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Momo POV:

I sat in shock realizing what I had just discovered. We were in front of a high ranking official right below Monkey D. Dragon, the Revolutionary. Not only that, but he seemed extremely happy and calm. "I...I can't believe it. You''re a big shot of the Revolutionary Army. What are you doing in Impel Down?"

"Oh, that's nothing but small talk my candy girl. Besides, don't you wanna know what happened to the guy from before?" While the show before was taking place, some guy came in to try and attack Ivankov for him to be jabbed and turn into a girl.

'Come to think of it, a lot of these prisoners do look a little strange.'

"You see, my dear candies. I ate the Horm Horm Fruit and can mess with hormones. The candy boys and candy girls you see here are perfect examples of my work. Sex. Personality. I can practically change anything about the human body if need be. The candies around you though really did a number to kick gender in it's pants. Some boys became girls and some girls became girls. This is truly a dreamland of dreams!"

Ivankov ate some of the food she had out for both me and Bon to stare at each other in disbelief. "I still can't believe that this place exists. It's like we're not even in a prison."

"Oh it's real, Bon boy. A while back, a prisoner had a Devil Fruit power that was good for digging and started chipping away at the rocks and stuff. The prisoners around you all came here by accident with their own stories to be told and low and behold, this paradise has been born. All I do is provide the hormones and everyone else provides the dream!"

"He Haw!" A couple of prisoners came over to chant for joy for me to still be in disbelief.

"Ok. So where do you even get all this food? I mean, it's fair enough to know that this exists and is a place you all enjoy being out of the guard's eyes, but that doesn't explain everything."


"It's not a dream! It's a dreamland!" Ivankov winked to send Bon flying back a little. "To answer your question Momo dear, think of this place like an ant farm. There are more entrances than just in Level 5. We've got one in the Crimson Forest, the Beasts Den, one in the Burning Hellfire, we've even got one in the morgue. The tunnels are everywhere, you just need to know where to look to find them. We steal some food from the revisions to eat happily. We also have a line to one of the Transponder Snails in the guards room and steal newspapers from the garbage to keep up to date what's happening outside. We also learned of your little spree before. It's not every day we see a break in or a break out. We've been cheering for you every step of the way. Of course that goes for Shroud Boy too. Oh that boy truly was amazing. Not anyone can put a warden in their place. If it wasn't Magellan, maybe he could've lasted longer though."

"Oh yeah, just where exactly are we?" 'They steal from the prison guards and from the garbage? I take back my thought these people might be really nice. Then again, they are still prisoners so I shouldn't be as surprised.'

"To make it simple, we're between Level 5 and Level 6."

"Wait. Hold on a second. I thought there was only a Level 5! Are you telling me there's another floor to this prison!?"

"I'm with Bon on this one. I was never told about this when I used to, and I use the term used to significantly here so please don't judge me for it. Used to help out with the prison."

"Oh, we know who you are, Momo Yaoyorozu. Neice of Fleet Admiral Akainu." I swallowed a lump in my throat as Ivankov explained who I was related to. "To answer both your questions. Level 6 isn't commonly known. But it's here. It's called Eternal Hell." Ivankov began acting very dark an menacing to explain the truth to us. "This is the place where the real villains lay. They're the people that the World Government would like to wipe from existence. This is also where the former Warden of Impel Down went."

"Oh yeah, the last warden's name was.....Shiryu, right?"

"Right. Basically, I'd call him more dangerous than Magellan. If he wasn't on the crapper most hours of the day, he might be on par. But Shiryu is far more seductive. He'd execute prisoners whenever he was bored. Butcher them and make it rain their blood. Thus is how his nickname Shiryu of the Rain came to be. He was stopped however when he went too far and Magellan was deemed the warden. But the public will only know that the former warden was relieved of duty when it was discovered he was unfit to continue his act of duty. Thus another story closed by the World Government with the truth not coming out. If you'd have tried this act when he was around, it might've not been as easy to get down this far. But I would've loved to see how Shroud Boy would handle that monster. Truly a spectacle to behold."

As Ivankov mentioned Midoriya, it came back to me that I haven't seen him yet. "Miss Ivankov. We were with someone before coming here. What happened to him."

"That's right! Shroud Boy's hurt really bad! Please Iva, if you would be able to work a miracle and save him, we'd be more than honored!"

"I've already done what I can for our dear Shroud Boy. Who do you think told us to help you two first?" I remembered back when we were in Level 5 with Midoriya telling someone to help us.

"So where is he?"

"Follow me, but be prepared to see something absolutely horrifying." We get up to walk alongside Ivankov as he explains what happened while we were out. "To make matters simple, Magellan's poison if nothing was done to help would've without a doubt killed Shroud Boy. What I did was a special healing hormone treatment that gave him though a slim chance of survival. One that was probably around the lines of 3 percent. Though minor, he had at least a chance. However, his willpower is something that would have to be the deciding factor and even if it did work, Shroud Boy would lose at least 10 years of his lifespan."

"Ten years just for a slight chance!?" I shouted in amazement for Ivankov to look at me.

"The damage done prior to Shroud Boy also didn't help. He was already losing a significant amount of blood from an opened wound with his insides a mess. I had little to work with, but I did what I could. The rest is up to him." We came to a corridor to hear what sounded like screams of pain.

Coming close to the door, Ivankov opened a sliding piece to look inside. There, we saw the outline of Midoriya and him screaming in pain. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

"What's happening to him!?"

"His cells are being destroyed and strengthened from the inside. It's a horribly painful process that if he wants to live has to happen."

Bon immediately pulled away and shouted at Iva. "THIS ISN'T A MIRACLE! THIS IS AGONY HE'S GOING THROUGH! I WANT YOU TO GIVE HIM A NEW ONE!"

"WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO!? I'm not some all powerful being as you may think, even I have limits to what I can do. I can't magically make Shroud Boy better. Everything that I've done for him up until now is the best I can do. Look, just go back to the party. Eat something. And go back to bed to rest. There isn't more that you can do for him at this time." Ivankov left us for the sound of Midoriya's screams to keep echoing in the area.

"He has a point. Right now, there's nothing we can do. The best thing we can do is try to recover on our own so that we can help Midoriya when he gets better."

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" The screams made me uneasy with the pulling of chains inside making it sound more like he was being tortured.

"I...I'm going to stay here."

"Are you stupid? There's nothing we can do, so why stay here?"

"Because. I know Shroud Boy would do the same for me if I was in his shoes." The screams of Midoriya kept happening with Bon trying to find a way to help. As such, he started shouting cheers for Midoriya. "HANG IN THERE! HANG IN THERE, SHROUD BOY!"

The shouts he gave were hardly anything compared to Midoriya's for it to become too difficult for me to stay and walk away. As I did though, I remembered what Midoriya said to me before in the Freezing Hell. I didn't feel like I had the right to shout for his recovery, but I knew I'd be nothing but a coward if I walked away from him while in this state. As such, I swallowed the lump in my throat and went to kneel down and wait. I listened to Midoriya's screams of pain and Bon's shouts to try and keep him going to feel ashamed of myself. I felt the true feeling of uselessness I made Midoriya feel. Unable to do anything, but forced to suffer the grief given by those around me. It made me sick, but I could only do this.

'Please. Just hang on, Midoriya. Just hang on and live for everyone.'

Several hours later, 3rd person POV:

As Izuku's treatment progressed, the constant screams echoed throughout Newkama Land. The inhabitants tried to block it out with music, but some started to question if they had noticed Bon or Yaoyorozu come back from the door. Knowing they weren't in the greatest shape either, their guilt started to pile up for three of them to start walking towards the door Izuku was behind. There, they noticed Bon and Yaoyorozu still there, supporting Izuku's recovery. Yaoyorozu was guilt stricken herself to only sit there and listen to Izuku's screams while Bon had shouted nonstop to Izuku to keep going. "Did they stay here for all this time?"

"That was like ten hours ago that Iva showed them Shroud Boy!?"

"Hang...HANG IN THERE!" Bon kept shouting at the top of his lungs for him to cough out blood.

"Bon boy!" The three who came to check on them tried to go help the injured man, but was stopped by a shout.

"NOBODY TOUCH HIM!" They turned to see Ivankov standing there watching. "Don't you see? This is all they can do and the least they are willing to do. I don't know the fine details, but Bon Boy's friendship with Shroud Boy is what's keeping him going. Meanwhile, whatever guilt Momo Girl is feeling for her companion is what's keeping her here and listening to the screams of pain he's in. This is the true symbol of their bonds! As such, the least we can do is allow them to press on and assist however way we can!"

Ivankov's words echoed in everyone's minds for them to try and think what they could do. "H-HANG IN THERE, SHROUD BOY!"



"SHROUD BOY! SHROUD BOY! SHROUD BOY!" The members of Newkama Land all chanted in unison for Izuku's recovery. The sounds of their chants overwhelmed Izuku's screams to make Yaoyorozu turn back and see the prisoners of the area she was in chanting for Izuku's recovery. Understanding that everyone wanted to see Izuku get through this, Yaoyorozu began to slowly speak up.

"Midoriya...." She clenched her fists with tears in her eyes. " can...." With a huge breath of air, Yaoyorozu shouted at the top of her lungs what she wanted to say. "YOU CAN DO IT, MIDORIYA! KEEP FIGHTING! FIGHT ON TO SAVE THE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO PROTECT!"

A silence was heard from inside the room to have everyone stop and hold their breaths. For a solid minute, there was no sound whatsoever inside the room. "Well, his odds weren't high to begin with. I guess his own willpower just wasn't enough to-" Ivankov was cut off by the door breaking open from the inside for a disheveled hand to come out and nearly take his head off. "AAHHH!!" The arm to it was mochi with it going down the hallway to an unknown location before coming back with a table of food. "GET BACK!" Everyone jumped out of the way of the table for it to slam into the room and shatter. The sound of munching was heard for Yaoyorozu to realize what's happening.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL STANDING AROUND FOR! HE NEEDS TO RENURISH HIS BODY! GET AS MUCH FOOD AS YOU CAN FROM THE MAIN AREA NOW!" The inmates did as they were told to come back with massive mounds of food. One by one, Izuku's hands pulled the food into the room he was in without skipping a beat. When he finally had his fill, he was about to go for another plate of meat dumplings before stopping and patting the person who was holding them's shoulder and returned to his body.

As he walked out, the disheveled body began to revitalize itself with his face being shown first without his face covering to the people of Newkama Land. Standing tall and showing he's better, Izuku let out a mighty roar of acknowledgement. "I'M BAAAAAAACK!" The members of Newkama Land began smiling and cheering for Izuku.


As this occurred, Yaoyorozu stared in both disbelief and happiness. 'Thank you for surviving, Midoriya. Thank you.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku as he returns to the battlefield to save Ryukyu and Ace. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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