Team Battles

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Izuku POV:

The next day of school was kinda straightforward for the most part. The morning classes were our normal school curricular. The boring stuff that makes school well, school. After lunch though, stuff gets serious as we begin the courses we came here for. Right now, we're all sitting in class waiting for the first hero training to begin. "I am-" we glanced at the door to see it open and a familiar blond to show up. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" Everyone started to cheer when they realized All Might was teaching our class. Not only that, but he was doing it in his Silver Age costume. 'Show off.' I smirked at my teacher as he came to the podium to begin. "Heroics 101. A class where young newbies like yourselves can become the heroes of tomorrow. I'll be instructing you on today's lesson. And that lesson will be..." He pulled out a flash card showing what it was before shouting it out. "BATTLE TRAINING! And what hero would be complete without their hero costumes!?" All Might presses a button for 19 cases to come out from the wall. "Change I to these and meet me down at ground Beta on the double!" I walked towards my case to head right to change. I also made certain that nobody hung around me to see my scar when I got in to change. 'Oh I've been waiting for this day.'

At ground Beta

After changing and getting to the field, I was greeted by All Might standing in front of the entrance to the fake city. "I must say young Midoriya. You've chosen quite a unique design."

"Thank you sir." I smirked as we stood and spoke a bit. "Word of warning. We only have 19 people in this, so one person will go a second time." "And you're asking if I want that, don't you?" The buff blond nodded before continuing. "One team you'll be partnered with young Uraraka since she seems to have no issue with working alongside you. The second, you'll be facing young Yaoyorozu. This was preselected by Aizawa and the faculty." "They wanna see what they're dealing with, don't they?" "Precisely. It's the only way we can determine better if you are fit to be here or not. So do your best and show just what you can do."

The other members of the class came out with most avoiding me. "Hey Midoriya, awesome costume! The mask looks so cool like you're a ninja or something!"

(Pretend there's a zipper on the mask where the teeth are so Izuku can eat if he unzips it.)

She started to blush while looking at her's. "I should've been more precise with mine. It's a little too tight in certain spots." She started to blush for Yaoyorozu to glare over at us. "Gawk all you want honey, but the eye candy in front of you ain't for your personal enjoyment." "Like I'd want to do something like that with you. Why don't you lower your ego." "I'll happily when you drop yours." "What was that?" She glanced back at me in anger before All Might cleared his throat to gain our attention. "Anyway, today will be a two on two battle session with one team being the heroes and the other the villains." "Shouldn't be hard to play the villain role for the Charlotte." Everyone began to laugh while I glanced at the ash blond guy. I think his name was Bakugou when I saw the scores. "Says the man that actually looks the part. You wanna judge people like that, look in a mirror why don't you preMadonna." "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" "Everyone, please listen. Now as you've probably already known, we have an odd number. This means we need one person to go a second time. I have already asked and young Midoriya will go a second time."

Most weren't happy about this as All Might continued explaining the situation. For the most part, it was a typical villain vs hero session. There's a bomb and the hero team needs to find it in the villain's hideout. Heroes win if they catch the villains in the special tape we're given or touch the bomb to disarm it. Villains win if they catch the heroes or let the timer run out. "Now that that's out of the way, LET'S DRAW LOTS TO SEE WHO YOU'RE PAIRED UP WITH!"

Team A: Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka
Team B: Shoto Todoroki and Mezo Shoji
Team C: Momo Yaoyorozu and Hanta Sero
Team D: Katsuki Bakugou and Tenya Iida
Team E: Yuga Aoyama and Mina Ashido
Team F: Koji Koda and Rikido Sato
Team G: Kyoka jirou and Denki Kaminari
Team H: Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu Asui
Team I: Toru Hagakure and Mashirao Ojiro
Team J: Izuku Midoriya and Eijiro Kirishima

"Guess we're together on one of the matches." Uraraka seemed kinda into it for me to smirk under my mask. "Guess we're in one too." "Save it." Kirishima walked away with it kinda annoying me. Then again, nobody really gave a damn if I was there or not. "Now for the first match, team A will be the heroes with team D being the villains!" "So I'm fighting knockoff Sonic and preMadonna." "WHAT YOU SAY ASSHOLE!? I'LL FUCKING MURDER YOU!" Sonic boy took the idiot into the building while getting five minutes before we entered in. We were also given a floor plan to go over with it being literally the same structure on every floor. "Do they expect us to memorize this entire thing?" "It's not that hard. Just look at every floor in a brood image. Each floor is structurally the same." I started to make a mochi doughnut for me to eat before seeing Uraraka look at me with a bit of hunger. "Want one?" She nodded for me to make her one as well. Her face lit up as she bit into it while I explained a plan I had. "Whatever happens, just let me handle both of them. Use the fire escape ladder over there to get on the roof and work your way down. Chances are, it's on one of the top floors." "Are you sure you can handle both of them at once?" "Positive."

few minutes later, 3rd person POV:

"Hero team can enter!" Izuku entered in through the lower entrance while Ochako climbed up the latter to the roof. As they entered, Izuku started to turn into a mochi form to slide up the wall and through the cracks to get towards the top half of the levels. When he reached the fourth floor, he came up right towards the room Bakugou and Iida were. "We should work together!" "SCREW YOU FOUR EYES!" The ash blond started walking around the corner to see Izuku leaning on the wall. "Should've gotten his help." In retaliation, Bakugou began giving a right hook to send an explosion at Izuku. Thinking this got him with some damage, the explosion quirk user began laughing. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT BIG TALK NOW ASSHOLE!?" "Pathetic." The smoke disappeared to show Izuku holding the part that was hit by the explosion deformed and turned to mochi. "What the fuck!?" "You're gonna have to try better than that." "DON'T MOCK ME!"

Bakugou kept attacking for the blasts to go completely through Izuku and had nothing hit him. Izuku continued to walk past Bakugou for him to continually blast rounds off at him. "WHY CAN'T I HIT YOU!?" "Because I can turn my body into mochi. I've dealt with taking blows from people to the point I can subconsciously do this. You've got nothing against me." Izuku began walking into the room where Iida began attacking him. He started to kick the young Charlotte's face for it to go completely through. "I will take you down once and for all!" Izuku rolled his eyes before noticing Ochako in the corner watching. "You know what. I'm done. I need to end this." Izuku started to blow into his hand for a strange bubble to show the size of him. It began to move towards both the ash blond and blue haired man. When it touched them, it exploded and sent both to the wall. "Nngh! What the hell is this shit!? I'm stuck!" "Like my Mochi Bubble? It's pressurized mochi with air incorporated in it to move around. When it ruptures, it traps whoever's in the vicinity in a sticky coating of mochi. I'm the only one free from it. Uraraka, could you do the honors?"

Ochako came out of the corner to run towards the bomb and touch it. "Hero team wins!" "Nice job Midoriya. Up top!" She raised her arm up as high as she could to only reach the young Charlotte's shoulders. "Or..." Izuku simply put his hand on Ochako's for her to smile. "Yeah!" "WHAT THE FUCK ABOUT US!?" Bakugou shouted for Izuku to hold his hand on the mochi and turn his arm into the sweet product to pull it off them. "Better preMadonna?" The four went down to the basement where everyone glared at Izuku. "That shouldn't even be fair! He had to have cheated!" Kaminari shouted this in annoyance with everyone agreeing with him. "Do you know how many days of having the stuffing beaten out of me that I had to go through in order just to do that?" "Doesn't mean that you're strong or anything." Yaoyorozu said this for him to get agitated. "You know what, I won't use that skill of mine in the next fight. When I beat that team, that'll prove I'm skilled enough that you're not worth my effort and that you attempting to piss me off is doing nothing....princess bitch."

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" "You heard me....bitch." Izuku smirked at Yaoyorozu as she glared up at him with murderous intent. "You're lucky I don't kill you right now. Then again, that would be better for everyone." "Go ahead and try. I'll even give you the first shot free." The black haired girl began creating a bat with nails inside it to attempt to hit Izuku with All Might stopping them. "This is not the time nor the place for these acts. If you two wish to do this, then take your frustrations out on the battlefield." Both smirked at this while Izuku spoke up. "Excellent idea. How about the next match I take on Yaoyorozu's group? I'll even give you the satisfaction of being the heroes in this." "I'm fine with that." There was a bit of tension between the two as Izuku walked out with Kirishima behind him. They walked up to the fourth floor where the bomb was to move it towards the fifth. As they did, Kirishima remained silent. "So I've got a plan that might wor-" "Save it. I'm not interested in helping you at all. I'd rather us both do two separate things." Kirishima walked out to the lower floors for Izuku to sigh. 'Asshole.'

"Hero team can enter!" Sero and Yaoyorozu decided to head upwards to the roof before walking through the door down to the fifth floor. There, they prepared themselves to face Izuku with little knowledge on what to expect. "You've known the Charlotte guy for years right? What's his fighting style?" "Don't know. He's never fought anyone and during the 10 months before the entrance exams, he seemed to be rather different. From what I can tell, he focused most of his efforts into evading." "That's mainly because of what you did when we were kids princess bitch." The two looked to the side to see Izuku beside them. "Peekaboo." Izuku's arm shot out with his arm turning into mochi to punch Sero in the face. Yaoyorozu came after him with a metal pipe in hands. She tried to strike him with it being dodged. She kept her assault up with Izuku having enough after the 15th or 16th strike to grab the pipe and break it in half through sheer strength.

"Kirishima. They're on the fifth floor." Izuku spoke into a com link he had for there to be no answer. "Kirishima." He had no answer come before having a punch to the face by a solid fist. 'What the!?' Izuku began falling backwards for his eyes to see Kirishima. "YOUNG KIRISHIMA! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?" "Save it All Might." Izuku stopped falling and turned back towards the three for the mask around his face to slide off and show his scar. "This just turned into a three on one." Sero and Kirishima saw the scars on Izuku's face to go pale. "No wonder you keep that ugly mug of yours covered. That's just sick." Sero stated for the green haired boy to smile. "You wanna know who caused this?" Yaoyorozu came at Izuku again with a few stun grenades for him to react in making a spiraling bit of mochi to trap the incoming threat in. It came towards the three for the grenades to go off and keep them occupied for a moment. At that point, Izuku came at Kirishima first to punch him in the jaw and send him into a wall. This knocked him out in the process. "That was for sucker punch."

Izuku turned to Yaoyorozu and Sero next who sent two boomerangs with tape on them to trap him in. It worked with Sero holding him as tightly as possible while Yaoyorozu came at him with a giant mallet. "TAKE THIS!" The attack failed however with Izuku pulling Sero who was still connected to him and smack into Yaoyorozu who didn't plan on his strength being as strong as it is. Sero was still trying to fight however, so Izuku finished this by knocking him into a wall like Kirishima to end it . "That just wraps things up. You really wanna keep going. Three of you couldn't stop me, what hope does one of you stand?" Izuku looked back at Yaoyorozu who began making a sword and shield. "To be entirely honest, I'd rather not hit a woman." "Then this'll be fun." "And who said I wouldn't hit you?" Yaoyorozu raised an eyebrow as Izuku explained. "I said I wouldn't hit a woman. All I see here are two guys and a bitch." "YOU ASSHOLE!" Yaoyorozu came at Izuku for him to hold his arm back. "Mochi mochi...." The arm rocketed back before coming back with double the amount of force it would've at the shield. "PISTOL!" In one hit, the shield Yaoyorozu had broke and knocked her down the hallway into the wall, knocking her out. "Villain team....wins."

Few hours later, Ochako POV:

After the class was done, I changed and went back to the classroom to wait for Midoriya. I kinda wanted to congratulate him on the second match and make sure he didn't take the betrayal from Kirishima too harshly. When I got back, I started sitting down with everyone coming and leaving one after the other. About half an hour passed with Midoriya not showing up. 'His stuff is still here, where is he?' Out of curiosity, I began to search the halls for him. In this time, I passed some people who were talking from another class. "Did you hear a Charlotte family member is in the hero course?" "That's so dumb. What does he think he's doing." "I know. They probably kept him there as some kind of practice dummy for everyone to let their frustrations out on." The two laughed to somewhat annoy me. 'Midoriya's not a punching bag!' I walked past a gym where there were some people in it. I opened it a bit to see it was some guy that looked really sick and weak, Mr. Aizawa, and Midoriya.

"Now that you've done a thousand push ups. Let's go into a thousand sit ups." "Yes sir." Midoriya moved to his back and started doing sit ups. The sweat on the floor was somewhat proof he was working hard. "Now you wanna tell me why you wanna beat Big Mom and your father?" "*pant* So I can prove that I'm nothing like them. *pant* I wanna be the one to end this. *pant* The Big Mom pirates. Charlotte family underworld network. Everything." He kept speaking while doing sit ups to make me realize what was happening. "If you wanna beat your family, you're going to have to become stronger than All Might. So every day, you'll come here and work on a special regimen I put together. Understand?" "*pant* Yes sir." They kept working out for the half hour I sat watching with nobody seeing me. When they finished, Midoriya walked away to the changing room for me to head out and meet him in the classroom.

While sitting, I thought about what he was doing and why he was. I knew the Charlotte family was a problem, but why is he trying to do this? The door opened for Midoriya to walk in and grab his stuff. I followed him out and tried to start a conversation with him. "So you did an awesome job in that second match." "Whatever." He kept walking for us to wait at the train station. "So you're doing a special training with Mr. Aizawa?" "Consider it extracurricular activities. This'll be one of the last times we go on the same train together." He remained silent for me to try and lighten the mood. "Then I'll join you and wait till you're done." "Didn't I tell you last time to not get involved with me?" "What's you're point?" The train came for us to get on. I kept trying to get him to open up until his stop where he walked off and said one final thing to me. "Leave. Me. Alone." The door shut for us to part. 'Something tells me he needs a friend, a hug, or maybe both.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku's proven himself to be a badass to everyone while also showing he's strong enough to go toe to toe with multiple members of class A at once. See how this helps him next time as well as Ochako's attempt to befriend the giant moody boy. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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