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3rd person POV:

Everyone froze looking at the scene in front of them. Ace was impaled by Akainu's fist in hopes to protect Izuku. As the Fleet Admiral pulled his fist out, Izuku tried to help Ace from falling. "ACE! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?"

"I...I had're my family...Why wouldn't I...protect my brother..." He smiled at Izuku with Akainu glaring down at them.

"Pathetic. Offering your life to save the life of your captain's moral enemy's grandson? This is all your own fault." In an act of anger and concern, Marco and the 5th Division Commander Vista pushed the Fleet Admiral back in hopes to have someone come and assist their brothers.


"He's bleeding too much! I can't stop it!" Knowing there isn't time, Izuku glanced out at everyone. "Please! There has to be someone that can help him! I don't care what I have to offer in return! Jus...." Izuku began crying out while shouting with tears in his eyes. "JUST PLEASE SAVE MY BROTHER!"

A doctor of the Whitebeard Pirates ran over as fast as he could to try and help. But when he saw the damage, he held his head down while giving his diagnosis. "There's....there's nothing that can be done. The damage destroyed his internal organs. No matter what I do, he's going to die."

"There still has to be something! If something's missing, take my own insides! I don't care what I have to do to save him, just do it!"

"....I'm sorry, but nothing anyone can do will save Ace. He's too far gone." The doctor held his fist in frustration and sadness knowing no matter what happens, he can't fix the irreversible damage done.


"Ace. Save your strength, we'll fix you up no matter what we-"

"I know I'm gonna die, but...I'm okay with it." Ace began smiling at Izuku while hugging Izuku. "I want you to listen closely. You weren't put in my Division because Pops wanted you in it. You were in my Division because I wanted you in it." Izuku didn't realize what was said for Ace to explain. "You and I, we're so much alike. My father, he was the vigilante known as Gol D. Roger. Because of his reputation, he was deemed the World's Worst Criminal. My lineage was just as cursed as yours. When I came to the Whitebeards, I thought Pops only wanted me for my lineage. But I soon found myself loving Pops and everyone like a real family. So when I found out you were so lost in this world because of your family...I wanted to help you feel like you were at home in the Whitebeards. When I heard that you wanted to save me because you wanted to prove yourself to me, I felt like I was doing the right thing. Even now, when you called me your brother, I...I was so happy. You. Pops. Everyone. I...I want to thank you all. Thank you, for loving someone like me. Because of that, I can leave with no...regrets..." Ace's grip loosened on Izuku with his face covering falling off to show his face to everyone.

As this happened, those watching in UA began balling their eyes out knowing what was happening. This made Ochako enraged. "SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!" She shouted in anger through tears herself knowing a great person like Ace was going to die. "None of you have a right be upset over this!"

"Uraraka. Calm down-"

"I WON'T CALM DOWN, MR. AIZAWA! Right now, none of us have any right to be upset more than Izuku right now." The group watched as Ace fell on the ground with a smile on his dying face with Izuku unable to comprehend what was happening.

"Ace. C'mon. This isn't funny." He began moving Ace's body for him to not react. "Ace. Please, stop joking. You can't be dead. You're too strong." Not ever having to deal with notable death, Izuku kept pushing Ace with those around unable to hold in their tears as he continued to push him harder. "Ace. Stop joking now, it isn't funny."

He only stopped when a hand was on his shoulder. "Izuku. Please, stop." He turned to see Whitebeard behind him wrapping Izuku in a hug. "We failed, son. Ace is gone."

"W-what are you talking about, Pops. We saved him. W-we saved him and Ryukyu." Tears continued to fall down Izuku's face as he slowly began gripping the reality of the situation. "Everything we did *hic*, we did to save Ace. Everyone that was lost, they....we couldn't have failed."

"I'm sorry, Izuku. We couldn't bring Ace home with us safely. If I was stronger, then maybe this wouldn't have happened." Now realizing the truth and understanding it, Izuku balled his fists and began sobbing in Whitebeard's chest. As this happened, Katakuri could only watch in remorse knowing his own son was hurting and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Izuku...I'm so sorry, my son. If only I could do something, maybe I could've stopped all of this from getting out of hand."

As this happened, Yaoyorozu began to regain consciousness with a Marine Vice Admiral standing next to her. "What happened?"

"Midoriya knocked you out." She glanced up to see the person as none other than the White Chase, Vice Admiral Smoker.

"What's happening right now?"

"Fire Fist sacrificed himself in order to save Midoriya. Even after all this death and destruction right now, he committed an act that far surpasses almost every Marine out there." He glanced down at Yaoyorozu before asking a question. "Is this the type of justice that would be fine in your's and your uncle's book?"

Yaoyorozu looked at Izuku who was visibly distraught with the action with Ace looking as if he was fine with his final actions. "This...this isn't justice. It's just mindless murder that didn't have to happen."

As the group began trying to console with the fact they lost their objective, Akainu was able to push back Marco and Vista and walk towards Izuku. "A pity he had to die first. But don't worry, you'll join him soon enough."

"YOU BASTARD!" Endeavor shouted as he sent a massive wave of fire at Akainu. "YOU DARE HARM A CHILD WHO HAD NO REASON!? HE WASN'T A THREAT ANYMORE, SO WHY DID YOU HAVE TO PICK A FIGHT WITH HIM!?" Akainu used his magma to push Endeavor's flames back and take aim at the Flame Hero.

"You're becoming sentimental over something so trivial. I guess even the heroes lose their edges soon enough." Before he could do anything, a massive figure was shown behind Akainu for him to turn and see Whitebeard.

His face was shown to be contorted in rage with his fist's clenched hard enough to show the veins in them. Without any warning, the massive man slammed his fist into Akainu's face to send him into the concrete and create a massive crater. "You monster!" He jumped up while using his Tremor abilities on his foot. "YOU DARE ATTACK MY SON NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE IN THE SAME DAY! HAVE YOU NO SHAME!?" Before it could connect, Akainu rolled out of the way for the ground to shatter. To add some fire power to his attacks, the Fleet Admiral coated his arms in Haki before sending barrage after barrage of fists to Whitebeard with them not making his objective falter. He kept charging to give a solid punch to Akainu's stomach while also grabbing his neck and slamming him into the ground over and over and over again until it finally broke and forced the Fleet Admiral to fall into the crevice where nobody could see him again.

As this occurred, those watching were in shock as Whitebeard showed zero restraint as opposed to his normal actions. Before the war could be settled, a figure overlooked the base for everyone to see a monstrous giant glance down at them. "Uh oh, I guess I was spotted." Alongside the giant, there were a handful of people with one of them being none other than the man who betrayed the Whitebeards and gave Ace and Ryukyu to the World Government. Marshal D. Teach. More commonly known as Blackbeard.

"Well, if it ain't Pops. It's good to see ya again."

"Teach. What are you doing here?"

"Zehahaha! I came cause I wanted to join in the action a little." Visibly enraged, Whitebeard began walking slowly to Blackbeard before moving to a full on sprint to try and punch him with a fist infused with his Tremor powers. This sent the portly man flying into a building for everyone to back away. "AH! THAT HURT! AHHH!!"

Before he could recover, Whitebeard closed the gap between the two with a fist raised over his head in rage. "Don't you ever call me Pops again you unsightly little punk. You lost the right to do that when you killed Thatch!" He gave a solid punch to Blackbeard with Izuku watching in amazement.

"Insane. That guy was tough in Impel Down, but he's nowhere near as tough fighting Pops. It's like facing a completely different level." Izuku kneeled on the ground amazed before Marco came over.

"Izuku. We need to pull back. Let Pops handle this while we escape."

"What about Ryukyu and everyone else that's hurt?"

"Ryukyu's going to be ok. She had a lung punctured, but the pros had Recovery Girl on standby a couple miles away on the ocean. We're also grabbing as many people as we can. Those that are unable to be saved...." Marco held his head down while glancing at Oars and Ace. "We'll try to carry their bodies out so we can mourn those we can properly. But there's little we can do for them now. I'm sorry."

Izuku glanced back over to Whitebeard to see a building fall. "What about Pops?"

"I talked to him before this. He wants us all to escape while he covers our backs. I'm...I'll stay since someone has to watch this to the end."

Knowing what was happening now, Izuku grabbed his face covering from the ground and placed it on Ace. "The trip to the afterlife is probably cold. Maybe this'll help keep you a little warm." Once he was done, Izuku stood up and walked a little towards the battle and sat down. "I'm staying too."

"Izuku. You're already hurt. You need a doctor-"

"I put everything on the line just as much as you all did and it's my own fault that Ace had to protect me for being oblivious to what's happening around me. Even though I'm hurt, I need to see this through to the end as both the person responsible for Ace's sacrifice and as a member of the Whitebeards. I hope you understand."

Marco glanced down at Izuku to realize how hurt he really was as well as some lingering damage from an attack on the training camp he found out about from the news. Whitebeard asked UA's staff what exactly happened with Nezu being informed of what the real situation was outside of the news the public knew. "You're an idiot, Midoriya. Guess you and Ace really were two of a kind as he said."

As the smoke cleared, Whitebeard glanced down to see Blackbeard using his Devil Fruit powers to absorb the attack and smile. "Sorry Pops, but yer Devil Fruit ain't gonna work on me. My Dark Dark Fruit will swallow it's powers until there's nothing left."

Realizing what was happening now, Whitebeard jumped away for him to be stuck in the ground. Looking down, he noticed what looked like a swampish look of absolute nothingness in the ground. "So this is the power that you killed one of your own crewmates for."

"It wasn't personal or anything like that. I just needed the fruit and Thatch was the one with it. Everything I've been workin for has been to get this fruit. And with it, my darkness will swallow everything in it's path. Even you. ZEHAHAHAHA!" In response to this, Whitebeard gave another punch at Blackbeard for his hand coated in darkness to block it. "I already told ya! Yer Devil Fruit ain't gonna work!" This however was a ploy for Whitebeard to take the bloated man's attention away from his naginata which was raised up and slashed Blackbeard's arm almost off. The strength would've been enough to rip him in two if he was able to grip the blade's handle with two hands. "AHH!! MY ARM!"

The darkness around the two stopped for Whitebeard to pull his blade back showing no real emotion at the moment. "All of this. All the death, suffering and agony upon everyone here. What was the real reason for it? Why did this have to happen? We've both made mistakes leading up to this, Teach, but right now, I'm going to settle at least one to make sure those that died today don't have to worry about your actions taking more lives. This is for Thatch and Ace YOU BASTARD-*BANG*" The sound of a gunshot came at Whitebeard with Blackbeard pulling out one and shooting him at point blank range. One by one, the members of his crew came out of the woodworks and shot and stabbed the older man with a barrage of bullets and blades to the point you couldn't see a thing for a solid two minutes. Those seeing the fight watched in horror as several bullets embedded themselves in Whitebeard with him standing there and not moving.

When the sound finally quieted down to hear what was clicking to explain the guns used were out of bullets, Blackbeard's voice spoke up. "I'm out of bullets. Somebody get me another gun."

"It's pointless right now. Whitebeard's already dead." A man who was known as the former Warden of Impel Down called Shidou spoke on this while lighting a cigar. "You could probably push him with your pinky now and he'd fall on his back."

"....It's not you, Teach."

"HE'S STILL ALIVE!?" Blackbeard panicked as Whitebeard spoke up from the plethora of gunshots done to him.

"The man that Gol D. Roger was waiting for. It's not you, Teach. Not a damn chance." Whitebeard glanced down at his hand to see one of the beads that was on Ace's necklace. "Much like those that inherited Roger's will, someone will come along and follow in Ace's name as well. You may try to destroy their spirit, but you will never extinguish their flame. So it has been, and so it shall be until the very end of time. And in the very distant future, when we're all dead and gone. Someone will arrive to hold our history on his shoulders, and he'll throw down the gauntlet in front of the entire world. Akainu. I know you're still alive. You and the Marines know what is coming, that's why you're so afraid. Though nothing you will do can stop the change that will happen in this world. I have my own hopes, but I know he will achieve his goal and turn this world to it's knees. However, he cannot stand alone and I as both his captain and father figure will do my final act as that and give him the tools to succeed." Everyone was listening on the edge of their seats as Whitebeard struggled to continue speaking. 'I know you'll succeed in your goal.' The man breathed deeply in as he smiled and shouted at the top of his lungs. "IZUKU MIDORIYA! I GIVE YOU THE RINGS OF THE WHITEBEARDS! USE THE POSITION TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS AND CLAIM YOUR FREEDOM OF YOUR LINEAGE! I BELIEVE IN YOU!"

Izuku heard this being spoken as his shock from everything happening around him finally came full swing. He began balling his eyes out knowing the man he admired and loved as his own father entrusted everything he's worked for to him. The sound of Izuku's sobs echoed in the silent fortress for those who were part of the crew cried softly knowing the same type of overwhelming emotion he was feeling. 'Pops! I promise, I'll win for you! I'll achieve my dream and prove you right!' "FATHER!" Izuku kept sobbing until the weight of the damage he had to him finally forced him to pass out.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku has been faced with a wave of emotion right now with everything from Ace's death, to Whitebeard's passing of his crew to him as his final action. See how the ending of this war shakes the foundation of this world next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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