Eyes On Me

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Banner by KreeArbo thank you so much for the graphic

Today I'm marrying my fiancé Dalton Clarkson at a church about an hour drive away from Beverly Hills. I didn't want to get married close to where all the paparazzi like to hang out.

They're expecting me, Melody Stryker, America's sweetheart and singer, to marry her beau.

No one knows who my fiancé is as he's not a famous person, but to me he's the most special person in my life. He owns my heart completely and I can't imagine my life without him.

I can't believe that the big day has finally arrived.

Turning the TV onto TMZ I hear the gossip about my wedding. One of the reporters appears on the TV and says. "Melody Stryker is getting married today. Everyone's eyes will be on this wedding of the year."

A second reporter says. "She's not the only one getting married this year. If her wedding isn't a success we'll be looking forward to one of America's Action Star's Evan Wilson to his equally successful fiancé Ariana Houston."

"Now, those two are a perfect couple. At least we know whose designer line they will be wearing. As their close friends with the designers."

"Who do you think Melody Stryker will wear? Amelia Daniels? The Butler Twins? Or Stratford?"

"I'm not sure whose dress she will choose, but she'd look beautiful in whatever she's chosen." Looking at the TV I say. "I will be wearing a Butler Design dress. The twins know how to make great dresses. They'll be personally delivering mine."

"Yes, we will be."

I jump as I hear a voice. The door to the room opens and one of the Butler Twins walk in. My heart continues to race from the scare. Turning around I face her. "You scared me."

Xanthe laughs. "You would have heard me, if you weren't listening to that crap. Why are you watching TMZ on your wedding day?"

"I don't want to miss out on anything. They think your friend Ariana's wedding is going to be successful."

Xanthe touches my arm. "Don't worry about what those assholes have to say. This is your day and no one can take that away. Do you understand?" I nod. "Good, it's time to put this dress on you and get your bridesmaids."

"Okay," stepping out of my clothes I put the dress on.

Xanthe walks around me pulling the material down. The dress touches the ground and I'm afraid that I'll trip over when I walk down the aisle.

"How does the dress feel?"

"It's perfect," looking at the ground. "Is there any way that you can lift the hem off the ground I don't to want fall when I'm walking to my fiancé."

"Sure," she pulls some material out of her bag and she threads the stitch through the needle and gets to work on lifting the hem off the ground. After ten minutes she finishes the job. "Is that all?"


"Great, I'll send the bridesmaids in." Xanthe walks out the door.

My bridesmaids and maid of honour walks into the room and they don't look happy. Turning to them I ask. "What's wrong?"

The maid of honour Cleo steps forward with a letter in her hand. "The Best Man gave this to me." She opens the door. "I'm sorry." She walks out the door with the bridesmaids. Opening the letter I notice Dalton's handwriting and I gulp as I begin to read the letter.

Dear Melody,
I'm sorry to do this on our wedding day, but I can't marry you. I've had my doubts about marrying you for a couple of weeks now and I didn't have it me to call it off.

He had to wait for the day we were to marry to break up with me? If he would have done this earlier I wouldn't have lost so much money on food and everything else I spent my money on for this wedding.

I won't be home when you get here. I'm moving to London with my boss, who I have been seeing on the side. She's pregnant with our first child. I'll see you around.


How could he do this to me? A couple weeks ago he was telling me that we were going to start our own family while we were on our honeymoon and he knew he was going to start that family with another woman and not me.

I slam my fist through the mirror that's in the room. Then I throw it aside. My hand is bleeding and I see a shard of glass sticking in my hand. I pull it out and throw it on the ground.

Mom runs into the room and she sees me holding my hand and the blood that's dripping onto the white wedding gown that I'm wearing. "Oh, Sweetheart."

Tears begin to fall down my face. "How could he do that to me, Mom? He was the first guy that I've ever loved."

She kisses the top of my head. "He won't be the last man you fall for. There's someone better out there for you. You need to be with someone that will love a successful beautiful woman like you, Mel."

Banner by CarKann thank you for the beautiful graphic.

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