Level 2

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3rd person POV:

Izuku and Yaoyorozu began their journey into the crimson woods with the later on Izuku's back as he made the treck. "You sure you're alright doing this?"

"Thanks to my years of training as well as the shit you put me through, I'm able to turn the areas of my body that would hit the ground into mochi and swirl around it." Izuku explains as he places a step down and the pieces of the needlelike grass underneath sticking up out of his foot and revealing his foot was turned to mochi. "How much longer until we reach the center the amount of screams that are happening are-" A loud bloodcurdling scream was heard in the distance to prove what Izuku was thinking. "Annoying."

"Should just be a little farther aheaAAAAHHHHH!!" Yaoyorozu shouted for Izuku to turn around and see several more Blugori coming at them. "Run fast! Run fast!"

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO PULL MY HAIR! I CAN SEE THEM FINE! HOLD ON!" Izuku began running as fast as he could with several of the Blugori coming after him. "This is gonna be a problem. How close are we to the hole-" He stopped his sentence when he noticed a massive hole in the center of the ground.

"This the hole?"

"What was your first clue, the fact it's in the center of the forest or the long drop where you can't see the bottom." Looking at the hole, Yaoyorozu starts to worry a little. "You know now that I'm looking at the hole up close and personal, I'm starting to have second thoughts about going in theAH!" She's cut off by a Blugori trying to attack with Izuku jumping away and directly above the hole. Both look down before they begin plummeting towards the bottom. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU IF WE MAKE IT OUT OF HERE ALIVE!" Yaoyorozu starts strangling Izuku with him not exactly showing any emotion towards it.

Above ground, the Blugori contemplate the thought of pursuing before being stopped. "Let them go. The farther they go, the worst things they are to see." To the side, a small man that couldn't look much bigger than a child spoke while wearing a white suit and holding a pitchfork.

"From what we've gathered of their conversation, they're going down to the bottom floor. Which means they'll have to enter into level 3. If they survive the next, we'll cut them off there. Let's go." He started playing a tune on his pitchfork which doubled as a flute for the Blugori to follow orders and head down to level 3, taking him along with.

With Izuku and Yaoyorozu

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" The two reach the ground with Izuku being able to fall on his feet with Yaoyorozu being grabbed by his arm.

"We're here."


"Where to now?"

"Tch. Why you little..." She calmed down before opening up the map. "For now, we're in the center of level 2. It's not precise, but we need to continue down towards the stairwell we would've taken if we went down the way the guards would've."

"Why didn't you tell me that in the first place? I would've went for the stairwell before the pit."

"DID IT LOOK LIKE WE HAD THE CHANCE TO!?" Yaoyorozu shouted in anger with Izuku ignoring her and running off towards the stairs. "Wait! You don't know what's on this floor yet!"

"You can tell me on the way. We're already spotted by the guards, so we can just run right there."

"Stop for a second and listen!" Yaoyorozu ran up towards Izuku with them heading down the corridors of the prison level. Seeing now as a good time to explain it, Yaoyorozu started to talk about what the next level is. "Level 2 is nicknamed the Wild Beast Hell. On this floor, there are chimera created by the Marine's science branch as well as dangerous endangered animals that roam the halls. These are what keep the prisoners in their cell and as long as they aren't hungry, they don't try to mess with them inside unlocked cells."

"So the prison cells here are all unlocked? Seems like a crappy way to handle it."

"On the contrary, the prisoners here aren't stupid enough to attack the beasts. Those that are are in for a rude awakening when they find out that that's easier said than done. This is their way of killing any hope of escaping for the prisoners." The sound of something flapping behind them caught their attention for the duo to turn around and see a monstrous bird staring down at them.

"IT'S THE BASILISK! RUN!" Yaoyorozu began running fast with Izuku following suit.

"What's a basilisk!?"

"A hybrid of a chicken and a snake. It's the second strongest monster down here besides the floor guardian." The two dodge an attack made by the hybrid monster for the fact they were trying to flee now irritating Izuku.

"YOU WANT TO BITE SOMETHING!? THEN BITE THIS! MOCH MOCHI..." Izuku grew his hand by blowing air into him before throwing the punch at the Basilisk. "GIANT PISTOL!" In one attack, the mochi quirk user leveled the monster to allow them some leeway and room to breathe.

"*pant* *pant* Nice job. Now all we need to worry about is getting the the gate-"

"Help me!"

"God this is no way to live!"

"Strawberry panties!" Yaoyorozu went pale remembering that sound as several lion shaped creatures with human faces came in front of them.

"The hell are these things?"

"Manticores. We may want to run." The lion monsters began attacking the two with Izuku dodging and attacking the beasts.

"Please! Somebody help me!"

"Let this nightmare end!"

"Why are they saying this stuff?"

"Manticores mimic what they hear. All they're doing is repeating what prisoners here were saying."

"Give me some action, baby!" Both stared at the manticore that said this for Yaoyorozu to hit it across the face. Izuku wasn't against this, but thought the reaction was a little too much knowing they're just mimicking what someone else said.

"Mochi Mochi....WHIP!" Izuku's attack took down all of the lion creatures for him and Yaoyorozu to feel a little satisfaction from this. "Well that handles that. You mentioned something about a guardian before?" Yaoyorozu nodded while explaining that there was a large Sphinx in the area near the stairs leading up or down from the floor they're on. She also explained a little about how the prison is operated.

"In this prison, each floor has it's own rules. However, one man's ruling is above all. That's the warden Magellan."

"What's he like?"

"He's strong and dangerous, that's for sure. He ate what's called the Poison Poison Fruit and became a poison man. With this, he can kill someone with poison almost instantly if you make contact with it. Of course, he does have a limited time he's active because of his...hobby of eating poisoned food. Though his Devil Fruit makes him immune to the poison, his body still processes it specifically and has him on the toilet for all but 4 hours a day."

"That...sounds disgusting."

"Believe me when I say the smell isn't great especially when I was the one that had to clean his toilet when I was younger." Both shivered at that before the sound of two voices caught their attention.

"Hey! I know you! You're that punk that took me out while with the Whitebeards!" They turned to see a guy with a big red nose and face paint beside a man with glasses and a number '3' styled in his hair.

"That girl is also the one I went up against alongside Sengoku. Just who are these people and what are they doing here."

Izuku and Yaoyorozu stared at both men before speaking in unison. "I've never met either of you in my life."



"AND YOU ATTACKED ME ON MY SHIP WITH SENGOKU WHEN I WAS TRYING TO HANDLE A MISSION!" Both stared at one another not knowing if they did this or not before they put their fist on their hand as if they now remembered.

"Now I remember. You're that stupid big nosed clown who's ass I kicked. you were kinda weak to be fair. Almost made it sad to beat you. Ahahahahahaha!"

"Ah yes. The candle guy. I think your name was Mr. 3. You were kinda weak and as long as I kept an eye for how you used your candle abilities, I was able to avoid and take you out. Which is kinda sad for a guy to be beat by a girl." Yaoyorozu started to giggle a bit for both men to shout in anger.


"AND HOW COULD YOU SAY SOMETHING SO COLD LIKE THAT!? I'VE BEEN TRAPPED HERE LIVING A NIGHTMARE BECAUSE OF YOU!" Both kept laughing a little with Buggy and Mr. 3 shouting now in anger.


Once both calmed down, Izuku and Yaoyorozu started walking away. "Anyway, have fun in this prison."

"WAIT!" Buggy shouted in hopes to get their attention. "If you're here, you'll need guidance along the floors. Impel Down in quite a tricky place to begin with."

Izuku thought for a moment about the possibilities before asking about the clown what he knew. "Do you know how to get to level 5?"

"Of course I do. You're talking to the infamous Captain Buggy the Clown. However, I will need my associate Mr. 3 here." Both teens looked at the adults as Mr. 3 grabbed Buggy to try and see what he's planning.

"What the hell are you doing!? They want to go down, not up!"

"I know, but if they cause enough of a ruckus, that'll give us the ability to make our escape. All we'd need to do is lead them to the Sphinx and they'll do the dirty work for us. We'll be able to escape this place and head back on the seas."

"I see what you're planning now. Nicely done brother." The two locked hands in a respective bond way saying they were in this together and smirked wickedly at their plan.

Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu began a conversation with Izuku knowing what they were most likely planning. "You know they're going to look for the moment to ditch us and save their own hides, right?"

"Enough to know that's a good possibility. But maybe we can use them as well. Alright. Let's get moving you two."

"Right away, brother!" The four continued their journey towards the sphinx with the unstable bond formed between them.

Meanwhile, with Hancock


"That one was a loud one." The Vice Warden of the prison mentioned as the sound of prisoners screaming echoed around them as they went down the elevator to the fourth floor.

With Izuku and Yaoyorozu

The small group of four had reached the stairwell leading to the alternate levels on level 2 to come face to face with the floor guardian. A massive catlike monster that had winglike arms that towered over them.

"AAAAHHHH!! IT'S THE SPHINX!" Buggy and Mr. 3 began panicking with Yaoyorozu backing up.

"Well, I guess we'll have to get past him." Izuku started walking towards the stairwell before noticing the giant beast attacking him.

"NOODLES!" The sphinx slammed it's hand down in hopes to beat Izuku, however that proved far more complicated than it thought.

"Well that's quite rude. Attacking someone without any warning. You should be ashamed of yourself."

The Sphinx held it's other paw up and attempted for another attack. "Ramen! Pasta! Udon!" The creature kept putting out types of  pasta to get on Izuku's nerves.

"This thing is getting annoying. I'm gonna finish it here and now. Mochi Mochi...PISTOL!" In one shot, Izuku was able to KO the monstrous creature as he was thrown into a wall, unable to move. "Well that finishes off that one. Who's next?"

"JUST WHAT THE HEEL DID YOU TAKE TO BECOME A MONSTER LIKE THAT!?" Both Buggy and Mr. 3 shouted as they were ignored and went towards the stairs. Before they followed however, both looked at the stairwell up and smirked.

"Well, we can't miss this golden opportunity, now can we?"

"You have a point. All we just have to do is walk slowly over here and we'll be close to where we need to-"

"Hurry up you two." Izuku grabbed both with an arm extended to longer levels before being pulled towards the stairwell down.

"Well. So much for that plan." Both shouted as they were brought back down into the stairwell. Once there, Izuku took note of how much a barren wasteland it was.

"So is this normal?"

"Yes. Welcome to level 3. We're now in the middle of the prison." Izuku took note of what he saw on the landscape to see some buildings in the distance. "From what I'm told, this place is called the Starvation Hell. Let's get a move on before someone catches us and we're in a worse boat." The four continued down their track in the wasteland with no exact clue what they would face here.

"And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and his group in the Starvation Hell. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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