Izuku vs Katakuri

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3rd person POV:

Katakuri began to fall back before planting his foot down. He stood back up to look down at Izuku. "Nice punch. Too bad it'll be the last one you'll do." "We'll see." Izuku stood one a fighting stance with Katakuri clearly agitated. 'DAMMIT IZUKU! Why didn't you just leave me be!? I could've gotten away with not having to fight you!' Up at the top, Ochako was ready to run down to help. However, Cracker was standing in her way with his sword out. "Sorry kid, but this is against that brat and Katakuri." He was shaking from Izuku's past attack to his groin with what looked like several biscuits formed in the shape of armor behind him. "And unless any of you want to fight me, I suggest you stay out of this as well." Nobody really argued, but simply watched the events unfold. The only that actually had an issue besides the brunette was 13 who was ready to take Cracker on. "I may not be fond of that student in particular, but I won't stand back and let him get hur-" He was cut off by one of Cracker's biscuit armors slamming the space hero's head into the ground and kept him there. Nobody fought this and watched Izuku start fighting Katakuri.

Izuku pulled his arm back for it to turn into mochi. "Mochi Mochi..." It came barreling at Katakuri before a shout was heard. "PISTOL!" The punch was caught however with the villain sliding back a bit. This shocked everyone who knew how strong Izuku with the young Charlotte being lifted up into the air and punched in the face. The force sent him back to the ground amazed what happened. "Just stay down. I'd rather not fight a kid if I can avoid it. And let's be honest, you're not gonna beat me." This comment enraged Izuku to no end. "SCREW THAT!"


Izuku started to get up and begin charging at Katakuri pulling both his arms back. "Mochi Mochi....TWIN PISTOL!" Both arms rocked at Katakuri for him to dodge between them. He then came to grab Izuku by the hair and knee his face. The villain continued to throw him into the distance with his body hitting the ground hard. Izuku recovered and charged back at his father taking a different fighting stance similar to that of a boxer. He tried to constantly punch him in an attempt to do something. This unfortunately did nothing as once again, Izuku was hit in the stomach and grabbed by the arm. Katakuri picked him up and slammed Izuku's face into the ground with the floor beneath cracking. 'Dammit! Don't make me do this Izuku!'

Izuku got back up with blood coming down from his head to try and sweep his father's feet. "Mochi Mochi WHIP!" He jumped as Izuku predicted for him to adjust himself for both his feet to be together and used his mochi powers to grow them to be as large as himself. "Now Mochi Mochi MALLET!" Katakuri used his powers to circle around Izuku's legs to come at him and slam the back of his skull back into the concrete. "Seems someone's learned a certain blond's fighting style." Izuku got away to go for a punch, but this was countered by Katakuri kicking Izuku's side to make him fall and then dislocating his right arm. "AAAHH!" "That bastard of a number 1 can't even match me. What hope do you have against the likes of that?" "Shut up!" Izuku got away to put the bone back in the socket for his arm before charging and giving a few more straight punches. This was met by Katakuri's for them both to clash.

As their fists came at one another, Katakuri soon grabbed Izuku's fists to glance down at him. In the heat of the moment, Izuku tried to headbutt his father with it only going into his knee to knock him for a loop. "Seems you've picked up his headstrong attitude. Pathetic if you ask me." Izuku got away to show his dazed look. "SCREW YOU!" Izuku began to sporadically punch random areas. 'What's he up to?' Katakuri watched as the speed grew faster as if Izuku grew more arms. "Mochi Mochi....GATLING!" The assault was insanely fast to the point the onlookers of class A were amazed that this was happening. "Wait, so he was going easy on us when we were fighting him the other day?" Sero questioned for Yaoyorozu to be even more ticked with Izuku than she normal is. 'The bastard!' When he made contact with Katakuri however, his body morphed around and opened where Izuku was punching. "If you were to hit me, I'm certain you could succeed in hitting me, but if I avoid your attacks, that means next to nothing."

Katakuri moved in one motion to punch Izuku in the chest and break a few ribs. He then went barreling down towards Smoothie and Aizawa. Both of which watched in horror as the young boy was put in a state of pain he couldn't even imagine. "Midoriya. *cough* *cough* Stop this." Aizawa started to stand up to stop Izuku before hearing him shout. "STAY OUT OF THIS!" Izuku was wearing down with his ability to see beginning to be blurred. "I've lived a fucking hell of a life because I'm related to that bastard. This is the time I can prove I'm nothing like him." Izuku charged at Katakuri again with Ochako trying to get down the steps. "MIDORIYA STOP!" Cracker however put the tip of his blade to her neck. "You wanna die kid?" He smirked at her as they continued to watch the one sided onslaught.

Katakuri dodged Izuku's punches along with a kick that was coming directly after to grab his leg and break the bone in his shin. "BASTARD!" Izuku was still trying to push and gave another punch. This was caught however with the large villain giving a shot to the jaw for Izuku's mask to fall off with blood coming out. He fell back a bit before attempting to recover. Unfortunately, his broken leg forced him to his knees. At this point, Katakuri discovered Izuku's scar to go make his eyes grow wide. "Quite the scar you have there." "Tch. So what!?" Izuku tried to get back on his feet with the pain of his leg giving him difficulty. "You're not getting up that easily. Just stay down and accept the loss kid." Katakuri started to leave with Izuku seeing all the torture he had in his life up till now. The scars on his face seared with immense pain as he spoke up. "I'M NEVER GIVING UP DAMMIT!" Katakuri looked back to see his son getting back up on shaking legs. "I don't care what it takes. I'm gonna beat you and prove I'm nothing like you or the bastard Charlottes that cause problems. I'M GOING TO BE THE HERO THAT TAKES YOU IN!" 

Izuku gave one last charge at Katakuri with him ready to fight. "Mochi Mochi..." Izuku pulled his fist back with it growing to monstrous proportions. he pivoted his left with his arm charging at Katakuri. At the last minute though, the direction of the fist went downward to the ground right beneath Izuku. "SPRINGBOARD!" This sent Izuku right up into the air near the roof of the building before he began falling down. He began moving forward to do flips in the air to increase speed and momentum. His left leg turned to mochi with his final attack coming. "Mochi Mochi!" his own body was unable to be seen as Izuku came at Katakuri with everything he had. "BUZZ SAW-" This was stopped however with Katakuri giving one final punch to Izuku's stomach and knocking all the wind out of him. In the act, he ruptured a few organs to force Izuku to vomit blood up. "You had the chance to run, but you continued. Now take the consequences." Izuku's face was grabbed before being thrown into the staircase of the USJ, breaking the stairs in the process. Katakuri glanced over seemingly unphased while everyone else was either horrified, shocked, or in fear for Izuku in Aizawa and Ochako's case.

"MIDORIYA!" Cracker let his sword go knowing there wasn't any issue with Ochako for the brunette to run to her friend's side. At this moment, the doors of the USJ were torn open. "Fear not students, FOR I AM HERE!" All Might had walked in with the UA staff behind him for them to notice the fight that had happened down below.

"So harming civilians isn't enough for you Charlottes and now you must go after your own!? How low will you go!?" All Might came down and noticed Izuku being cared for by Ochako to stand in front of Katakuri. A fight between the two was going to happen, but was stopped when Izuku had gotten up and walked towards the two. He was holding a fighting stance, barely able to hold himself up. "Young Midoriya. You must stop. You can barely sta-" The pro stopped when he looked to see a horrific state. "Young Midoriya. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this." Though his body was standing, Izuku wasn't awake. "After all that you've had to endure, your will is still strong enough to stand for what you believe in even when you're out cold."

Aizawa who was helped up by Smoothie looked down in shame. "He's out cold. The only thing that's keeping him up right now is his will alone." "Such an amazing sense of pride in one's self." Midnight came over to help her friend along with Mic for the Charlotte woman to give Aizawa to them. "I did what I could, but he needs a doctor." Before she left, Smoothie slipped a small note in Aizawa's pocket to whisper in his ear. "Call me." Meanwhile, Katakuri watched as Recovery Girl immediately started treatment on Izuku and cut the top half of his hero suit off. His abdomen and chest were covered in gashes and bruises with the ribs broken fortunately pointing outward instead of inward towards his lungs or heart. Seeing this forced Katakuri to walk away and end this day. "We're leaving." Him and Smoothie got up to the stairs where Cracker was seen continually scaring the kids. "What!? But I didn't even have as mu-" Katakuri didn't have time for his brother's antics to grab his neck and hoist him up. "Point taken. But brother, you're chocking me."

As they left, Bakugou deemed it necessary to try and attack Katakuri himself. "YOU THINK I'M JUST GONNA LET YOU LOSERS WALK AWAY FROM INVADING US AND GET AWAY WITH IT!? BULLSHIT!" He charged at Katakuri for him to grab the ash blond's head and slam it into the ground to scare everyone. "If I wanted to, I could kill everyone here with little problem. The only reason you're not is because I hate hurting kids." The Charlotte trio walked out of the facility with some pros ready to go after them. Nezu told them it wasn't worth the effort though and that their injured allies take more of a priority over them.

Few hours later, Ochako POV:

After the incident with the Sweet Enforcers, I went to the infirmary where Recovery Girl was able to heal most of Midoriya's injuries. He'd have scars on his torso though from what she said where his ribs popped out and a few where the gashes were, but she said he's lucky to be alive right now. As I sat in the hallway afraid of what happened, the world that Midoriya lives in became painfully obvious. "He wants to stop the Charlotte family, but nobody cared to stand up for him when he was being beaten to a bloody pulp. *hic* That's....that's just sick and wrong." I was shaking from what I saw before I heard a woman come running down the halls. "PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE THE INFIRMARY IS!?" She seemed to be around my age with brown hair and a uniform of a culinary school as far as I could tell. The most notable thing about her though is the hair that pulled up to reveal a third eye. When she saw me, she immediately stopped and slid a bit before grabbing onto my shoulders to give a horrified look.

"YOU GO HERE, SO CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE THE INFIRMARY IS!? INKO SAID IZUKU WAS HURT!" "H-he's inside this room. But Recovery Girl said no visitors." "BUT I'M HIS AUNT! DOESN'T THAT AMOUNT TO ANYTHING!?" 'She's starting to scare me.' When the fact she said aunt processed in my head, I immediately started a conversation about Midoriya's past. "I'm sorry to ask this on such short notice, but what was your nephew like growing up?" The woman looked down before answering. "Izuku was a nice boy. Honestly he'd be looked at as someone everyone would probably have liked if he wasn't a Charlotte. Since me and him were around the same age, we'd play together as little kids. Honestly, only a few of our family actually knew Izuku was Katakuri's son. This was to keep him safe. Out of everyone that knows, only about five of us counting me and Katakuri knew who Izuku was related to. But..." I could see it was a touchy topic for me to try and change the subject. "Sorry. Where are my manners. My name is Ochako Uraraka." "Pudding Charlotte. It's very nice to meet you Uraraka."

In the infirmary, All Might POV:

Young Midoriya began to regain consciousness after being treated. When he tried to sit up, I stopped him however in fear he could open something. "It might be wiser for you not to sit up for right now. You weren't in the greatest shape when we got to the USJ." "....What happened after I blacked out?" "UA came to help. But Katakuri, Smoothie, and Cracker Charlotte escaped. During this, you tried to continue fighting even though you were extremely beaten and bloodied. However, you were unconscious and didn't acknowledge any of this from what we can tell." Young Midoriya looked down at his body before starting to cry. "I...couldn't stop him. *hic* I couldn't do a damn thing to stop him. I-I tried for years to be a hero just so I can prove I'm nothing like my father but...*hic* I couldn't do anything." He began to lose his normally calm composure for me to comfort him. "Sometimes these things happen. But we need to get stronger. That's for certain." "How? I can't even touch him and neither can you. *hic* If I can't stop him, then nobody's going to see me as nothing more than what my father is." 'Sometimes I forget you're kid Midoriya. I'm sorry this has to happen to you.'

After young Midoriya calmed down and fell back to sleep, I left the room seeing young Uraraka and a woman I discovered some time back to be young Pudding. I was told she was one of the nicer Charlottes and is also a rather skilled cook to try and make it her passion. I left though in hopes to call an old friend of mine so I can help young Midoriya through this troubled time. "Whitebeard agency. Phoenix here." "Young Marco. It has been some time." "All Might! Boy are you a pleasant person to hear from. Want me to put you through to pops." "Please." There was a moment of silence before my old friend got on the phone. "Been a long time Yagi." "Newgate. How has life been?" "Hehe. Aren't you a few generations too young to ask me that?" I heard what I was assuming was sake being drunk from the other line. "I apologize, but I didn't call for a chat and walk down memory lane. I called because I have someone I'd like you to look into training." "What's his name?" "A first year at UA going under the name of Izuku Midoriya. Mother is Inko Midoriya and father is Katakuri Charlotte." "Interesting. I wonder if Linlin knows of him yet?" 'Young Midoriya, I'm going to help you, but the dangers you face may be hell on earth before you can even reach a point of success. Be prepared for that.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles this ordeal next time with All Might making a call to an old friend. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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