Getting up to Speed

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Izuku POV:

After breakfast for Eri, Ochako led us towards the staff room of UA. While heading there, I was met by the Big 3 of UA during our time as first years. From what it seems, they didn't really change as much with the only real difference being a presense I felt off them being stronger than it was when I last felt it. Honestly, I kinda liked it since it showed me I wasn't the only one working my ass off to get stronger. We reached the staff room to see Nezu with some pro heroes, Bege, and a majority of the group from when we last made the alliance to take down Big Mom. Out of them though, the only one missing is Tsunatori for some reason.

"Mr. Midoriya. It's great to see you're back in our school. I'd like to first off congratulate you on your hard work you've done and Mr. Marco has told us of. I'm certain if Whitebeard could see the progress you've made, he'd be extremely happy over what you've done." Nezu spoke up with a smile before returning back to his stoic face. "Now, onto business of filling in gaps." Mr. Aizawa spoke up next to explain some things to me that I needed to know.

"As you're aware, Big Mom and Kaido have worked in unison to gain whatever land they could after Whitebeard's untimely demise. However, your efforts have proven this to be far more complicated than they'd expect to only gain a small bit of territory. Thanks to this, we were able to solidify our assistance with making an opening within each faction where we can be of major assistance."

"What do you mean?" I asked not being a fan of beating around the bush for them to explain.

"To make things easy for you to understand, you aren't the only one that was learning and finding ways to achieve an ultimate goal. Our entire faction has done the exact same thing. Thanks to this, we've split into two different factions. The first is the Kaido faction. Their job is to obtain what we need to know for the ultimate goal for Tsunatori of defeating Kaido and the Beast Pirates. The second is the Big Mom Faction. This group is to attain your ultimate goal of defeating the Charlotte family. Along with this, we do have some members of the Marines assisting us with gathering information from their networks inside their faction."

I thought of what Mr. Aizawa said while seeing the bulk of UA's staff along with some top named pro heroes sitting in the room. "So why are there the top ten pros in here?"

"To make things simple, we decided to assist after the death of Whitebeard." Endeavor explained with Miruko putting her feet up and continuing.

"Lava brain had no right to do the shit he did during the war. As such, we're gonna prove that you're a worthwhile kid to prove a point to the Marines and Elders. They were wrong about you." I smirked at this before Bege spoke up.

"To make matters simple, we've got some eyes everywhere. I even heard ya got Fishman Island to help us out a bit."

"The Sun Pirates, yeah. I do though wanna keep Fishman Island out of these conflicts cause they have no reason to get involved or even a need to."

"Smart enough. Adding to this, we have met some...complications with both objectives, as they were." Mr. Aizawa continued with going right into the meat of the issue. "The first is Pony Tsunatori. We have yet to hear anything from her since she's gone to America again. Unfortunately, information is next to impossible to gain because of the situations we're dealing with there. The second is in regards with your aunt, Smoothie."

"Wait, what happened?" Mr. Aizawa was a little uneasy answering this before coming right to the point.

"We don't know."


"To make things simple, we have lost contact with her since the incident at the training camp two years ago. All I knew was Kuma had sent her to Nevada. I've tried contacting her several times, but I've had no luck. I fear with the abrupt end of her call with me that she's been..." He seemed worried with the understanding he actually did care for my aunt enough not to see her as someone to use for information only.

"Adding to this, we have two groups I'd like you to look into." Bege explained while leaning back to have his elbows rest on the table. "First, have you ever heard of the Vinsmoke family?" I shook my head no for him to use another name. "What of the evil army Germa 66."

"That's one I've heard. But that's only in a comic done by the Sora Hero of the Seas comics. But what do a bunch of fictional super villains have to do with this?"

"The army is real." Hawks explained while pulling one of his feathers out. "I've met them before. I'm just gonna point this out, they're war mongers. An army ready to die at a moment's notice and trained to handle anything thrown at them knowing that their objective is the success of the mission by any means necessary. Atop them is the Vinsmoke family. Their king known as Judge Vinsmoke or Garuda, Sparking Red, Dengeki Blue, Winch Green and Poison Pink. These are the leaders of the army that reigned over the Canadian lands for 66 days before being forced out. These people put together the faction known as Germa 66."

I vaguely paid attention mainly cause I've known of the villain army from the comics to have this just be a throwback to my childhood. Once he finished, I noticed Hawks didn't say Stealth Black. "Wait. You forgot one. There's supposed to be one more member of Germa."

"You mean Stealth Black, right?" Ryukyu asked for me to nod. "From what we know, Stealth Black didn't exist. However, this was before we were given this the other day." An invite was tossed to me to catch it and see the truth.

"No way."

"It's true. From what our sources say, there's to be a wedding during a tea party of Big Mom's." Bege explained. "I've met Germa a while back to know the three sons and the daughter. However, the name on there isn't that of either son to lead me to believe something happened where the one to be Stealth Black was kept hidden from the world. My best guess, a falling out with the family or something. Adding to this, this guy's going to marry the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family. In short, this Vinsmoke Sanji guy is gonna marry your aunt Pudding."

I felt a lot of things at that moment. But the most prominent was anger. I ripped the invite up before heading out of there. "Where are you going!?" Midnight asked for me to open the door.

"I'm gonna find this son of a bitch Vinsmoke Sanji and get his answer as to why he thinks it's right to be in an arranged marriage with my aunt!"

"Whether you knock sense in him or not won't fix a damned thing, kid. This is being handled in a way you won't get a word in edgewise." Bege points this out while lighting  his cigar. "From what I'm told, this Sanji guy is an outcast with his family. Only being used for the benefit of the family and nothing more. However, Germa doesn't get that they're playing into a trap."

"...What are you talking about?" I glanced back for Bege to breathe some smoke out.

"What they don't get is during the wedding, Germa's entire fleet will be resting in Totoland's docks on Whole Cake Island. This makes a perfect spot for them to handle loose ends. Big Mom could care less about the wedding and merging the families. All she cares about is the technology that is made by Germa. From what I'm told, Judge and Vegapunk of the Marines were two of the most brilliant scientists out there to learn alongside one another as comrades in the science department. This was before the Marines took Vegapunk and made him into their dog. However, Judge wasn't taken and has his hands on some kind of cloning tech. So the plan is simple. Eradicate the Vinsmoke family, destroy the landless kingdom of Germa and obtain their technology. Nobody's gonna know and nobody's gonna give a damn if some thugs drop off the face of the planet."

"So that's how Big Mom does business. I feel bad for both her daughter and the Vinsmokes." Midnight felt some worry with this as Jeanist added in his opinion.

"I don't exactly like what I've heard of the infamous Germa 66, but this is too cruel even for villains."

"That's just how our family is. It doesn't matter if your mama's youngest or oldest. As long as you're useful to her, you're kept around." Lola thought this while taking a sip of tea. "I just hope Pudding isn't so distraught about this."

I heard enough to open the door and start walking out. As I did, I knew only one person I could call in the Charlotte family to get some information about this. "Izuku. Are you ok?" Ochako followed me out for me to finish dialing the number and have my Transponder Snail start ringing.


"Perospero. It's Izuku."

"Izuku, what a lickity lovely surprise. Ku ku ku ku!" Among the small bit of time I spent with the Charlotte family, I obtained some information and means to help contact. "So what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I heard about Pudding's wedding."

"Ah, yes. The wedding with the Vinsmoke family. I actually have some information I think you'll love to hear. You see, a small change had come with the wedding plans. Unlike what we initially decided, we chose to make it a wedding comprising of two Charlottes getting married. Those two being yourself and Pudding. Doesn't that sound fun, ku ku ku ku."

I heard this to grip my fist a little tighter. "When's the wedding?"

"About a month from now. I hope you'll attend. After all, what's a wedding without a groom and bride?"

"Fair enough. But if I'm going to be part of the wedding ceremony, I think it's only fair that I meet the groom and his respected family. Is there any chance that you can set something up?" There was a silence between us before Peros spoke up.

"I think that can be arraigned. The third son of the Vinsmoke isn't exactly as joining as we'd expect him to. So we had plans to bring him by force if need be. I'll tell you the place he is working at and you can join him there."

"Thank you. I'm sure I can persuade him without the need of excessive force."

Meanwhile in the US, 3rd person POV:

Walking down a hall, a woman with horns on her head and long blond hair was reading a newspaper She seemed to be dressed in a rather traditional kimono for Japanese shrinemaidens while giving a serious look at it. "So the prologue's almost done. I think I'll have to talk with her." The woman opened the door to have two people look at her. Both were rather tall with similar outfits on. However, one was taller than the other with an oni mask on with one arm missing. The other who was shorter, seemed to have horns sticking out of her head wearing a similar mask. "Alright you two, we've got news. Follow me."

"Oi, you can't tell me what to do-" In one swift kick, the woman cut off the smaller of the two masked people before revealing her face with an annoyed look.

"I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT YOUR ATTITUDE ABOUT THIS, WE'VE GOT BIGGER FISH TO FRY!" The taller of the woman tried to calm down Pony as she walked out. "I need to do something for the Tobiroppo. While I'm gone, I want you to get word to our allies.

"What do you want us to say?" The taller person asked.

"Tell them, we need Kin, Kanjiro, Momonosuke and Raizo to meet with Izuku Midoriya and explain the situation with us."

Both nodded as Pony walked out and began heading towards the main area. on her way, she was stopped by a large man who seemed to be waiting specifically for her. "Well, hello there, little Pony baby."

"Up yours, Queen."

"Now that's just rude. We even went out of our way to bring you into the Beast Pirates and made you a high ranking member." Pony walked past the man known as Queen before she was grabbed by his arm. "You know, your mother had at least known her place when speaking with me, so why don't you-"

"I'm only going to say this once. I have a meeting with Kaido. And if he finds out the main reason why I'm late is because you had a talk with me about how much you fucked my mother, he's going to be far less than pleased." Pony gave a death glare at Queen for him to sweat a bit and let go of her.

As she walked away, Queen began to laugh a bit. "She might be the daughter of a whore, but that glare, you know for a fact who her daddy is. Sends shivers down my spine. For now I can wait, but know you're still new to the crew, honey. You may be strong, but the higher the rank, the more eyes are on you. Just make sure you don't screw up and become another useless pawn. For yours and your little hell raising group's sake. What did you call them? The Vixens of Wano?" Queen laughed as Pony opened the door to the main hall to see Kaido and five other people in there. "I wonder if you'll be the next leader of the Beast Pirates like your daddy. Only time will tell, Pony baby."

And that finishes this chapter. So Pony is shown to be one of Kaido's Tobiroppo(Top six under Queen, King and Jack in the Beast Pirates). See how Izuku's discovery of his wedding works out next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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