Gum...." Izuku pulled his legs off the ground for everyone to panic. "ROCKET!" He came barreling towards the group with many trying to run. Before they did however, they were trapped to be caught in Izuku's arms to follow him towards the entrance to the next floor.

"I'M TOO PRETTY TO DIE YET!" Yaoyorozu shouted in fear before they came directly at the opening to fly through. Looking down at the boiling cauldron, Yaoyorozu grabs Izuku in hopes to avoid he threat.

"Whoops. Overshot it. Everyone, hang on. Mochi Mochi....Grab!" Izuku extended his arm towards the platform under the opening to return towards the wall.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Everyone screamed until they touched the ground to fall on it and try to catch their breaths.

"Well we made record time here-"

"MORON!" Yaoyorozu hit Izuku over the head for him to not flinch. "YOU ALMOST KILLED US!"

"Relax. I knew what I was doing...enough."

"ENOUGH ISN'T ENOUGH!" All four shouted before something caught Izuku's attention.

"You guys sense that?"

"How should I know what you sense!? Also, it's too damn hot in here for cryptic comments!" Buggy stopped shouting when the sound of footsteps was heard. Behind him, the group had run into a monstrous beast that held humanoid parts, but the upper half holding the body of an animal.


"....Oh shit." Yaoyorozu spoke only these words before the Minotaur looking creature came at them with a spiked club. "RUN!" Everyone began running as fast as they could with Izuku looking at his classmate.

"What the hell is that thing!?"

"Minotaurus! One of Mistress Sadi's Jailers! To put it simple, it's an Awakened Zoan Devil Fruit user who ate an Ox Ox Fruit: Holsten Cow model! He's a ruthless killer that won't think twice about bludgeoning a prisoner!" Minotaurus attacked the two with them dodging it and Izuku getting now angered with this.

"Mochi Mochi...PISTOL!" Izuku's attack landed, but the heat around him softened his mochi to make it do next to nothing. 'It's too hot to do that. Fine. I'll have to use that one.' Pulling his arms back, Izuku prepared a new technique. Unlike before where his arms would turn to mochi to use, the young Charlotte's arms remained the same.

"Wait, did he eat a Devil Fruit or something?"

"Doesn't seem much different than his normal power, so I don't think so." Buggy and Mr. 3 thought about this before Yaoyorozu took a better look at Izuku's newly formed move.

'It can't be that fruit."

"Gum Gum.....BAZOOKA!" Izuku let loose a massive force coated in Haki to send Minotaurus flying into a wall, indenting himself in it.

'To think that the fruit that can change the world found it's way into his hands. What I want to know though is where Midoriya got 'that' fruit of all Devil Fruits.' Izuku's arms reformed back to what they were with his neck cracking.

"Let's go. we still have more levels to go down."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and his group. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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