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3rd person POV:

As the fight between Izuku and Magellan went off, Yaoyorozu and the group tried to find a way down below into Level 5. To be fair though, it was mainly Bon and Yaoyorozu with Buggy and Mr. 3 trying to find a way to ditch them and get up to another level. The group stopped when they felt a shake to look back where they left Izuku. "Something tells me that wasn't a good sound." Bon began running back towards the area before being stopped by Yaoyorozu.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm going to help our friend. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Tell me, then. How do you plan to help against someone who you can't touch. As far as I'm aware, your combat is close range. Unlike Midoriya who can make his mid-long range if need be, you'd be nothing more than a liability against Magellan."

"THEN WHAT ABOUT YOU!? You're Shroud Boy's friend too and can fight Magellan, so why don't you!?"

"I am NOT Midoriya's friend! I didn't even wanna come here to begin with!"


"THAT SHIP SET SAIL WHEN I FOLLOWED THE DAMNED BASTARD DOWN THIS FAR!" Both began shouting with some of the guards finding them.


"Tch. Great. Big Nose. Wax Man. We gotta go-" Yaoyorozu looked back to see Buggy and Mr. 3 no longer around. "OH COME ON!"

With Izuku

Izuku began feeling the power he had before when the ground turned to mochi again. This time, he tried to focus and keep it's power to what he knew of his skills. The ground reformed and transformed into fists with his use of Observation Haki telling him where Magellan was. "Mochi Mochi....GATLING BARRAGE!" The fists stormed towards Magellan with him getting coated in the strange ground alteration till he was unable to be seen.

"Should've guessed you could use the powers of that Devil Fruit's Awakened abilities."

"Awakened? What are you talking about?" The mochi ground began to bubble away to show Magellan clearly angered.

"Your father, he has an ability similar to yours. It's a unique situation where Devil Fruits are able to alter the outside world of the holder. Some have achieved this and are able to do unfathomable things. Your father is one of them and it seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

'Oh yeah. Thinking back, Ace and Ryukyu mentioned something similar to me about it in Hosu. So this is what having Awakened powers feels like?' Izuku held his hands out and concentrated on what he was doing to pull pieces of the walls, floor and ceiling out and transform it into mochi. Magellan looked in awe as he saw the area around him alter and somewhat worry. Before things could go any farther though, Izuku kneeled over in pain while coughing up blood. 'Dammit. Of all the times to have this happen.'

Yaoyorozu and Bon came upon the scene to notice the balls of mochi floating in the air and dropping down. "Just what was that? Also, what happened to make Shroud Boy fall to the ground so quickly?"

"Guess he wasn't healed enough yet. He's still struggling with the injuries he had from Kuma before coming here."

"Wait, he fought Tyrant Kuma before coming to the prison?" Yaoyorozu nodded while still notably worried.

'Things aren't looking good. That's a lot of blood he lost. Not only that, but he looks like he's already been hit by Magellan's poison. Something tells me this match isn't going to last much longer.'

"I'll admit, Midoriya. If you were at your top, I may have not been able to stop you. However, you made a grave error coming here injured. Now you'll pay the price. Hydra." Magellan continued his attack with his three poison serpent heads for Izuku to be able to dodge the first two, but be hit by the third. "Poison Road." Magellan used the third head to come directly towards Izuku to grab him and coat them both in poison. "Now it's time to end this. Toxin Mane."

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" Izuku screamed in absolute pain with his body being injected with immense levels of poison. The sound of his agony echoed in both Yaoyorozu and Bon's heads to be tormented by them.

"We need to do something."

"You honestly think he's gonna survive with all that poison injected into him? Right now, Midoriya's going to die. If I had to put a timespan, he's got at best 24 hours." Izuku screamed again with the two looking over the cover they were to see him spit up blood in a pool of poison. Yaoyorozu shook in fear as someone who she knew was relentless in his actions was in complete agony. Helpless on the ground.

"Sir. We found two of the escaped inmates." A few guards came over with Buggy and Mr. 3 holding Sea Prism Stone handcuffs.

"Send them down to Level 5. You can bring him down with you. If he dies in this prison, then we can at least try and save face and avoid backlash from the Big Mom Pirates." Magellan walked over to a giant curtained seat for there to be a silence before a large farting sound was heard.

"We need to get down to Level 5." Bon states this before turning to see a man who held a portly belly on him. "That's Hannybal. he's the Vice Warden. If we can knock him out and another guard, we can disguise ourselves as them and get down to Level 5 to help Shroud Boy."

"I can understand the way to get down there, but Midoriya's good as dead already. I don't think that'll do anything."

"Just leave it to me. I know someone that's here that can help."

Half an hour later

Hannybal and some other guards began bringing Izuku, Mr. 3 and Buggy down to Level 5. As they did, the Vice Warden looked down the list to see a couple of names with markings on them. "These markings, what are they supposed to incline?"

"Don't you remember, sir? They're the people that are spirited away from the ghosts of Impel Down."

"Oh, right. I forgot about that." Getting to the gate to the lower level Hannybal grabbed the sleigh holding Izuku. "I can handle the rest from here. She'll be helping bring the other two where they need to."

"Yes sir. Good luck and amazing work on handling the cold without a shirt on. Truly an inspiration to us all."

"Don't worry about it." The gates shut for the Vice Warden and prison guard to feel a chill going down their spines.

"It's freezing."

"Don't you think I know that?" Hannybal placed a hand on his head to turn into Bon with the prison guard taking off the face covering to reveal Yaoyorozu. "Now that we're here, we must find Iva. If we do, we can yet save Shroud Boy."

"I don't get what some guy that dresses in drags can do if even the scientists of this prison can't make an antidote to Magellan's poison."

"Understand me when I say Iva has preformed miracles worthy of being called the queen of queens. If anyone can do this, it's her."

"Can you at least take these stupid cuffs off!" Buggy shouted in annoyance from the cold for Yaoyorozu to toss them the keys.

"So are you two gonna come with us, or what?"

"You think we're stupid to hunt down someone that's most likely not here!? Look at this place! Who in their right minds could survive here!?" The clown pirate pointed out their surroundings before pointing at a name. "If you look here, it says the person you're looking for is long gone. If I were you, I'd cut my losses and find a way out of here without chasing fairy tales!" The two left with Bon continuing on.

"Bon. You heard what they said. I doubt you'll find this Iva-"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY!  I CAN'T JUST LEAVE SHROUD BOY LIKE THIS!" Bon grit his teeth in anger before continuing. "I couldn't help him when he needed me the most. Shroud Boy was already hurt before coming here as you said. Yet even through all that, he took on Magellan knowing he could easily die. WHAT KIND OF FRIEND WOULD I BE IF I DIDN'T HELP HIM NOW!?" Turning to Yaoyorozu, Bon had tears in his eyes. "I was nothing but a coward, but Shroud Boy stood strong for us. So it's only right that we stay strong for him and help him get better. Even if it's a fool's errand, I'll still help him if the odds aren't zero."

Bon pulled Izuku away with Yaoyorozu gripping her fist in anger. "This is stupid! WHY AM I HERE!? I shouldn't owe Midoriya this! Yeah, I screwed up and tormented him in the past, but this is beyond what I can do. Dammit. DAMMIT! HOLD ON, I'M COMING TOO!" Yaoyorozu caught up with Bon for them to start asking around for any clues to where Iva may have gone. Unfortunately, every inmate they asked about it couldn't give any leads to Iva. Soon enough, two hours went by with both Yaoyorozu and Bon feeling frost form on their bodies. feeling in their hands and feet had left them for it to get harder and harder to breathe. Looking back, Izuku wasn't doing much better as his own breathing was unable to keep a form of rhythm. Upon arrival at another cell, one inmate was able to give some information upon Iva's location.

"*pant* Just a little longer Shroud Boy. *pant* Just hang in there. I promise we'll *pant* get Iva to help you." Bon tried to reassure Izuku with him still in a large amount of pain. The opening to his wounds covered in snow to stain it red with his mind now running a mile a minute.

"Yaoyorozu..." The dark haired girl moved back to Izuku's side while shivering to listen to what he had to say. "I...I'm sorry you're dragged into this..."

"Either way, I think I wouldn't have been able to leave thinking back on the situation."

Izuku remained silent for a moment before speaking up again. "...Why...why does...bad things...h-happen to...me?" these words shook the Creation user as she looked down to see Izuku crying. "I just...wanna...help the people...who helped me...w-why...can't...I...do that?" Hearing this, Yaoyorozu couldn't help but be reminded how she acted prior to this incident towards Izuku.

"I'm sorry. Maybe if I wouldn't have done half the things I did, we wouldn't be in this mess. Maybe if I held onto the faith that you could be different than your father, you wouldn't...." Glancing at Izuku's scar which was hardly covered, Yaoyorozu slowly moved her hand to readjust it. "I should've known better. I know this isn't the place to do this, but I'm still sorry. If there's any chance I can go back in time to fix what I did, I'd do it in a heartbeat."

"You're a good friend to Shroud boy." Bon smiled at this while suffering from mild cases of frostbite on his fingers.

"I don't deserve that title. We're not friends. Just people that know each other by the wrong means." The group found themselves in the middle of a forest with nobody around. Their bodies were unable to move much more from the cold to kneel into the snow.

"We...can't...give up..." Bon tried to stand up before a pack of several wolves around them. "S-Shroud...Boy..." All at once, the wolves attacked Yaoyorozu and Bon for them to be unable to handle the onslaught.

Looking at the faces of the feral animals, Yaoyorozu smiled a little at her end. 'I guess, this is my punishment. Even if by some miracle I live, it won't be for long. My only shame is that I couldn't make right to Midoriya.' Feeling the teeth of the animals sink in, Yaoyorozu could barely feel it from the cold until a sudden stop and a presence was felt to make the wolves run away. She glanced up at the sleigh to see Izuku on his hands and knees glaring at them.

"P-please...help...them..." He fell over into the snow for the sound of someone else walking towards them to turn Yaoyorozu's attention to a mysterious person. A man wearing an overcoat and having a strange hair color stood above her drinking wine for some reason.

"Who...are you?" Yaoyorozu spoke these words before passing out from pain and cold with the man not saying a word.

Few hours later, Momo POV:

I began to wake up with an immense throbbing pain in my body. Everywhere on me hurt, but I decided to get up and find out where I was. "You're up too, huh?" I turned to see Bon in a bed beside the one I was in. He looked like a mess with what I could tell from my arms, I wasn't any better.

"Where are we?"

"Who knows. I only woke up a few moments before you." We both got up and looked around. From what I can tell, it was a room without anything special in it besides the beds and a door out. Not knowing where it went, we decided to take our chances and head out and see a hallway. From there, we followed the sounds of cheers for some reason to get in front of a large set of people wearing abnormal outfits. "What's going on? Is this the afterlife?"

"Shhh. The show's about to start." One of the people spoke up to have us raise an eyebrow. When the curtain pulled up on a stage up front, a large person with purple hair wearing a dominatrix outfit stood with their back to us.

"Hello my candies. Did you sleep tightly? Or should I call you both, little Bon Boy and Momo Dear."

"How does she know us?" The crowd pushed us forward to be in the front of the stage for the person to start shaking their hips.

"Are you ready~." Music began playing with the person continuing to speak. "You both passed through the sewers of Impel Down. Crossed the gates of hell to this land of beauty. A prisoner's paradise~." The music grew louder for the person to keep going. "We have everything you could ever want here. Drinks. Women. Games. But most importantly, we have freedom." The person walked around while carrying the mic stand they had. "Those prison guards can say their little words of us being dragged into hell. But we are here and we are queer. Personally, I wouldn't exactly call this hell. But who knows. Maybe it is. If so, at least it's a gay one. It's an underground where dreams come true. I bid you welcome~." The lights showed to the person to reveal it to be some crossdresser and several other people. "To Impel Down's Level 5.5! An oasis for all who enter! THIS IS NEWKAMA LAND!"

"HE HAW!" The crowd cheered for Bon and myself to stare in awe and disbelief.

"Go Iva!"

"Shake it, Iva!"


I turned to Bon for a moment before realizing who the Iva he was talking about was. "THAT'S THE REVOLUTIONARY!? A TOP OFFICIAL TO MONKEY D. DRAGON!?"


And that finishes this chapter. So Yaoyorozu and Bon found Newkama Land. See how things happen next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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