Escape Plan

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About an hour before Izuku's recovery, 3rd person POV:

The doors to Ace's and Ryukyu's cell opened to show several guards as well as Magellan present to escourt them. "Alright you two, time to head out. Your escort ship is outside." Both were unbound from the wall, but still shackled to be dragged out. Neither one believed there was any hope left with a sudden reminder of Izuku coming to their head.

"GET MOVING!" One of the guards shouted while trying to kick Ryukyu. This ended badly as she retaliated and kicked the guy full force in the face to send him flying.

"I don't care what you all think is right or wrong in this situation. No matter what, the world sees us as heroes and I refuse to be treated like a petty criminal! YOU EVEN STARE AT ME THE WRONG WAY AND I WILL SHOW YOU NO MERCY! UNDERSTAND!?"

Most of the guards shuttered in fear as Magellan came closer to pull the chain on her hands to bring Ryukyu close to himself. "I hope you understand that if you do that again, then I will retaliate against you."

"Then tell your men to stop treating me like a petty crook." The group began walking towards the elevator to start heading up towards the top floor. As they did, Ryukyu was praying silently that Izuku was doing well. 'Please just be ok, Midoriya.'

Back to present

Izuku looked around the room to see Yaoyorozu and Bon. "Bon. You alright-" He stumbled and fell on his hands and knees. "What the?"

"That's unfortunately another problem with this type of treatment. Your body is healed, but still weak from it. You'll have to wait about a day before you can even do anything." Iva turned to Bon to make sure he's ok and to check to make sure nothing was hurt too far. "Poor Bon boy. He kept going for hours. Shouted to encourage you and keep you from succumbing."

"Thank you, Bon. I know it probably wasn't easy for you, but I truly appreciate it."

"*cough* You're a friend. Why wouldn't I do what I can for you." Izuku smiled before Yaoyorozu came over and held his face covering in front of him.

"Here. You'd probably prefer having this on your face." She looked away from him while handing it to him.

Izuku grabbed it and put the cover on her face before looking to Iva. "When is the execution of Ryukyu and Ace?"

"Today. The official execution is at 3. However, our sources tell us that they're already sending Ace and Ryukyu to Marinefort notably before. In fact, they're probably on their way to the entrance of the prison now." Izuku tried to get up, but couldn't get up on his feet. "It's not worth trying. Don't get up or you'll-"

"I'm not giving up! Right now is the only time I have to save both of them! I don't care how I do it, I'm going to save Ryukyu and Ace even if I have to crawl to Marinefort to save them!"

Izuku continued to stand up, but couldn't do anything. Iva tried to stand in his way to stop him. "You do realize doing this would be pointless, right? You're going to die in the state you're in."

"Then do something to help me. You did it before, so do it again if you're that concerned of me dying."

"I'm not going to help you any farther since you've already lost a large chunk of your lifespan. Do you even realize what you just went through!? No human being in their right mind after going through that should even try to do more! YOU ARE INSANE!"

Izuku stared at Iva for a moment before turning to Yaoyorozu. "How much would finding out about this place be worth to your uncle? Enough to save Ryukyu and Ace?"


"WHAAAAT!?" Everyone shouted at this shock as Yaoyorozu gave a wicked smirk.

"He might even consider helping you out with the Charlotte family as well as aid Whitebeard if it meant stopping this madness from happening."

" little brats! I thought you were a nice boy, Shroud boy!"

Izuku turned to Iva with a determined face on him. "I'm not afraid to play a dirty card if it means doing the right thing. I owe you a lot for helping me thus far, Ivankov and it makes me not want to resort to this. But I owe them more. Whatever you can do to help me save them, do it now. That's all I'm asking. I don't care if I'm doubled over in pain and unable to move after I save them. Please do it so I can help those I need to and want to." Izuku sat on his knees in a begging position in front of the Revolutionary hoping he'd agree.

Weighing the options, Iva thought about this before releasing a sigh. "Fine. There's something I can do. It's a temporary treatment that gives you enough energy to keep going. But the effects will have you after the hormones ware off be unable to move. Are you willing to take all that?"

"Do it."

"Midoriya, wait-" Izuku raised his arm to stop Yaoyorozu from objecting.

"I said before I'm fine with the consequences, so do it."

"For better or worse, you're one of the most unique individuals I've met, Shroud boy." Iva's fingers began altering to turn into spikes before pulling her arm back. "EMPORIO ENERGY HORMONE!" He slammed her fingers into Izuku's neck for an uncomfortable jab to be felt before a sudden surge of energy. When the hormone altering user pulled his fingers out, Izuku stood back up with what felt like his entire energy reserves returned to him. "There you go. You have the adrenaline of what you'd normally have on a daily basis. Just don't complain to me that it hurts when you're on the ground in pain."

"Alright. Now where's Ace and Ryukyu?"

"Level 6. If you hurry, you might be able to get there before they leave. I'll lead the way for you along with Inazuma." Iva turned to the residents of Newkama Land with a smile. "Alright my Candy boys and Candy girls. Today marks the day we escape this prison. While we're in Level 6, all of you get ready. This is going to be big, so be ready to fight hard. When this is over, WE'LL BE FREE!"

"HEHAW!!!" Everyone cheered with Iva and Inazuma running forward with Izuku and Yaoyorozu following forward into Level 5.

Meanwhile, at the Midoriya home

As the events of Marinefort were unfolding, Inko had began pouring some tea and serving it to two guests of her's. "It's nice to have this time together. Don't you think Katakuri?"

"Indeed. It's rare that we ever get the chance to do this." Katakuri smiled under his mask before having a small opening be made for the tea that Inko prepared to be drank from. "It's quite good."

"Thank you. Would you like anything else, Brulee?"

"No thank you, my dear. You've been a great host. Hard to believe Katakuri has you as a wife. wiwwiwwiwwi." Brulee took a sip of her tea and smiled at Inko. "So. How's Izuku doing?"

"I'm...not entirely sure. I spoke to him before he went on the trip to the training camp, but I haven't heard from him since. I'm starting to get worried for some reason. It's like a feeling in the back of your mind that something wrong is happening."

'Knowing Izuku, he's probably doing something he shouldn't.' Katakuri shut his eyes and began using his Observation Haki to try and find out anything he could. As he did, an image of Marinefort was seen with Izuku physically and mentally broken. Seeing this, the Sweet General shot his eyes awake in fear before Brulee noticed the difference.

"What did you see?"

"Brulee. Is there a chance for you to open up a gate between here and Marinefort through your mirror world? Izuku is going to do something he shouldn't."

"Unfortunately even if there's a mirror or something you can use, it'll take a while. What's he doing?"

"I don't know, but I'd rather make sure he's safe." Katakuri looked enraged before breaking the tea cup in his hand. 'Akainu. I swear to god that I'll personally end you if you harm a hair on my son's head!'

Back at Impel Down

Members of the guards watched the monitors to see Izuku, Yaoyorozu, Iva and Inazuma begin running towards the entrance to Level 6. "HOLY CRAP! WE'VE GOT FOUR PRISONERS RUNNING FOR THE FINAL LEVEL!"




"STOP THEM NOW!" Hannibal shouted for the guards to try and create a blockade with what troops they had. Unfortunately, they couldn't do much since a large amount of the guards on hand were sent to assist with the prison transfer happening at the moment.

As the guards attempted this, the group found themselves in front of the door leading down towards the final level. "Alright Shroud boy. Do your stuff."

"Alright. Mochi Mochi...." Izuku blew into his thumb for his hand to grow to an insane size. He pulled it back after and sent it barreling towards the door. "GIANT PISTOL!" The doors were completely destroyed to show a stairwell going downwards to the group.

"Guess subtlety is no longer something we're doing."

"Fuck subtlety anymore!" Izuku spoke up while leading the charge down. "Just charge and don't look back!"

Yaoyorozu stared blankly at Izuku for a moment before smirking. 'You know, that's kinda admirable considering this was the same person screaming his lungs out not that long ago.'

Getting to the bottom of the stairwell, the group was met with a large amount of guards with guns. "FIRE MEN!" They shot at the four with izuku standing in their way tanking the bullets and having his body extend out to show where they hit.

"Sorry. But you're not gonna be able to hit me with normal bullets." The rounds ricocheted back towards the guards towards their feet to knock them off balance for Iva to give a wink strong enough to send some flying, Yaoyorozu to knock some down with a staff, and Inazuma to take down the rest without spilling his wine. "Seriously, man. HOW ARE YOU CALM ENOUGH TO DRINK WINE DURING THIS!?" Inazuma didn't answer and simply took another sip of his drink.

"Midoriya. Catch." Yaoyorozu tossed a set of keys to Izuku for him to catch it and hold a conscious guard up.

"Alright. Where's Ace and Ryukyu?"

"Hehehe. They're already sent up towards the entrance. Soon they'll get executed and there's nothing you can-" Izuku knocked the guy out with a chop to the neck and dropped him on the ground.

"Whoops. My hand bad." He took out the Vivor Card he had from Ace to see it pointing up and moving forward.  "If what he said is right, we'll have to go up now."

"That may be a problem. Our best bet now is gonna have to be going up towards the entrance and escaping Impel Down." Iva mentioned this for gas bombs to be sent down from above the stairwell they came in.

"Careful! This is sleeping gas!" Yaoyorozu shouted for Inazuma to run forward and turn his hands into scissors. he snipped the ground itself and pushed it upwards to cover the entrance and prevent the gas from going into the level.

"That should do it." Inazuma sipped from his wine again with Izuku being mildly surprised.

"You have a special quirk or something?"

"Actually, Inazuma ate the Snip Snip Fruit and became a scissor man. He can cut just about anything."

"Fascinating. Now how do we get out of here? Our only entrance is blocked."

"It seems you're in quite a pickle, boy." A voice came from inside the darkness for Izuku to turn and see who it was. Upon finding out with the man's bace being seen in the light, a notable scowl came over him as the mochi quirk user saw the man.

"Crocodile. Out of everyone I'd see down here, you're one of the least desired."

The man smirked at before continuing. "It seems we both can benefit from helping one another. You need a way out, while I'm stuck without a way to escape this prison. So what do you say?"

"You think after what you've done to me, I'm going to let you out and hope you help me!? What faith do I have that you won't kill me when my back's turned to you!?"

"Hahaha! You don't, but what other choices do you have right now?" Crocodile smirked, putting both at an impasse.

"Well, if it isn't Crocoboy." Iva walked over to have the former Warlord scowl. "If it makes things easier, I'll keep him in line. We both know you have a past you'd rather keep hidden. Right, Crocoboy."

"Grrr. Ivankov. Of all the people to help him, it had to be you." Izuku thought of his options before turning to Yaoyorozu.

"Free him."

"You're joking."

"I'm not. We need to get out of here and he's our best way out of Level 6."

"Wait! Please take me with you!" Izuku turned to see Jinbei bound in another cell across from Crocodile's.

"Jinbei. What the hell are you doing in a place like this?"

"I was thrown in here when I refused to fight in the war that is to happen at Marinefort. Though it is my obligation to assist when I am needed to the World Government, I cannot refuse the honor and loyalty I have to the Whitebeards and my own people. Please. If you free me, I shall do all that I can to aid you in your quest."

"Alright then." Izuku activated Haki and walked up to the cage. He pulled the bars apart and used a spare key Yaoyorozu made to unlock the binds keeping the fishman there. "Let's get going then. We need to move fast if we want to save Ace and Ryukyu."

"You have my thanks." Jinbei bowed his head before the group reconvened and went up past the concrete ceiling thanks to crocodile's sand powers.

'Just you wait. We're coming to save you both.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and the members of the prison break group taking on Impel Down. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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