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All Might POV:

After discussing with my former sidekick about the man who I'd wish to offer OFA to, he demanded to see young Midoriya for himself. At lunch on the third day, he had walked into the cafeteria with me in my smaller form to glance around the tables. "So where is he?" I didn't need much to point him out to notice him in the corner eating with nobody around. "He's the one over there with the scarf." "Very well. I shall speak with hi-" I grabbed Nighteye's arm before explaining a rather important detail I had left out. "I think you need to be aware who young Midoriya is related to before you look into his future. Young Midoriya wishes to defeat the Charlotte family because of his connections to them. He wishes to do this as a way to prove he is not a villain such as them himself." Nighteye was silent before speaking. "Who is the boy's father?" "Katakuri Charlotte." We looked back to see young Uraraka walk over to the table. "I'd like to see how he interacts first with his peers before doing this." "Very well. Young Uraraka is a good example for showing of his character in the past."

Izuku POV:

The day was rather simple for me up till now. When Mr. Aizawa came in to discuss yesterday to us, he first reprimanded Princess, Asshole(Kirishima), along with those who complained I was cheating for their actions with making it entirely clear that if the ass that pulled the stunt he did during the battle training did it again, he'd be expelled. I was unfortunately also on the lecture parade due to me 'egging them on' in the control room. Though it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone else's who was asses of themselves. Not long after, we discussed a class rep and vice rep with it not mattering to me since nobody would care if I participated or not among the class. In the end, we did a voting system where the bitch was class rep and robocop was vice. I did strangely get a vote with everyone trying to find out who it came from. They thought I did it but I shot it down when I said I didn't vote with them counting 18 slips. 'I really don't care, but who actually voted for me?'

"Hey. Mind if I sit with you?" Uraraka came over for me to get kinda ticked off. "Just what part of 'leave me alone' do you not get girl?" "I just figured you'd want a friend." "Well I don't, so leave before you get unwanted attention for being around me." I opened my mask up just enough to eat something before Uraraka spoke up. "So how did you get that scar?" I stopped when she mentioned the scar. "You seemed to wanna say it during the battle training, but didn't. Why?" "*sigh* If I tell you, will you leave?" "Maybe." "....It was when I was little. One of the kids that would bully me took it a little too far and used a slingshot to shoot the sharp edge of something at me. I turned at the worst time and sliced my jaw to the point it almost fell off." "Oh my god!" "Yeah. They had to wire my jaw back together just so it could heal. Sadly they couldn't do anything about the scars that would remain. Irony where they were." I glanced over to see Uraraka starting to cry. "That's the saddest thing I ever heard. I'm sorry Midoriya!" She started hugging me for some reason for it to really tick me off.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing round face?" We looked back to see the Pomeranian with some arrogant asshole beside him. "It would appear that filth such as yourself is trying to corrupt those who are here to be heroes. Oh how sad you must feel AHAHAHAHA!" 'Does this guy have an ego problem or something?' I ignored them and kept eating. "What's wrong loser, cat got your tongue?" I continued to ignore them until it became a bit too irritating for the Pomeranian. "ANSWER ME WHEN I FUCKING TALK TO YOU VILLAIN!" He slammed his hand down to create an explosion on the table to make the lunch room go dead silent. Everyone saw him clearly pissed with me holding my food up to not have it get charred."Picking fights in a lunch room isn't very heroic. Yet you think I'm the villain." "Unlike us though, you'll be looked at as the culprit cause of your garbage father's past, AHAHAHAHA!" The egoist kept laughing before I finished my food to stand up. "What, you gonna fucking start something?" Both got into a defensive position as I simply walked away since it wasn't worth my time. As I did though, I heard an audible slap from someone behind me to see Uraraka slapped the Pomeranian across the face.

"You have no right to call someone a villain! Either of you! What you're doing right now is riling someone up just to get a reaction! As far as I see, you're both just as much of a villain that you let Midoriya out as!" Everyone was amazed that the girl did something such as this and spoken for me of all people. This didn't sit well with both idiots though since they prepared to strike her themselves. They were so fueled with their rage that they didn't see my arm pass through Uraraka and close line both of them. "Mochi Mochi WHIP!" The two went barreling into another table which made everyone see the true agitated face of mine."I don't care who you think you are or that you mock me. But the second you raise a hand to a woman who is defending me, that's when I get pissed." The two began charging at Izuku with him dodging them every step of the way. It was only until Kirishima, Some copy of the ass, Kaminari, Sero, and a wax guy intervened that I had to defend myself. All seven came at me with their quirks for me to begin encasing them in mochi and giving solid punches at them. The fight began getting more heated when people who didn't think so kind of me began joining in to make it a one against many fight. I wasn't having issues, but noticed some of the people involved going after Uraraka. Seeing someone who was just doing what she thought was right get brought into this didn't sit right with me. I started charging to cover her and take the blunt of the attacks himself. If I didn't care to protect her, none of the hits would land and just slip through me. Sadly, I had to take the hits just so Uraraka wouldn't have to be dragged into my problems.

"ENOUGH!" Aizawa came in to see everyone ganging up on me while I got up to show Uraraka under me. "WHO THREW THE FIRST PUNCH!?" Everyone pointed at me and Uraraka for me to just sigh knowing how this will play out. "You two, with me. The rest of you, get back in your seats before I expel all of you!" I followed the teacher out of the cafeteria and down the hall to Nezu's office. There, the two went through the security footage after Uraraka explained what happened. I honestly said it didn't matter since nobody would believe me for them to keep an open mind for some reason at the footage. They saw how the two that actually began it came up and started for me to try and walk away only after returning to throw the actual first punch after they were going to strike Uraraka. "Well from the footage, you were defending Ms. Uraraka here. The next parts however is the only things that we can actually use on you." 'Here we go.' "You aren't expelled or in trouble.  In fact, I'd like to thank you for standing up for another student who was going to get hurt. I do not condone fighting among one another, but you aren't the villain. So you'll both just get a slap on the wrists and that'll be it."

He led us out of the office for it to be somewhat confusing for me. 'Holy crap, a teacher actually took my side.' I was in awe as we continued back to the classroom where everyone was waiting for us and Aizawa.

Meanwhile with Nighteye and All Might, Nighteye POV:

After watching the ordeal inside the cafeteria, All Might and I had discussed what we had witnessed. "He seems to be a targeted boy." "He's been targeted for as long as he can remember. It's not easy for him and he's been trying as hard as he can, but nobody seems to side with him." I began to sigh a bit before asking a bit more. "Why did you think he was a good candidate for OFA?" "He's willing to put up with so much just to do what is right and stop the Charlotte family. If anything, his heart's in the right place to do what the world deserves, but it's not that easy for him." "So you wanted to give him the quirk in order to say he actually can do what he wants and become a hero?" All Might nodded while we looked at the itinerary for today's classes. "He's to go to the USJ today, I wonder how he'll fare?" I rechecked who was supposed to be there and notice that All Might was also supposed to be with them. "YOU IDIOTIC BUFFOON! DID YOU USE ALL YOUR POWER TODAY TO STOP VILLAINY JUST TO MISS THIS CHANCE TO TEACH THE HEROES OF TOMORROW!?"

With class A, 3rd person POV:

The class had been told that they were going to the USJ today for special training. As such, they began traveling on bus. Iida had suggested to the class that they should go in on by seat order only for this to fail with it being the common city bus for transportation instead of a school one. As they sat, everyone spoke with one another while Ochako spoke beside to Yaoyorozu. "Hey Yaomomo, you're from Midoriya's last school and knew him since childhood right?" "Unfortunately." Ochako didn't know how to answer this, so she came out to say it. "Who gave him the scar on his face?" "Why do you care who did? The villain's going to be no different than his father when he grows up." At this point, Ochako realized the reality that Izuku lives in. Nobody cares if he lives or dies in the class. None of them would even care if he showed up. They all saw him as no different than his own father who he despises. The bus eventually stopped for Aizawa to get up. "We're here. Get off." The class got off one by one with Bakugou attempting to trip Izuku and only get his mochi stuck on his costume. "GROSS!" They stood in line with a person that looked like a spaceman in front of them.

"Greetings UA." Everyone saw it was the space hero 13 who had Ochako all for being taught by him. "Woohoo! 13 is one of my favorite heroes!" Izuku was unphased as he listened closely to every word the pro spoke. He also overheard a talk about All Might and what had happened to him. 'Of course he'd screw up and use all his time just for petty thugs. Can't blame him though.' The class was explained about the facility with 13 somewhat uneasy around Izuku. He put it off as he was one of the six that thought he shouldn't be in the school and just shrugged it off as is. Once they entered, the facility's lights began to flicker with a strange portal opening up in the middle. As it did, a man with hands covering his body reached out as well as several other villains.

"Cool. They even have fake villains here!" Kirishima stated while the last three came out of the portal to make Izuku's eyes widen. These three were none other than the Three Sweet Commanders of the Charlotte family. Smoothie, Cracker, and Katakuri Charlotte. As they appeared, the portal turned to a man of mist with the man with hands on his body speaking. "We are the League of Villains, we've come to kill All Might." The man looked around to see no sign of the pro before scratching his neck and getting a sickening thought. "That bastard isn't even here. No matter. I wonder how many brats we can kill before he finally does?" "13! Protect the students!" Aizawa rushed down to meet the hoards of villains to take them on. For the most part, he was managing rather well with only having issues with the mutation quirk users. This somewhat impressed the Charlottes with one rather more due to the fact he put his students above himself.

Izuku was starting to walk down ready to meet the group before Ochako stopped him. "Midoriya! We need to leave now!" Izuku didn't listen as he noticed his own father and was ready to take him down and be able to finally prove he's nothing like him or his villainous family members. "Midoriya! I do not know what the issue is, but we need to leave!" 13 tried to help as well with them noticing Cracker coming over and smiling at them. "Well helloooo UA. It seems there's a bit of a problem with your friend here." He walked up and kicked Ochako out of the way. "So tell me boy, what's the matter?" He smiled at Izuku before getting a knee to the groin. "AHHHH! THAT HURTS! THAT HURTS THAT HURTS! AHHHH!" Everyone was confused as Izuku ran down the steps. "DAMN YOU BRAT! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU FOR HURTING ME(Reminder that Cracker hates feeling any form of pain whatsoever so he uses his armor made of biscuits to fight)!" Izuku began running down to the center to see Aizawa being attacked by some kind of monster with it's brain sticking out. In one go, it broke his arm like a stick and slammed the pro into the ground. "MR. AIZAWA!" Aizawa looked up to see Izuku and the villains that were beside him about to use their quirks to attack. "Midoriya! Behind you!" He looked back with the villains unable to use their quirks. Izuku took this as an opening to pull his arms back. "Mochi Mochi! GATLING GUN!" Each villain was knocked out to surprise everyone.

"That boy has the same powers as you Katakuri. Why?" Katakuri remained silent while seeing Aizawa being beaten on the floor by the Nomu. "The teacher helped his student in exchange for being clobbered like that. Admirable." Smoothie saw this with Izuku rushing to help and only see the man in hands behind him ready to kill Izuku. 'IZUKU!' Katakuri immediately jumped into action to send a small mochi ball covered in some black substance and send it towards the villain. This sent him flying out of the way and into the staircase. "Katakuri! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" "Our deal was helping with All Might. Not killing the heroes and students here. If you think I'll sit by and watch our deals be treated like this, you're sorely mistaken." This enraged the man with the mist villain coming over towards him and explaining the situation. "Shigaraki. If we remain here, then we may have to fight all three of the Charlotte family members here. All Might is not here and they will not allow us to harm the students here. I think it is best for us to leave." The villain known as Shigaraki grunted before nodding. "Don't think this is over. Nomu. Kill the hero-" 

This comment was stopped when they noticed Smoothie sucking the moisture out of the beast called Nomu until it was a pile of ash. "Leave. Now." The two disappeared with Smoothie picking up the injured Aizawa. "Are you alright?" "*cough* Why do you care? Your family wishes to destroy the safety of the world." "Perhaps, but we are not necissarily evil. To be honest, I'd rather just enjoy my days relaxing instead of fighting. I also was rather impressed with you putting your effort into helping your students. Would you be interested in an arraigned marriage-" "Not a chance." Aizawa quickly denied the request by Smoothie before they heard shouting. "KATAKURIIII!" They looked over to see Izuku jumping and preparing to punch his father in the face. Nobody believed he'd make a hit since not even All Might could. However, the punch landed to shock everyone watching. "DID MIDORIYA JUST LAND A PUNCH ON KATAKURI!?" The villain was somewhat in a daze with Izuku now fuming with rage. 'Guess our powers cancel each other out. Nice punch Izuku.' "WE SETTLE THIS RIGHT HERE AND NOW! GOT IT!?"

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku will be facing his father in a fight with intentions to take him in. See how that handles for Izuku next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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