Hosu Horror

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Iida POV:

The Work Studies went underway for me to begin learning under the pro I had gained an offer with. However, this was a ploy for me to get into Hosu. Under the pro hero Manual, I will be able to find the Hero Killer and avenge my brother who I had discovered faced and was paralyzed by Stain. "Tenya, are you alright?"

"Yes. Sorry."

"You know, something's been bothering me for a while and I wanted to ask you about it. You chose my agency to go after the Hero Killer, didn't you?" I froze knowing that I had been found out. "I understand that he is a villain and it's probably for the better if he's stopped, but we aren't the law. We only enforce it." Manual stopped for a moment before correcting himself. "I'm sorry! It's just that you're rather straight laced and could be a great hero to the point I don't want to see you fall down a bad road is all!"

"Understandable. Thank you for your concerns." In the side of my eye, I noticed a woman with pink hair in pigtails walking with an infant looking as if it was smoking a cigar. "Should we...do something about that woman allowing her son to smoke."

"It's best not to get involved with Ms. Chiffon. She's a member of the Charlotte family and the wife of Capone Gang 'Bege'."

"A Charlotte is in this city? Why aren't we arresting her?"

"Look." A random person had come up to the Charlotte woman and ripped her bag with a knife.

"Get Outta town ya damned Charlotte!" The woman spoke nothing, but simply began trying to pick up what she had fall while struggling with holding her child.

I began moving to help before being stopped by Manual. "If people in this city see you helping a Charlotte, they'll think you're part of the family's underground crime syndicate. It's best to keep walking and pretend nothing happened."

"But sir-"

"The person who did this will get what's coming to them. Capone doesn't let his family get targeted and turn a blind eye." The sound of a shout came from an alley the person that had cut the bag went for it to not phase Manual.

"Sir. Does this happen often?"

"Sadly. Nobody can stand up to the Charlotte family since several can't even be touched. Those heroes that are bold or stupid enough face the wrath of the Sweet Enforcers or Big Mom herself if they anger her enough. The main reason they aren't stopped is because someone can't stand up to turn the tides."

"So all the Charlottes are evil?"

"Not really. There's several that are bad eggs, but if you look, there's one or two that are good. The problem is, the world around us refuses to accept this."

I began to look back at the woman Manual called Chiffon to see her tie a knot where the hole in the bag she had was and fill it again. I didn't see at this moment a woman that naturally was evil with an evil son. I simply noticed a woman and her child having the misfortune they did of being born into a family of villains. 'I wonder if Midoriya is the same and could turn the tides as Manual said.'

Izuku POV:

As me and the rest of the Ryukyu agency entered Hosu, we were led by aunt Lola to her sister's home. From what I learned, aunt Chiffon lived in Hosu with her family and is making a somewhat honest living. Since her husband is a double agent for the cops to give some info about the Charlotte family, he has a bit of back dealings that he can't say or go into great detail on. It took him some years from what I learned to get where he is in the group, but he's one step away from getting into Big Mom's inner circle. "Ok. We're here." We got to the door of an apartment that had the name 'Capone' on the plate.

Aunt Lola knocked on the door for a few seconds to pass until the door to the apartment opened.


"Chiffon!" Both hugged before aunt Lola gave a baby in her arms a kiss. "How are you doing little Pez?"

"Gaga goo goo." The child seemed to be really happy to see aunt Lola before Ryukyu spoke up.

"Thank you for allowing us to stay Mrs. Capone."

"Please. Call me Chiffon. So I'm guessing you're Katakuri's little boy. It's nice to meet you. I'm your aunt Chiffon and this is your cousin Pez."

"Hello. I'm Izuku Midoriya." I bowed before aunt Chiffon patted my head.

"There's no need to bow. It makes me feel bad having my Uhh....little nephew....bow to me." I pulled my head up for aunt Chiffon to allow us in. "So what brings you all to Hosu?" Aunt Choffpn asked while I sat to the side with Hado trying to help me train with Observation Haki.

"Ryukyu wants Izuku to take down the Hero Killer as a way to help people see him as a 'respectful' person."

"Ow!" I ended up botching my training at that moment to get hit over the head with a wooden stick.

"You ok? I didn't hit you too hard, did I?"

"If you didn't hit me hard enough, it wouldn't give me a reason to get this down." All three adults looked at me with some interest for some reason. "What?"

"I'm just rather surprised you're taking this so seriously. Most by the time they were at your point of bruising would give up."

I glanced at my hands before answering my logic. "I've been losing...a lot. And though from what it looks like on the outside, I'm still nowhere near where I need to be in order to win against Katakuri, beat Big Mom and the rest of the Charlotte family that's causing problems. I need to get this down as best I can or else I won't be able to do anything."

"Quite the admiration Izuku has."

"I told you he had drive, sis." Both twins smiled at me while I went back to training.

"One more time Hado. I'm gonna get it this time."

Few days later

Time passed with my training for Haki somewhat getting somewhere. My ability to see attacks coming from aunt Lola and Hado was successful and attacks from Ryukyu to some degree. My skill with Armament however has been going a little more than that where I can use Haki to fight with it. Now for villains that I can't make physical contact with, this would be a real game changer. Right now, me, Hado and Ryukyu are on patrol with hopes to find and take down the Hero Killer before he claims another victim.

"So where are we heading now for checking?" Hado asked somewhat curious.

"We need to see where the Hero Killer will most likely strike and go from there."

"If that's the case, I know a few areas that he's most likely going to attack." I reached into my back pocket to pull out a map of the city. "From what I've gathered, the Hero Killer targets his prey in spots near hero agencies where the chances of someone finding them is high but still in enclosed areas like alleyways so nobody will disturb him unintentionally. Out of the pros in the city, these that are written down on the side are most likely the ones he'll be targeting since there's quite a bit of controversy about how their skill in their work. With this in mind, I can almost guarantee his next target will either be Backflow, Big Leap, or Native."

"So three locations. This helps us drop our search by a large amount. Nicely done Rebunda."

"Thank you mam."

"It seems we have three uninvited guests here." We all looked over to see a man with a scar on his head walking around with what looked like a cane. From how he was using it, I could almost guarantee he was blind.

"Admiral Fujitora. So, are you here to hinder my search for Blackbeard or try to bring in my protoget like the Fleet Admiral would most likely do?"

"On the contrary. I am here to help with the search for the Hero Killer. He poses a threat to both Marines and heroes alike. Though I don't like allowing aid to a pirate, I think it's fair to have a small truce for a greater good."

This didn't sit right in the dragon hero with it being known from the start. "I don't buy it. What else is there to this?"

"Smart as ever I see. Call it curiosity. Katakuri has been spotted in the city along with the Fire Fist. If you know why two high ranking members of the Four Emperors are here, then I suggest you say it."

'Katakuri's....here...' My mind went blank to start charging for a general direction.

"Rebunda!" Ryukyu tried to shout for me to come back with it not registering in me. All I wanted to do was stop Katakuri before anything bad happens.

3rd person POV:

"Eager kid he is." Fujitora looked to his side before seeing a girl with orange hair in a light blue Chinese outfit on. "Battle Fist. I'd like you to peruse and assist Rebunda I think Ryukyu said his name was, and if anything bad happens, you both have authorization to use your quirks. Relay that to the boy."

"Yes sir!" The girl ran out towards Izuku's general direction before a loud explosion was heard.

"What was that!?"

"I don't know, but I have a feeling people need our help Nejire. You aren't against helping fight villains alongside pirates, are you?"

The Admiral opened his walking stick to show a cane sword. "I'll put up with it for the greater good of others."

With Izuku

Izuku ran as fast as he could through the city with the orange haired girl running beside him. "HEY! WAIT UP!" He slid towards a corner before the girl grabbed the back of his costume and see her hand go through. "What the?" She slid into a newspaper stand to make Izuku stop.

"Why are you following me?"

"First off, can you at least say sorry for making me go into something!?"

"....Why did you try to grab me?"

"CAUSE YOU'RE RUNNING AWAY WHILE I'M TRYING TO TALK TO YOU!" The girl was mad with Izuku looking as if he didn't care. "Look. We're getting off on the wrong foot. You're Izuku Midoriya, right? I'm Itsuka Kendo of class 1-B."

"....Nice to meet you. Now I have a Hero Killer to stop and then a villain father."

"So you're a Charlotte like people say?" Izuku was waiting for Kendo to say something negative before she patted his arm. "I hope you're not like the villains of them." The reaction shocked Izuku since she was somewhat fine with this. "So where exactly are you going?"

"I was going to find the Hero Killer first. He's a bigger priority that I can handle first off. Most likely, he's going after Native."

"Wanna join up then to help take him down? Fujitora gave us authorization to use our quirks."

"Alright. Hop on then." Izuku knelt down and showed his back to Kendo.


"Just get on my back dammit!" Kendo did as he asked for the image being somewhat off for her. "Let's go." Izuku ran as fast as he could with Kendo holding on for dear life. They ran across the alleys before reaching one with the sound of Izuku's classmate Iida shouting in anger.


"Mochi Mochi...." Izuku extended his arm to connect his fist with Stains before his blade came down on Iida's neck. "PISTOL!" The impact sent Stain back a bit with Izuku standing in front of Iida, letting Kendo down. "You good sir spectacles?"


"...Kendo. Take Native out of here while I cover your back. When he's safe and to the streets, call for backup and come back to bring Iida out."

"Right." Kendo ran to Native who was struggling from a stab wound to his side for the Big Fist quirk user to enlarge her fists and take him out.

"I won't let you interfere in my work!" Stain came at Kendo with Izuku standing in between them. "OUTTA THE WAY, BOY!"

Izuku sent a bubble of Mochi out to incapacitate Stain when it ruptured. "GO!" Kendo ran out of the area as fast as she could while Izuku cracked his knuckles. "Time to see what you've got Hero Killer." A knife came barreling at Izuku's cheek for him to use his Mochi powers to avoid it. For some reason however, this failed with a gash through Izuku's mask being seen. 'Haki?'

Avoiding more danger, Izuku pulled away from Stain when he came charging at him. "I can assume that you were shocked by the attack landing to prove you were planning for it to be evaded by your power. That won't work with me boy!" Izuku evaded a slash before covering his fist in Haki to punch Stain in the face again. This was quickly countered however by Stain stabbing Izuku in the forearm.

'Dammit!' Izuku kicked the Hero Killer away before pulling the knife out and covering the open wound. 'Gotta focus and use Observation Haki.'

"Tell me boy. As a member of the Charlotte family, do you ever feel as if you're limited with what you're doing?" Izuku raised my eyebrow at this while Stain explained. "Heroes nowadays are fakes. Only become such for the glory and fame that comes by wearing the mantle they do. This makes the name 'hero' lose it's meaning and will never do what they should when push comes to shove. Those that truly do something for the better of the world are rare now and outshined by these fakes. What happened with you is a fine example. You most likely struggled to get to where you are, made to pick up the scraps by these 'heroes' who ridiculed you for something you had no say in while they were put on a pedestal. So why protect the fakes? The less that are in your way would make the things you wish to do much easier."

The young Charlotte looked at Iida and back at Stain before answering. "You're probably right Stain. People that do things just for monetary gain are very average among the heroes. I've also been treated no better than a Charlotte that's in Big Mom's group. For me, I'd want nothing more than for all these people to just drop dead for treating me like that. But accepting this would mean I'm no better than the words that they call me. With that in mind, I'll stop you here to prove to them I won't become what they believe I am." Izuku charged at Stain again for him to use Haki to coat his weapons.

"I guess I'll have to take you down before I end the false heroes." Stain slashed at Izuku for him to see it coming and dodge with a side kick to the side to counter. Sadly, the Hero Killer took this and stabbed another knife into the large boy's calve.

'I gotta do this fast or else I'm not gonna have enough strength to fight Katakuri.' "Mochi Mochi....Shrink!" Izuku reduced his size to evade Stain and counter. He pulled the dagger out and bandaged his leg quickly before using the sides of the alley to move quickly and slam into the Hero Killer. The speed of which he was moving was too fast for the Hero Killer to out maneuver to hit him with impact after impact. "Time for a tactical move." Izuku started to incorperate the ground in his technigue to alter the angles. "Mochi Mochi.....RICOCHET!" Stain was hit with a stomp to the face. Stain's head went down to the ground with Izuku jumping back. The dark vigilante was knocked out for the fight to be over.

"Not bad Izuku." The sound of a hand clapping was heard for Izuku to look where it was. On the side, Katakuri was seen clapping his hands at his accomplishment. "Seems the League going off on their own didn't make a difference."

"Katakuri." Izuku came charging at his father The two collided fists with Izuku ready to begin a fight again. "I'm taking you down this time!"

"Is that right? I hope you can manage that."

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku deals with his second fight against Katakuri. Hope you all enjoy and thanks for reading.

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