Round 2

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3rd person POV:

Izuku pulled back and began bending his knees in a squatting position. "So tell me Izuku, have you've gotten stronger since last time?"

"Why don't you see for yourself. Mochi Mochi....JET FORCE!" Izuku lept at Katakuri for it to be easily dodged.

"You're faster, but that doesn't mean much-" The Charlotte was cut off with Izuku using the walls of the alley to ricochet him. around and strike Katakuri in his back. 'So he used the walls as a way to get to my back so I couldn't see him so well. Impressive.'

"I'M NOT DONE YET!" Izuku continued to use the walls to jump off of to avoid Katakuri from seeing his direct attack. "ARMAMENT HARDENING!" Izuku hardened his fist with as much Armament Haki as he could to slowly turn it a dark purplish tint. "Now, MOCHI MOCHI...." Izuku went right for Katakuri's face to connect with it. "JET RIFLE!" The sound of the impact echoed into the dark alley for all to hear. Iida laid on the ground amazed from the sound from the two.

"Such force. Midoriya without a doubt had gotten stronger. But how?"

Izuku began to notice the restriction in front of him to know something was off. "So you learned Haki. Something tells me Whitebeard had something to do with it. Or was it one of his sons or daughters?"

'Dammit.' Izuku tried to pull back, but was grabbed by Katakuri.

"Where do you think YOU'RE GOING!?" Katakuri slammed Izuku to the ground and began using his Mochi abilities to create multiple tendrils out of his leg as he lifted it. "Yanagi Mochi!" Seeing this coming, Izuku pulled away as fast as he could with getting a distance from Katakuri.

"BEHIND YOU!" Iida shouted for Izuku to look behind and see his father grab his head and slam it into the pavement.

"Face it Izuku. You don't have the strength to beat me, and you know something else?" Katakuri went down to Izuku's ear to state to him what he wanted to say. "You never will as you are."

This comment enraged Izuku for him to grab Katakuri's wrist to flip his father. He was able to, but all this did was force the Charlotte to let go. " I'M GONNA TAKE YOU DOWN YOU BASTARD!" Izuku's body began to grow back to normal for him to begin using his next ace trick. "Mochi Mochi...GROWTH!" Both izuku's hands began to grow to insane sizes before attacking Katakuri. "Mochi Mochi...Giant GATLING!" blow for blow, Katakuri dodged them before coming close and personal to Izuku.

"This is why I said you have no luck with beating me. You're nothing but a child facing an adult's game."

Izuku's head was grabbed before seeing a knee strike his face and break the green haired boy's nose. 'Crap. I let him in too close.' The onslaught didn't stop there as Katakuri slammed Izuku to the wall by grabbing his hair before unleashing a brutal barrage of punches and kicks. 'He's right. I can't do this alone.' Izuku felt another punch to the stomach.

"What's the matter Izuku? Not as easy as last time?" Katakuri threw Izuku to the garbage cans while he continued belittling him. "This was pathetic. I thought you'd give me more work than that. Whitebeard wasted his time for the likes of you."

Before he could say more, a strange area went around the alley with a fist coming right at Katakuri's face. It sent him back sliding before the massive villain recomposed himself. "You want a fight, then why don't you pick on us." Kendo came back into the alley with Todoroki out of all the people she could've.

"Midoriya. You alright?" The bicolored hair teen asked as Izuku slowly got up.

"Yeah. but what are you doing here?"

"I came with Fire Fist. I'm learning under him for the work study." Izuku refocused his attention on Katakuri.

"So what are we facing here?" Kendo asked, enlarging her fists to prepare for a fight.

"Normal attacks won't work. Make sure you also avoid any attacks where his body turns blackish purple."

"So he's strong with Haki, huh? Good thing Admiral Fujitora gave me a few pointers."

Katakuri looked around him to feel an abnormal presence. "So I'm guessing one of you two used a Devil Fruit. I guess I'll have to take you both down before we settle our business Izuku." Katakuri pulled his arm back with his fist coated with Armament Haki. "Yaki Mochi!" He sent the fist barreling off his arm and towards Todoroki.

"Shambles!" His body was replaced by a garbage can that left the alley and exploded from the impact with the fist.

"The Op Op Fruit. A dangerous one if you're left to your own devices."

"Watch where you're looking!" Kendo used Armament Haki on her fists to immediately start attacking Katakuri. This did next to nothing as the Charlotte turned his body into mochi and evaded all the attacks by making holes in his body. "MIDORIYA!"

Izuku jumped up above to hold his leg up. "If Katakuri can do that, so can I." His leg started changing shape to have tendrils transform into legs as his father did. "Yanagi Mochi!" He stomped the tendrils down to try and hit Katakuri. He was barely able to dodge this in his mochi form before having a wave of ice nearly freeze him.

"Don't think you're getting away this round." The three surrounded Katakuri for him to somewhat be impressed.

"If you three are going to become heroes, you might actually be able to surpass some of the big wigs in this world. However..." His fists began to condense into square shapes to punch at Kendo. "Kaku Mochi!" She tried to block it with Armament Haki active, but the result ended with her hands being slashed up.

"AHHH!" A large amount of blood came off her palms as the Big Fist quirk user had to shrink her hands back to their normal shape.

"YOU BASTARD!" Izuku attempted to punch Katakuri, but he avoided it by kneeing his son in the stomach and walking out of their corner. In a fit of anger, Todoroki sent a wave of fire at the Charlotte for him to merely alter his body's shape and evade the attack.

"You heroes are pathetic. If you spent half the time you should training your bodies as you did your quirks, you might actually be able to beat Big Mom." Katakuri began looking at Iida who was slowly able to move again. He walked over to stomp on his back and keep the Engine quirk user on the ground. "And you. You're the most pathetic person I've ever seen. Not only did you go after the Hero Killer out of rage, but you did it without thinking about the consequences of doing it alone. You're no hero." Katakuri lifted his foot up to stomp on Iida's back and crack a rib in the process. "You're no different than the monster you claim me to be."

"GET YOUR FUCKING FOOT OFF OF MY CLASSMATE!" A fist that looked as if it was red in the center came at Katakuri for him to dodge it. The fist exploded and made Katakuri look back to his son and see his arm reshaping with mochi. "I'm only going to say this once you son of a bitch. I can take the bullshit you give me. I can take the bullshit my classmates give me. BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CRITICIZE THEM FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM!"

Izuku charged at his father with him activating Haki and his mochi skills. He compressed his fists like his father did for him to smirk. 'You catch on quick.' Katakuri did the same for them to fight blow for blow. Their fists echoed with one another for most to think that the two were equal. However, the three in the alley could see Izuku wearing down due to the lack of ability to control Haki nearly as well as Katakuri.

"We gotta do something." Kendo looked over to Todoroki who held his left hand out. A few sparks came to his hand for an idea to get brought into the Orange haired girl's head. "Can you use that Op Op whatever it is to swap yourself and another person?"

As the two thought of the plan, Izuku began to get overwhelmed by his father and get pushed back. "What's wrong Izuku? Running out of steam? I'll admit, you've gone up in the world since we've last fought." Izuku's power dwindled for a single moment for Katakuri to take the advantage and punch him in the face and grab his head to slam back into the concrete. "But you're still worlds away from me." Kendo came charging at Katakuri for him to see this coming and hold his hand out. "Pathetic."

As she was about ready to punch, Kendo swapped places with Todoroki who held his palm out with electricity and heat emanating off of it. "Now. Heat Scalpel." A large amount of electricity came at Katakuri with his hand melting from the heat to have his body get electrocuted. The alley began to be lit up in a large amount of light from the voltage before dimming down. When it did, Katakuri remained motionless standing up with his body smoking. "Kendo. Grab Midoriya."

Todoroki went towards Iida who was getting up to help by grabbing a shoulder of Izuku's for both him and Kendo to lug the larger teen out of the alley. "Well that was quite a trick. You almost had me there kid." All three looked behind for Katakuri to charge at them and immediately send Todoroki into a wall with a punch.

"TODOROKI!" Iida shouted to see his classmate fall unconscious from the hit with blood coming down his head.

"Don't worry. I'll handle you as well." The Charlotte grabbed Iida by the neck. He slammed the Engine quirk user down into the pavement before going to Kendo. "And now we handle the ignorant girl that thinks she can win against me."

Katakrui started walking to her with kendo's mind looking at the situation she was in. 'Midoriya can't fight right now, Iida and Todoroki are unconscious and there's no way I can beat Katakuri on my own. So what do I do?' As she mauled it over in her head, Izuku began to stand on his own and put her behind him.

"So you're going to fight me alone? Foolish if you ask me."

Izuku was barely conscious, but was going to stand his ground no matter what. "I...won't let you....hurt anyone...else..." He could barely stand, but refused to back down towards his father. "I don't care...what happens to me....I'll...stop you....even"

"You really are determined to fight me head on. Admirable in pride, but stupid in mind." Katakuri pulled his arm back with both preparing for the impact.

"FIRE FIST!" From above, a large amount of fire came at Katakuri for him to jump back and be met with a kick to the face.

"Get away from my student!" Katakuri was tossed back behind Kendo and Izuku to see both Ryukyu and Ace stand in front ready for a fight.

"You've got two choices right here pal. Either you take your leave now, or we get violent." Ace began to activate his flames to prepare while Ryukyu was ready to transform into a dragon to fight.

'....They must've been lured here by that electrical attack from the Devil Fruit using kid.' "Fair enough. I came here to deal with a matter we had with Stain. Unfortunately that deal's void now because of Izuku. I'll take my leave now." Katakuri started to leave before Izuku turned to him.


"....I'll see you and that Uraraka girl in the near future. I do hope you can make it to mama's tea party. She's so excited to meet you in person." He disappeared in the shadows with his presence no longer being felt.

'Son of a...' Izuku fell to the ground barely conscious with Fujitora and a bunch of EMPs following him. They began work on the four with Ryukyu walking over to Izuku.

 "That was foolish of you to go head on with Katakuri. If things had played out differently, you all would've been dead." Seeing Izuku in pain both physically and mentally made the dragon hero sigh in annoyance. " were right on the act of Stain and this battle wasn't exactly planned, so I suppose a C for this little incident would suffice."

Izuku banged his fist on the ground in annoyance as once again he lost to his father extremely easily. 'I need to get stronger. I need to master Haki so I can take him on.' The rest of the students had been put in a stable condition to move for Iida and Todoroki to be brought out on stretchers. Kendo had asked to remain as a way to help Izuku get brought out, but was denied saying that she needed to be checked out by a doctor immediately. In the end, none of the four UA students would ever forget this night and the nightmares that happened during it.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles the incident that has happened and where his next steps will go. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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