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Izuku POV:

After finishing up on the ship, Marco had all of the crew moved to the Little Moby with Juzo bringing the ship to the shore. Selkie and his crew came during this to find out with us what we were doing to be relatively shocked how quickly it was managed. I was about to go back on the Little Moby before being tackled down onto the ground by Ochako. "Izuku! It's great to see you again!" She smiled while moving up to hug my chest and having me notice something a little umm...different about her.

"Th-thanks. I...I missed you too. C-could you get off of me. This is...really weird." I tried to avoid any bad thoughts as I felt Ochako's body....developed a little more over the time we've been apart. She didn't get an hourglass figure, but she did tone her body a bit and have more defined 'love handles' as it felt. 'Don't think bad thoughts. Don't think bad thoughts. Don't think bad thoughts.'

As I tried to avoid this thought, Ochako stopped moving for a moment for me to look over and see her confused. "Hey, Izuku. Why's there a kid in your scarf?" I glanced down to realize what she meant.

"Oh yeah, you haven't met Eri yet." I smiled a bit as Eri poked her head out of my scarf to look blankly at Ochako. "Ochako. This is Eri. I kinda brought her into the Whitebeards crew a year ago. Eri. This is Ochako. My fiance."

"Hi Eri. It's nice to meet you." Ochako tried to greet Eri with her immediatey hiding back into my scarf.

"She's very wary of new people. Don't take it as something wrong you did."

"Oh....Why is she in your scarf?"

"She likes it there. She hides in it a lot and well...I like the company a bit."

"Daddy's very mean looking, but he's a nice daddy." Eri spoke up from the scarf for Ochako to laugh a bit.

"Alright. I think we should start heading out." I got up and placed Ochako on her feet before heading to the ship. "I'll see you all at UA." I jumped up and landed on my ship's deck and started sailing towards a doc away from Selkie's ship. I went to the bow of the ship to sit in my chair and let Eri climb out and sit on my lap.

"So, how'd feeling up your future wife feel?" Marco made a quip about this for it to make my face go a little red. Everyone laughed at this for me to roll my eyes.

Feeling a tap, I glanced down at Eri who looked at me confused. "Does that mean that Ochako girl will be my mommy?"

"Uhhh.....maybe....kinda...sorta....t-that's for another day to find out." I tried avoiding an image of a possible wedding with Ochako to make the whole engagement official to see a pure white dress on and a fancy wedding. While this happened, I was also able to see a bit fastforward to when she's pregnant and Eri touching her belly feeling for a kick as both are sitting on my lap. My head started to steam a bit at this before exploding and falling back into my seat.

"Nice job, Eri. You made the boss short circuit."

"That's good?"

"I...I need resistance to these things.'

Meanwhile at Marinefort, 3rd person POV:


"But sir, we can't hold that many Marines in Japan anymore thanks to the agreement-"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT THE AGREEMENT WAS! THIS IS A MATTER OF ACCOMPLISHING JUSTICE! NOW GET ME THE RESULTS OR ELSE YOUR HEAD IS ON THE LINE!" The call ended with Akainu slamming his fists into his desk. "DAMMIT! Not only do we lose the holding in Japan, but now we have the damned Whitebeards involved again!"

To the side Kizaru listened to his superior's rants while clipping his nails. "Adding to this, the Revolutionary Army's picking up steam. I heard that they're about to name the next Chief of Staff. From what I was told, it's been coming for about a year with this one."

"AND WHY SHOULD I CARE WHO THE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY CHOOSES FOR THEIR CHIEF OF STAFF! AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED, THEY'RE ALL JUST AS GUILTY FOR JOINING AGAINST THE MARINES!" Akainu growled in anger as a thought came to his mind who the next Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army was. 'As far as I'm concerned, that fool's dead to me.'

The next day in Totoland

Inko sat at her's and Katakuri's table in their home enjoying a morning with her husband. Over the time that they had during the two years, they began to have a mildly normal relationship once again. They were still technically in territory owned by an Emperor and one was one of the most powerful members of the crew, but it's a peace that allowed them to enjoy the companionship of one another and start a life anew. As they sat at their table, Inko was reading the news while sipping her coffee before noticing the headline. "PFFFT!"

She spit the coffee out of her mouth onto Katakuri who seemed not fond of the act, but not angered as he could be. "What just made you do that?"

"I-IZUKU! HE'S BACK!" Inko practically jumped on the table to show her husband the headlining news.

'Let's see....Whitebeards Return. After two long years of traveling place to place, the crew of the late Edward Newgate aka. Whitebeard, has returned to Japan. Leading them is the newest member of the crew and member of the Worst Generation, Green Shroud-' "IZUKU'S BACK!?" Katakuri's eyes practically bulged out of his head when he saw this. However, he wasn't the only one surprised in Totoland. On Cacao Island, an excited Pudding was shrieking for joy.

"AAAAHHHH!!!! IZUKU'S BACK! He's back in Japan!" Pudding was practically jumping up and down seeing her nephew's picture and excited over the information passed to her.

Meanwhile, Brulee was having a similar reaction in the Seducing Woods finding this information out as well. "He's returned! I can just imagine how happy Katakuri must feel finding out Izuku's back. Wiwwiwwiwwi!" She stopped however when she realized something that could be as equally bad. "I can almost guarantee Mama's gonna learn of this soon enough."

As she feared, Big Mom did know of this and was overjoyed herself. "Ma ma mama ma! Izuku's finally returned! Now that he's back in Japan, we can continue our objective of making him the new leader of the Big Mom Pirates. Someone get me Streusen, NOW!"

Upon her request, a small man that seemed to be wearing a chef's outfit with a mustache walked into Big Mom's throne room with a smile on his face.

"How can I be of assistance to you, Linlin?"

"Streusen. I'd like you to begin preparations for a fantastic cake. As you're probably already aware from the morning paper, Izuku has returned to Japan. Thanks to this, I'd like him to have his wedding as soon as we can have it. Let me know what you need to make the perfect cake in all of creation. It has to be the best for my successor and his wife. They'll be taking over the business of being an Emperor when this is all said and done, so let's give them a wedding nobody will ever forget."

"A perfect idea if I had ever heard one, Linlin. However, what would you like done with lady Pudding's wedding? Would you like them to be spread out or one after the other?"

Big Mom sat in her chair realizing the situation. "Hmm...Germa's technology is quite important. I wouldn't want them to think we're outshining them by doing a more luxurious wedding than the one merging our families. However, I don't want to make Izuku feel like I'm treating his joining of the crew with little care." She pondered this with Streusen having an idea in his head.

"I may have a compromise if you'd like to hear." Big Mom listened carefully to her head chef as he explained. "Perhaps we can do them together. Both are extremely important and having Germa understand who will be the next head of the family will make them feel more in the loop. Along with this, it will show Izuku how we handle business of obtaining power and territory."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Streusen! But what of the cake?"

"I have actually learned from Katakuri's wife of Izuku's tastes some time ago thinking I will eventually make his wedding cake. As such, I plan to have the cake made with different layers on it. A chocolate chiffon and cinnamon chiffon mix of cake layers with fresh fruit and sweet red bean paste filling. Adding to this, we will have whipped cream frosting along with chocolate decor with mochi in enormous sizes. And of course, the top would not be complete without both brides and grooms standing atop ready to exchange their vows as our cake toppers. Though they are combined, Izuku will stand out as the top man due to his stature. Your opinions or anything you'd wish to change, Linlin?"

Big Mom was listening with her tongue hanging out with a mental image of the cake dancing in her head. "It sounds absolutely perfect Streusen! The best of both worlds if I do say so myself. I can just see it now. Such a flavorful treat of traditional Japanese product mixed with the elegant modern chiffon that is enjoyed by high ranked performers during it's invention. The best of both worlds if I do say so myself. Thinking about it makes my mouth water and my desire for it to grow more and more. I agree with your decision! I want every Minister to know there will be a change in the weeding plans! Now instead of honoring one member of the crew's wedding, we shall have two!"

"Right away, Mama!"

Back at UA

Izuku sat in the common space reading the paper with Ochako coming over. She had two things of coffee in her hand to place it on the table before coming back with a thing of waffles and orange juice. "Eri, I made you some breakfast." Hearing this, Eri slowly slid out of Izuku's scarf for her to land on Izuku's lap. She scooched to the edge and looked at her breakfast with hunger and a bit of excitement.

"This looks yummy."

"Thank you." 'They're frozen waffles, but she doesn't need to know that.' The three sat and enjoyed the morning with nothing really being as major to them. However, this changed when class A and class B entered the main area as a group. They walked right towards Izuku to stare at him right in the eyes.

"Can I help you?" He was preparing for them to act as they normally have with barading him and saying things that were relatively harsh. However, he was thrown for a bit of a loop when something out of the ordinary happened.

"We're sorry." Everyone bowed their heads and apologized to Izuku in unison.


"Well, we weren't exactly the greatest to you when you were here so...." Kirishima tried to find the best words he could with Tsu finishing.

"We thought it was worth the effort to apologize."

"Yeah, man. Hope you can forgive us." Kaminari added this bit with those that actually sided with Izuku during his time at UA off to the side waiting for this to finish up.

Izuku sipped from his coffee before adjusting his scarf and placing it down. "I could care less about what you all did in the past. What you did was what everyone else did, so I don't hold it against you personally."

"Really, so you forgive us-"

"That and forgiveness are two different things, Ashido." Izuku leaned forward while looking as if he was looking in everyone's soul. "I don't care if you've done some horrible things in the past. I can get over it. I'm not holding it against you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to forget it ever happened. Forgiveness means I'm accepting you did this and wanting to make amends with you all. However, making amends with you will do nothing since you've thought nothing of doing the same for me. So let's make this clear. I won't hold the fact you were horrible to me over your heads. But having a nice relationship with me, that's a different story. If you want me to like you, give me reason. Make your words look like you're not useless crap coming out of your mouth. Anyone can say they're sorry or they'll do better. But actions are what speak better than your words."

Izuku leaned back with his coffee in hand before having his head hit by a rolled up newspaper by Ochako. "That's for cursing near the end in front of Eri."

Eri started to giggle at this as Izuku groaned and looked at everyone in the class. "So where's Yaoyorozu. I do actually have to thank her for something she did."

"You didn't hear? She quit UA after the war." Iida spoke up to fill in the gaps Izuku was missing. "From what I was told, there was a falling out with her and her family where she can't even use her family name anymore and was disowned as the Yaoyorozu's daughter. Though she was no longer allowed to be a member of her family, leaving UA was entirely her decision. As of right now, none of us have any idea where she is."

"I see..." Izuku sat back hearing this bit of information trying to ponder what he just heard. 'Just what was rolling around in her brain to accept leaving this school completely like that?'

Meanwhile, in an unknown location

In an office, Ivankov was talking with someone who was across a desk reading the paper. "So he's back."

"It would appear. Are you sure you don't wanna see him? He is your friend." The woman on the other side of the Revolutionary continued to read the paper while answering.

"He's not my friend and I'm not his. Even if I see him, he'd probably prefer it if I dropped dead. If I was in his shoes, that's what I'd prefer." She moved to the next page before getting an idea. "However, there is something I've been waiting to do for a long time that I wanna do now."

The woman stood up and placed the paper on the desk and walked to a window to open the curtains a bit. "I'll admit. I was skeptical of allowing you in after you said to me what happened between you and shroud boy with your connections, but you seem to be doing a good job to the point you were offered that promotion last year. Why did you turn it down up until now?"

The woman smiled to turn and reveal a scar over her right eye to Ivankov to have the light shine on her.

"I've had something I wanted to say for the last two years and I wanted it to mean something to Midoriya."

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku's arrival is making a big splash everywhere. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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