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3rd person POV:

As Whitebeard stood motionless and Izuku fell unconscious from succumbing to his injuries, Marco looked at the members of the crew that stood beside them crying. "Everyone. We need to take Izuku out of here and save the rest of our crew." Through his own tears, the First Division Commander gritted his teeth in anger. "We need to uphold Pop's legacy. To him, Izuku was worthy enough to take his place, so we must accept and follow it as his loyal sons."

Two of the larger members began picking up Izuku and carrying him off. Marco however stayed for a little longer to watch Blackbeard's crew put a cover over him and Whitebeard. "YOU BASTARDS!"

All Might attempted to attack the group with AFO standing in the way and taking his attack head on. "Now. Now. I think it's time we have our own battle. Don't you agree, All Might."

"All For One. You're going to pay for what you've done and played a part in!" The two clashed with the shockwave sending those around back in response.

As the fighting continued, Yaoyorozu looked around the battlefield in horror. Though the success was for the Marines right now, nobody dared stop fighting with several people falling. This became more agonizing as the Creation quirk user began awakening a more advanced form of Observation Haki to feel the level of pain they had felt. "This...This is just wrong."

"You've got that right." Smoker let a deep exhale out before lighting a cigar. "Everyone is right now hungry for blood where they'd forget even those beside them. In the most simple term, the entire battlefield isn't afraid to kill those that stand next to them now."

"Isn't it fantastic, Smoker?" The two turned to see Doflamingo watching and smiling like a madman. "It's hilarious. Those that have lived a comfy life do not understand the struggles those that fought and dragged their way through hell just to survive. We as the winners in life believe we can understand what they go through, but we as a whole can never understand. This is it though. The true understanding of absolute madness! Humanity brought to their most basic instincts to kill one another. HAHAHA!"

Yaoyorozu glanced out in the distance to see Izuku being pulled out of the area with Newkama Land's residents and several pro heroes trying to help take him out of the area safely. As they did, several villains and pros against the Whitebeards tried to stop them with it turning into ally vs ally. "Smoker. Did this have to happen?" Yaoyorozu asked for the Vice Admiral to breathe out smoke. "If my uncle would've just let things be with the Whitebeards or at the very least executed Ace and Ryukyu away from the public eye, would this have happened?"

"We're at the point now where looking at the past and questioning if what we did and didn't do would've done things differently won't do us any damn good. Right now, we need to find a way to stop the crisis at hand. And though you may not believe it, the only way is to settle two matters. The faction fighting alongside the Whitebeards and Blackbeard."

Before they could react, a large volcanic eruption happened from underground to have everyone panic. "What was that?"

"....Your uncle's still in this fight."

At the scaffold

Blackbeard's men began pulling the cloak they placed over him and Whitebeard for there to be no actual change as far as anyone can tell. "It seems you are finished, Teach. Care to show us what that trick was about?"

"Oh, you'll love this, AFO." Blackbeard smiled as he reached his hands out and gripped something in front of him. When he pulled, the ground around everyone began shaking and breaking apart.


"That's the Tremor Tremor Fruit's power! How does he have it!?" Pros, Marines and villains watching struggled to keep balance.

"ZEHAHAHAHA! NOW THIS IS FUN!" Blackbeard continued to use the power and destroyed the Marine base. Several people were panicking with Mt. Lady growing to her max size and tried to stomp on him.

"YOU BASTARD!" As she tried this, Blackbeard used his darkness to trap her in the shadows before sending a punch with the tremor powers to send her flying away.

"Just what is happening? I thought that Devil Fruit users could only hold one." Hawks flew over towards All Might with him trying to hold onto something to keep him stable.

"From what I've learned of Blackbeard from his time in the Whitebeards, that man has always been strange. Perhaps his unique body is the reason he's done this. There is also a posibility that that Devil Fruit he took from young Thatch is a reason as well."

All Might jumped out of the way for a blast of wind pressure to come and narrowly hit him. "It would appear I have been given a momentous opportunity. I hope you are prepared to die."

"Not on my watch." A massive blast sent AFO towards Blackbeard for the two to see Sengoku attacking them. "This war may not have been something I favored, but I cannot allow you to destroy the symbol of strength or the symbol of peace and justice. All Might. Please allow me to assist you as a way to prevent anymore unnecessary deaths."

"Very well. Thank you for the assistance. Sengoku."

Near the docks

Marco and the rest of the group escorting Izuku out began nearing the edge of the base and found several ships ready to set sail. "Let's take the ships and head out as soon as possible! We need a doctor to head out on the first ship with Izuku on board!" Once they neared the port, a massive eruption was sent to block their escape route. "Dammit."

"You thought you could get away from me? Don't make me laugh." Akainu walked out of the flames with the side of his neck holding a notable gash on it from Whitebeard. "You're gonna die here and now, Charlotte. And once I'm done with you, I'll take great satisfaction with killing the rest of the Whitebeard's-"

"I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!" Ryukyu came charging at Akainu with a leg coated in Haki to surprise everyone. "GET IZUKU OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW! THAT'S WHAT POPS WOULD WANT!"

Akainu recovered to see the dragon hero with bandages wrapped around where she was shot. "I'm surprised you survived a shot to the heart like that."

"I was lucky enough that it just barely missed a vital. If it was a few millimeters one way or the other, I probably wouldn't be facing you right now."

A distance away, Kizaru looked at this to smirk. "I guess a top ranked pro is more than just all talk. I'll make sure to settle this next shot-"

"NEJIRE WAVE!" A blast came to the Admiral for his body to turn to light and glance back to see Hado glaring at him.

"Oooh. Scary. Guess you're here to help out your pro hero friend?"

"YA GOT THAT RIGHT, JERK!" A slash came at Kizaru from behind for him to dodge it and see Lola with twin blades in her hands. "We didn't expect the Marines to give an underhanded trick like that when you did, but we're sure as hell not gonna let you do that again!"

"...And who are you?" Lola glared at Kizaru remembering her past with Ryukyu.

"It's an honor to work with you ma'am."

"Please don't be so formal, Ms. Lola. You're a member of our agency now, so being able to talk freely among us is an important thing."

"Well if we're being honest, I'm a umm...."

"A Charlotte. I know. I'm already aware of who you are, Lola. But that doesn't matter. We pave the path we walk as individuals by what we do, not who we are related to. As such, I could care less if you were a member of Big Mom's family or not. As long as you're a hard worker, you're a valued member of my agency that I won't let go if I can prevent it."

"I am someone that the woman you struck down before cared enough to bring in regardless of my lineage. Compared to my own family, she was more a sister than almost any of mine. I AM LOLA CHARLOTTE, AND I STAND WITH THE PRO HERO RYUKYU BECAUSE I WANT TO!" Lola charged at Kizaru to force him to take her seriously.

'She's got Haki. Not bad, but she's still not good enough to beat me.'

On the ground, Akainu continued to fight with sending magma punches to Ryukyu with her dodging and giving a solid stomp to his stomach. He slid back before standing up and cracking his neck like it was nothing. "Was that supposed to tickle?"

'I'm not strong enough. Recovery Girl's treatment worked in stopping the bleeding and letting the injury heal enough where it isn't a threat of opening up again, but it zapped a large portion of my strength.' Ryukyu began breathing a little heavier knowing her ability to fight wasn't as optimal.

"WE GOT YOUR BACK, RYUKO!" Vista and Marco came at Akainu for him to be sent back a bit by both Division Commanders using Haki to attack.

"It's just one thing after the other with your group, isn't it?" Glancing to the side, Akainu noticed Jinbei holding Izuku on his shoulder running towards a ship. "Don't think you'll escape that easily." Using his Awakened powers, Akainu began turning the ground into an inferno going right towards the two fleeing. Seeing this happen, Jinbei pulled himself to the side to have the attack incinerate the ships in the port. The Fishman looked at the destruction realizing there wasn't a safe route to protect Izuku and get him the medical help he needed.

'He's not conscious, and I feel blood coming out of him. I dare not go into the water with him not knowing how dangerous his injuries are, but I cannot stay here.'

Akainu walked towards the two with Ryukyu, Marco and Vista immediately trying to stand in his way. Before they could though, gravity on them was increased to the point they were practically glued to the ground. "What the? Gravity?"

"I don't agree with this battle, but I am honor bound as a Marine to assist where I can." Fujitora came out from nowhere and began walking towards the group. "I was brought here with a job in mind, and I shall see that through to the end even if an army of heads will roll."

Without any hindrances, Akainu sent a barrage of attacks to Izuku and Jinbei for the Fishman to try and avoid them all, but was hit with one to send Izuku on the ground and show his bleeding stomach and mouth. Struggling, Jinbei moved quickly to shield Izuku and glare at Akainu. "You dare protect the monster. How pathetic."

"If you only knew half the strength this boy has, you would understand the real monster is the one I am staring at right now. I am honor bound to help this boy and wish to atone for my first encounter with him. Even if I have to lose my life, I will gladly do it if it means I can save this boy!"

Akainu glared down at Jinbei in disgust before pulling his fist back. "What a pathetic excuse to die. But I'll give you it since you are so willing to seek it out."

"STOP IT!" Everyone stopped to glance at where the voice was coming from to see Yaoyorozu run towards the group. "THIS IS ENOUGH NOW!" She held her arms out to prevent a clear shot on either Jinbei and Izuku. "Uncle, I have listened to your talk of how we need to stand for justice for so long now. I understand that dark methods have to be taken for good to be done, but is this really the only way! Right now, Marines and pros are dying. Whitebeard is dead. The Fire Fist is dead. What purpose is it to keep going? You have men and women loyal to the people fighting and dying. People with families and loved ones dying right now." She held her eyes shut before shouting with tears in her eyes. "THIS IS WRONG! This is wrong and I don't see any justice in this! All I see is murder."

Hearing this, Akainu pulled his arm back with a notable vein on his forehead. "Momo. Get out of the way right now. I won't ask again."

"I WON'T!" Yaoyorozu continued to shake violently from what she was saying. "You've told me for years to follow the path of justice and it will be right. SO WHAT ABOUT NOW!? MY JUSTICE IS TELLING ME THAT THIS IS ALL WRONG AND THAT WE ARE THE BAD GUYS HERE, SO KILL ME IF YOU WANT! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A MONSTER RIGHT NOW!"

Now hearing her excuse, Akainu pulled his arm back with the heat intensifying. He was prepared to kill Yaoyorozu with her glaring back at him. "You stupid girl. You'll get what's coming to you."

'He's....he's going to kill me. Fine. As long as I stand by what I believe in today, I don't care if I die anymore. I stood for what I believe in and I can't back down from that.' Yaoyorozu prepared for the inevitable without moving an inch as those able to watch did so in horror knowing what will happen. 'If Midoriya gets away with this time I'm giving him, then that's all that matters right now.' A tear came down Yaoyorozu's cheek as her heartrate went up. She didn't want to die, but she couldn't move from fear and knowing what would happen if she did.

Before Akainu could attack however, his neck had a blade put to it by a man getting right between him and Yaoyorozu. "Quite a little speech right there, kid. Touched my heart." Pulling from the shock, everyone noticed it was Red Haired Shanks with several members of his crew preventing the Admirals and Akainu from continuing the fight. "You're this low, huh? Going after your own niece. You really are terrible, Akainu."

"Red Haired. What are you doing here? Our intel said you were facing off against Kaido."

"Yeah, we had a small skirmish with him, but you should honestly cut your losses here, Fleet Admiral." Shanks spoke up to all that were around. "This war is over! To those that want to continue fighting, the Red Haired Pirates are more than willing to take you on!" Everyone in attendance knew that if there is one Yanko's crew that was the most efficient in minor numbers, it would be the Hed Haired Pirates. Almost everyone laid down their weapons with heroes holding their hands up saying that their done. Villains who partook in the fight began fleeing in hopes to use the sudden act to their advantage. Even Blackbeard and his crew was able to escape due to an opening for AFO to take them and the League out of the area, but not before sending All Might's timer for his power down even farther by releasing a massive attack he had to tank to save a bunch of unknowing Marines who were injured. As such, his smaller form was put on display for all to see.

"Men. I do not care if it's to our grave. Our objective is to kill the Whitebeards, and I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO STOP UNTIL YOU BRING ME THE HEAD OF THAT BOY!"

"You learned absolutely nothing from our last encounter, didn't you?" A giant shadow was shown behind Akainu to have him turn and see Katakuri with the veins on his forehead bulging out to show his rage. "You not only dare to attack my son when he is unconscious, but you dare try to kill him even after our little incident due to your last." The Fleet Admiral tried to pull back, but was slammed into the ground by Katakuri's foot coated in Haki. "You even flinch right now and I will make it so you do not live past today. Brulee! Take Izuku to Toto Land so we can treat him!"

"Yes, big brother!" Brulee came running out of nowhere with Deisel holding a cart behind him. They loaded Izuku onto the cart with the Charlotte woman pulling her eyelid down and stuck her tongue out at Akainu. "Eat worms, Marine! I hope my brother puts a hole in your stupid head!" She ran away with Deisel into a mirror with Izuku in tow to begin the journey back home.

"Now that that's over, are you still willing to try and push your luck, or are you going to accept the loss and live to see another day?" Katakuri put a little more pressure on Akainu's neck for him to grit his teeth in anger while glaring at his niece.

"All men, stand down. It's over." In his statement to this men, Akainu ended the war and those that had the ability to, pulled the fallen and was able to bury and mourn them in peace. However, the world would forever be changed after the events of Marinefort and it will send the balance of power out of order.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku will be taken to Toto Land to recover. See how the events of the war will weigh on Izuku's mind next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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