Work Studies

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Izuku POV:

The days after the Sports Festival were somewhat boring for me. While I had the days off, I primarily trained and began looking for ways to get stronger. This was kinda a bittersweet results since I couldn't physically do as much since my body wasn't at one hundred percent yet. But what can you do? I walked into the locker area to change my shoes with the common look of every student glaring daggers and holding fear or hate in me. 'Of course nothing changes.' Walking down the halls, I felt a tap on my arm to glance down and see Uraraka.

"Hey Midoriya. How were your days off?"

"Alright. Trained a bit. Nothing special."

"Did you get enough rest?"

"Eh. Enough where I'm not groggy. I do have to see Recovery Girl later today just so she can finish healing me."

"Midoriya." I glanced down to see Uraraka puffing her cheeks trying to act angry. "Don't overdo it."

"What are you, my mother?"

"She'd say the same thing."

'She did say the same thing, that's the ironic part.' I started to remember the image of mom trying to act viscous to me for training and opening up the injuries on my hands. She practically pulled my ear down to her level after that to give me a piece of her mind. We walked into the classroom for everyone to give me evil glares. The ones though that didn't as much was Iida and Todoroki. I just ignored them and went to my seat.

"Good morning class." Mr. Aizawa walked in about three minutes after I sat down for us to greet him.

"It's nice to see you out of the bandages sir." Asui spoke up for our teacher to give some notice to a scar under his eye.

"The old lady gave me a stronger patch up during the break than normal."

'Something tells me he slept for almost the entire two days.'

"Anyway, today's hero 101 class will be special." Everyone held their breath thinking it was some kind of test or something. "You all need to think of hero names." Everyone began cheering before Aizawa got them to shut it. "These names are important for the draft that was done. Due to your actions in the Sports Festival, many pros already gave you some picks." He placed a bunch of numbers beside names for us to see before continuing. "The numbers up here are of the offers people had and who they think should be able to join their agency in two or three years."

Todoroki 4,124
Bakugou 1,087
Tokoyami 360
Yaoyorozu 342
Iida 301
Kaminari 272
Uraraka 21
Sero 14
Midoriya 7

"Hard to believe the villain got any."

"Hard to believe anyone voted for you after getting your ass beat so easily in the first round, Sero."

"I was facing Todoroki! What's your excuse!?"

"I don't need one. The numbers right now are proof who's bias in this or just scared to get involved with me. Not that I care about having so many since that's less hassle for me." I started reading a few of my notes before the papers were passed out with those that got nothing having a list of forty to choose from.

"These work studies will take place next week. Use the time following it to make a good choice on which offer you'd like to go with. Now that that's out of the way, you all will have a special instructor to help with names."

The door opened to Midnight walking in rather seductively as normal. "Hero names mean more than people think and could last a lifetime. So if you don't choose right, there'll be hell to pay." She passed around markers and dry erase boards. She also gave us some advice while picking names to have them possibly relate to our quirk or something original to us.

When I thought about it, I realized I never thought of names before. 'Something original to me...' I listened to a bunch of names that others did with some being kinda simple, while others were somewhat more unique. I did want to question why Aoyama's name was accepted. His was literally a sentence and still kinda is no matter how you look at it. I tried to focus though on mine since I still was coming up with a blank. 'Something. I need something.' I glanced down at the book of flowers I was reading to find a definition to a fawn lily. 'Friendship and protection. Ironic Katakuri's referenced to this plant.' In that moment, it hit me. I looked down the book to find a specific flower.

"Midoriya. Do you have a name yet?" Midnight asked for me to stand up and place the name I had. "What made you choose that name?"

"Flowers hold several meanings. Some can mean unique things. Others mean strong traits in people. The flower this is referencing can mean Grace, devotion, purity, silence, serenity and calmness. A flower that idolizes what a hero should be and what I strive to be in a way. So as such, I can't think of a better name I could be. The Charlotte Hero: Rebenda(Lavender)." Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed both Uraraka and Todoroki smile with what looked like a smirk on Aizawa's face as well. 'Guess I did something right.'

After school, Ochako POV:

As we were let out, I started looking at the offers I had while sitting at the station trying to think of what I could do with what agency. 'Let's see. What's going to be the best offer for me.'

"Why hello there." I glanced up to see a woman with a blue and purple outfit on smiling at me.


"You must be Uraraka. Pops had told me such nice things about you." She seemed kinda nice before giving her hand out for me to shake. "My name is Whitey Bay. I'm a member of the Whitebeards."

'Whitebeards. As in the crew Midoriya's part of?'

"I came here to see just what was so special about you my dear. So tell me, what has our father and our youngest brother at the moment so interested in you?"

"Uhh...well I don't know about Whitebeard specifically. I mean, I'm just trying to do the right things and Midoriya I think it's more cause I'm one of the first few people to be nice to him without specific reasons."

Whitey Bay stared at me for a second before looking as if she was amazed. "You're that girl that stood up for little Izu during the fight with Yaoyorozu! You truly are a brave one to stand up for someone else."

"I-it's nothing. Midoriya's the real amazing one. I'm surprised you didn't want to give my offer to someone else."

"Don't sell yourself short honey. Being able to stand for what is truly right when others are clearly in the wrong is something admirable. Everyone in the stadium wanted to see little Izu bleed, but you stood up and said no to what they desired. It would've been so easy just to sit back and let it happen or even join in, but you didn't. You allowed yourself to fight the tides. To me, I can't think of anything that would make you more respecting." She sat down beside me to continue talking. "To be honest, I gave the suggestion to Yaoyorozu not getting the chance to see what happened during the Sports Festival being on a mission. I honestly thought she'd be a nice addition, but that thought was derailed the second I saw the footage. But when I did see it, I was happy to know you were part of our three picks."

"Oh. Thank you then." She smiled before getting up.

"Well. I must go. Enjoy the rest of your day." As she left, I looked at my offers again to see the Whitebeard agency.

'Maybe it would be good to keep them in mind.' I circled the offer before seeing my train come.

With Todoroki, Shoto POV:

While heading back, I decided to give a look at my offers again at a cafe. Upon them, I noticed the Whitebeard agency. 'If I remember correctly, Midoriya's part of the Whitebeards. Maybe I should give them a thought.'

I started to hear snoring beside me to see some guy in a hat face down in food. "Huh!?" He immediately woke up to look around and see he collected a crowd to make sure he was ok.

Without warning, he immediately started eating again to anger everyone there. "DON'T JUST GO BACK TO EATING AFTER PASSING OUT LIKE THAT!?"

"Hey. You're that Todoroki kid from the Sports Festival, right?"

"Uh, yeah."

The man got up to his feet before bowing. "Hello. My name is Portgas D. Ace. If possible, I would like you to suggest the Whitebeards as your pick for your work study."

"Portgas D. Ace....You're the Fire Fist, right?"

"Sure am. Second Division Commander Fire Fist Ace at your service." He seemed excited to reply with something bothering me.

"Fire Fist. If possible, can you tell me about Midoriya-" I looked over to see him fast asleep in his food again.

"Huh!?" He woke up again to continue eating and annoying everyone even more.

'Is this guy really the Second Division Commander?'

"Midoriya is a good kid. What do you wanna learn about him?"

I thought for a second before answering. " it normal for him to treat others with respect the way he did? I know he wants to stop Katakuri and the Charlotte family, but I wanted to know why he wanted to help me."

"That's just how Izuku is. He'd help anyone if he could and not think twice about it." He started drinking a large iced tea before continuing. "That boy....he truly is a one in a million child. Not everyone can stand through everything that he's stood from. I think the reason he wanted to help you was because he saw himself in you."


The Fire Fist placed his cup on the table showing a bit of sadness on his face. "This world is sick. People will put labels on you just because of what you are or what faction you are connected to. It's human nature to see the bad before the good. But in Izuku's case, nobody wants to see the good. Kinda the opposite of you and that busty little bitch he fought in the first round of the third event. They refuse to see the bad in you two and only see the good. You see the double standard here?"

"...I think I do."

"It's because of this that Izuku doesn't want to see someone hurt and it being given a blind eye. He's dealt with the pain he had almost completely alone, so he probably wanted to prove to you that you don't have to be alone to manage this." Ace began paying for his food before heading out. "I hope to see you again Todoroki."

When he was gone, I circled the Whitebeard agency before finishing my tea. 'The Whtebeards. I wonder what I can learn from them?'

With Izuku, Izuku POV:

After classes let out, I was able to start my usual training with a bit of an addition to it. Today, I put on a crap load of dead weight to start getting my body back into it's top shape. "51.....52....53...." Right now, I'm currently holding myself upside down on a bar while doing sit ups. 'I gotta get stronger. That's the only way I can succeed.'

"Hey! Hey! You're that Midoriya kid, right?" I looked over to see a blue haired girl with a blond guy that reminded me of Tin Tin and some edgy looking guy that I wanted to think was ready to cry.

"Why are you doing sit ups upside down? Are you trying to get sick? What's with the mask too? Are you trying to look cool? Also, was what happened at the Sports Festival normal to you?"

"Let the kid answer the questions Nejire." The emo guy spoke up for me to finish my reps and come off the bar and walk towards them. "I think I wanna go home now." The emo guy began crying for the girl to laugh.

"C'mon Tamaki. You need a heart of a lion, not one of a scared kitten."

'To be honest, I think scared kittens have more heart.' I thought this while the blond guy walked up to pat me on my back.

"You're a tall one man. Are ya sure you're not a third year or a teacher? Haha!"

"I'm sorry, but who are you three?"

"Oh right! We never introduced ourselves." The blue haired girl began introducing everyone. "I'm Nejire Hado, this guy over here that has a heart of a kitten is Tamaki Amajiki, and this blond guy is Mirio Togata. We're third years in UA that are more commonly known as the Big 3."

"Big 3....where have I heard that before?" I kept thinking before Mr. Aizawa walked in.

"The Big 3 are UA's top students. In short, they are the next pros of tomorrow."

I took one glance at them to see the blond smiling like a goofball, the girl trying to comfort the emo guy, and the later looking like he wanted to piss his pants. "This is a joke, right?"

"Believe me when I say that it isn't. Though they aren't the most outspoken, these three have shown the most skill from their results out on the field. Mirio Togata here in my opinion is the next to achieve All Might's mantle. That includes the pros."

"The next to inherit All Might's mantle, huh?" I couldn't tell from just looking, but something in me was saying he was more than he looked. "So these three are the best in UA. Interesting."

"So I heard Ryukyu gave you an offer. Are you gonna accept it?" Hado asked somewhat  curious.

"Probably. She was with the Whitebeards, so I can probably learn much from her. Not only that, but she's arguably the best offer I got out of all of mine."

The three third years looked at me for a second. "How many did you get?"


"Wait. But you won...right?"

"That's my life Amajiki."

"Wow....I kinda...don't have a joke for this....That's rough man." Togata patted my back before giving a thumbs up. "Way to hang in there though."

My phone started to ring to show it was mom. "Sorry. I gotta take this. Hello?"

"Hey Izuku. When you head home, can you pick up some soy sauce and ginger on your way back. I was planning to make something nice for dinner but I ran out of them."

"Sure. No worries."

"Thank you. I'll see you when I get home."

"Ok. Love you."

"Love you too." Mom hung up for me to return to everyone.

"So what was that about?"

"Just my mom trying to ask if I could pick some things up for dinner tonight."

"Well we should end it here Midoriya. Make sure to get your options for your work study in within the next few days"

"Understood sir." I turned to the Big 3 next to bow to them. "It was nice meeting you three." I walked out of the gym and began heading towards the changing room. 'Maybe I should focus mainly on Ryukyu's agency. It might be better for me than some of the other offers from low grade pros.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and everyone manages next time with the work study. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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