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Izuku POV:

The week before the work studies came and went relatively fast. For me, I tried to get as much training in as possible since I wasn't sure what I was in for when I went in. Today, Mr. Aizawa saw us off at the train station with us all giving us some final checks to make sure we have everything. "Does everyone have what they need?"


"Just answer with a yes Ashido. You all don't have authorization to use your hero costumes out in public, so don't use them unless you are told otherwise and don't lose them. Make sure you also listen to your pro hero. Right now, you're representing UA. I will see you all when you return." He left with me heading out to the train I had to take.

"Midoriya! Wait up!" I glanced over to see Uraraka, Todoroki and Shinso for some odd reason. "Looks like we'll be taking the same train to our destination." Uraraka seemed really happy about this for me to shrug and keep walking.

"So who did you three pick that has you all going in the same direction as me?"

"Whitebeard." They all answer at once for me to smile.

"So pops is picking up some people from UA as well. Not bad." We sat in the train cart with everyone around giving me the evil eye immediately.

"Isn't that the Charlotte kid?"

"Why is he on our train?"

"Amazing the cops haven't thrown him in jail yet."

"It's only a matter of time before he starts doing the same things that his family does."

"Jeez man. You can't get a break." Shinso looked over to me with it not phasing me as much.

"When you hear it enough, it becomes numb to you." My stop came with me getting up to head out. "See you all next week." I walked out of the train and out of the station. There, I put the address into my phone and began heading where I was supposed to. When I got to the hero agency, I opened the door to see aunt Lola sitting at the front Desk.

"Izuku! So nice to see you again!" She got up and tackle hugged me to have me smile a bit.

"It's good to see you too aunt Lola."

"I see you've arrived." The pro hero Ryukyu came out from the other room with Hado beside her. "welcome to my agency. As you've already guessed, my name is Ryukyu. This is my intern Nejire Hado or Nejire-chan as her hero name."

"It's nice to meet you mam. My name is Izuku Midoriya, or Rebunda as my hero name." I bowed to her before thanking her. "I appreciate this offer. I hope I can do you pride in my time here."

"Hey! Hey! It's good to see you again Midoriya." Hado came over to pat my head before I stood up again.

"Now that you're here, I can go over this week's training with both you and Nejire. For the entire week, we will train with Haki."

"What's Haki?"

Ryukyu looked over to me. "Rebunda. Can you tell Nejire what Haki is?"

"From my general knowledge of Haki, it's an ability to use your stamina as a type of armor, your concentration as a way to peer into the future and your own willpower as a form of knocking someone out."

"Basically the best way you could explain it without much detail. A demonstration may however work better. Why don't you both put on your hero costumes and I'll give you a better example of Haki's capabilities." I did as she said to walk into an empty room where I can change into my costume. When I finished, Hado was walking out of another room to marvel at my least sorta.

"Wow! You look so dark in that costume. Isn't it hot with all the black on? Are you trying to look creepy with that face on the mask you have? Can you eat through it? Can it do more for defense or is it more just to try and look cool?"

"Patience Nejire. Let Rebunda answer one at a time." I began walking alongside Ryukyu while answering the questions I was asked the best I could.

At the Whitebeard agency, Ochako POV:

As me, Shinso and Todoroki got on the giant ship, we were met with a bunch of weird looking people. Some weren't that bad, but other definitely looked kinda crazy. In the center of the ship though, there was Whitebeard hooked up to a bunch of medical stuff.

"Sorry I can't greet ya without all the fancy smancy stuff hooked up to me, but I gotta wear this for some time."

"Jeez this guy's huge."

"And I thought he was big in the stadium. Since he's not kneeling down a bit, I can see now that he's straight up massive."

"I'm with you on that Uraraka." We all stared in amazement before getting our attention back by Ace and Marco.

"So long story short, you three will be working with us. Each of you will be trained by one of us and grow in skills hopefully by learning what the Whitebeards do. My name's Marco for anyone that doesn't know and I'll be training with you Shinso."

"Sweet." Shinso smirked before Ace came up to Todoroki.

"You and me are gonna do some work in Hosu. The Whitebeards were asked to see about taking down the Hero Killer with my division being in charge. While we do this, I'm gonna help you train your fire half. Any questions?"

"No sir." It didn't show much, but it seemed like Todoroki was kinda excited for this.

"That leaves me and you little lady." Whitey Bay came to me with a smile. "You all will also have a bit of training with Pops for an hour in the morning when he wakes up. This isn't mandatory, but he wanted it-" The sound of something shaking was heard for everyone to smile.

"Seems Little Oars is back."

"Little Oars?" We questioned as Ace smiled. Something covered the sun for us to look up and see a giant monster looking down at us,

"AAAHHHHHH!!!!" I panicked and unintentionally screamed with the whatever it was bending down to our size.

"Sorry if I scared you all. Pops. Are these three the new recruits?"

"Yeah. I'm sure the little lady getting scared by you wasn't what she planned for when she joined. Hahaha!" Whitebeard began chugging something in a barrel before introducing us. "I'd like you three to say hello to one of my sons. Oars Jr. Or as he's more commonly known in our group, Little Oars. Oars. These three are from Izuku's school."

"You mean Izuku's classmates!? It's nice to meet some of his friends." The giant smiled at us before giving his finger for us to shake.

'Huh. I guess he isn't as scary as I thought he was.' "Oars was it? Nice to meet you." I shook his finger with a bit of a calmer feeling than before. "Sorry I kinda freaked seeing you. I don't normally see someone bigger than Midoriya."

"Don't worry. I should've come earlier."

"Speaking of which, what took you so long getting here?" Ace asked for Oars to pull out three things that looked like fruits.

"My crew found what looks like Devil Fruits and I figured a welcoming gift would be good for these three. I also kinda wanted to give them to pops since none of my crew wanted them."

He placed them on the ship for Ace to look at them. "Yep. They're Devil Fruits. Don't know which ones they are, but we can find them out in a few minutes if you three wanna eat them." He passed us the three fruits for me to get something that looked like a pink pear, Todoroki to get something that looked like a red heart and Shinso get something that had almost a metal look to it with a purple color(I'll give a shout out to whoever can guess Ochako's and Shinso's since Todoroki's is kinda a giveaway. As a hint, the powers were already presented in the series).

"So what's a Devil Fruit?" I asked curious for Marco to explain.

"Devil Fruits are fruits of the sea that give the user special powers. They can either change your body's makeup, give you the ability to transform into an animal, or even make you a living element all together like Ace here."

'Now that's amazing.'

"However, you won't know about a Devil Fruit's ability unless someone's already eaten it and it's cataloged. Not only that, but you'll be stuck with the Devil Fruit until the day you die and won't be able to swim after."

"Wait, we lose the ability to swim?" Shinso asked to clarify.

"It's called a Devil Fruit because the person who eats it will be cursed by the sea because they ate a treasure of it. As such, you'll be unable to swim in water and you'll be drained of your energy if you submerge certain amounts of your body in it. As an example, if someone like me, Ace or Katakuri were to fall into the sea, we'd be unable to swim and just sink to the bottom if nobody would help. Izuku would succumb to the same fate, but he won't be significantly weakened in normal water as opposed to saltwater."

"Wait. Why does Midoriya get weakened by saltwater?" I asked for Ace to take the lead.

"His power isn't from a Devil Fruit, but the framework was started by one. With that in mind, he still succumbs to some troubles we do when dealing with water."

I glanced down at the fruit to question if I want to do this. 'So I can either eat this and gain more powers while losing my ability to swim, or I don't and find another way to get stronger. This was a gift also, so what would I need to do to not be rude?' My mind went back to the fight with Katakuri and Midoriya. He couldn't land a scratch on him with none of us even being able to do anything. I then thought of my fight with Bakugou to understand I'm nowhere near either one of them and need to work hard to get near the front if I wanna help with the situation against Big Mom in the tea party in the future. "*chomp*"

"I see Uraraka wanted to try her luck." Whitebeard smiled at me while I tried to keep eating the fruit. It tasted horrible, but I wanted to do what I could to get better.

'If I can get stronger, I can help Midoriya.' "*gulp*" I finished the fruit and held back the urge to puke with Shinso and Todoroki deciding to do the same.

"Now that that's settled, let's start with the work study."

With Izuku, Izuku POV:

As we walked down the street, Ryukyu went over some of the basics of heroism for me before we came face to face with a couple of villains. "SOMEBODY STOP THEM!" Three thugs came out of a bank with a crap ton of cash with us standing in their hands.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY OR DIE!" One of the thugs shouted while growing his body about ten times it's normal size.

"I can take him on Ryukyu."

"Patience Nejire. This is the perfect time for me to show off what Haki can do for both of you." The villain came at Ryukyu with a punch for the dragon hero to hold her hand out and somehow push the villain back. "Let's start with Armament Haki. As Rebunda has said about it, it creates a barrier around your body using your own stamina. In it's base form, it's next to invisible."

"YOU BITCH!" One of the other villains came at Ryukyu with his hand turning to water.

"The most notable part of Armament is the ability to grab the physical body when it is in a form that you can't so easily." She demonstrated by grabbing the villain's hand and throwing him into the larger one.

"I'M DONE PLAYING GAMES!" The final villain came with blades for arms to slash at Ryukyu.

"Now it's time for Observation Haki." She dodged the attack from behind like it was nothing with multiple others coming after. "So long as you hold your concentration, Observation Haki allows you to see attacks and things happening around you as if you were watching a play by play of something. For example, this man is going to give a right slash." The man gave a right slash as she stated. "Then a left downward." Once again, the villain did what she predicted before getting kicked a distance. "If done at a higher scale, one can even succeed in seeing the future with extreme focus. I'm sure you're aware of that one, Rebunda."

"That's it, GET THE BITCH ALL AT ONCE!" All three villains came at her at once for Ryukyu to smile.

"And now we come to the final form. Conquerors Haki." She glanced back at the three for a pressure to be felt by both me and Hado. When it was done, all three villains fell unconscious for the dragon hero to tie them up. "With the mere taste of your presence, you can leave weaker willed opponents unconscious. The problem with this however is that this one you must be born with and you can easily send those that are your allies into a similar state if you don't know how to control it. I'm sure you've already seen that and have been warned to not use it so haphazardly."

"So Haki is like some super powerful thing?"

"Sorta Nejire. It's able to be countered by someone that doesn't know it, but that's more if the Haki wielder put too much confidence in their own skills. One can also be defeated by a more superior Haki user."

"So it's an ability that can make you more powerful, but also something that you shouldn't put too much reliance on."

"Precisely." Some police came over to arrest the villains with Ryukyu giving some information on when she came onto the scene. We called the endeavor short and headed back towards the agency for her to continue our conversation there with aunt Lola around.

"Now that we're all together, I think it's time to tell you what my next objective for you is."

'Objective?' I questioned this while Ryukyu explained to me what's happening.

"We will go after the Hero Killer this week in Hosu. You will have authorization to use your quirk and will take him down."

"Wait. What?"

"Tell me Midoriya. Did anyone think you were worthy of the mantle at the Sports Festival?"

I thought about it before answering bluntly. "I think they'd prefer me coming in dead last."

"That is precisely why we are doing this. If people see you stop villains that harm society and act as a guardian under legal authorization, they will slowly learn to accept you. And when they learn to accept you, you will have people willing to back you and your ultimate goal."

I saw the logic in it to smirk. "So when are we heading out?"

"Tomorrow. We'll use the rest of the time to train you on using Haki. If you learn this, you'll be able to stand to even katakuri."

"Now that I like hearing."


"HIYA!" Aunt Lola hit me over the head with a stick for it to actually land a blow on me.


"Sorry. Ryukyu told me to start swinging at you for practice with observation when training starts before you came here today."

I held my head in annoyance before trying to focus on the task at hand. 'This is going to be a long week.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku manages his training and the hunt for the Hero Killer next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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