Spa Day

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Things haven't been easy for me since I was left at the altar. I have spent a lot of time crying over the first guy I ever loved. It's not that easy for me to shut my feelings down for the one person that held my heart since forever.

Mom walks into my room and she opens the curtains. "Sweetheart, you can't spend all day in bed. You have a concert to get ready for."

I forgot that my world tour starts today.

Tonight I will be performing at the Staples Centre tonight. At least it's not that far to travel to from my Beverly Hills home. After Dalton left me I sold our mansion and moved in with Mom. When I finish with my world tour then I'm going to look into buying a condo.

It's best if I'm alone for a while. I don't think I can be in a relationship right after the one I was just in.

Grabbing a tissue I wipe my face. "When is my heart going to get better?"

She walks over to my bed and she sits next to me. "It's going to take a while for it to get better. Just pour your heart out in your music and that will help you move on."

I shake my head. "I don't think it will, Mom. I can't even write a new song. What if this is the end of my career."

She places her hands on my face. "It's not the end of your career. After your world tour you should take some time off and visit the world. You'll find inspiration again."

"Thanks, Mom."

She takes in my appearance. "We need to have a spa day. Get dressed and then we'll go." Mom walks out of my room.

Climbing out of bed I make my way to closet and pull out a pair of black shorts and a white tank top. I place them on the bed and walk over to the nightstand. Opening the draw I pull out a matching pair of underwear. I quickly get changed and meet Mom in the kitchen.

She looks up from the stove. "Do you want some eggs?"

"Yes, please."

Maggie my eighteen year old sister walks into the kitchen. She takes a seat next to me. "Can you drive me to school today? I want to show you off to my friends."

I look at Mom and she nods. "Sure, but Mom is going to ruin your cool entrance."

Her face falls. "Why, Mom?"

"Melody and I are going to have a spa day, before her big night."

Maggie looks between Mom and I. "Can I have to day off school? I want to come with you."

"I don't normally allow this, but I like the idea of having a girl's day with my daughters."

"Yes," Maggie yells. She starts typing away on her phone. Looking at her phone I see her texting her friends.

Her message reads.

Maggie: Spending the day with my sister. So, I won't be coming to school today.

She looks at me. "Can I go to the concert tonight?"

Mom nods. "Sure," she puts eggs on the plate with toast and pushes the plate in front of me. "Tomorrow you'll be going to school. So, right after the concert you have to come home, no after party for you."

"Okay," she types on her phone. "Melody, can I get some tickets for my friends?"

"I'll call my agent and see if she can leave some at the ticket booth for them. Can you leave me the names of your friends?"

She picks up the notepad that's next to her and she starts writing a list of names on the notepad. "That's all."

Looking at the list I see that she's added six of her friends. I pick up my phone and call my agent Aliyah.

Aliyah: Hello, Melody. What can I do for you?

Me: Can you leave six tickets at the ticket booth for my sisters friends.

Aliyah: Sure, can you email the list to me.

Me: Ok, see you tonight, Aliyah.

I hang up the phone. Taking a picture of the list I email it to Aliyah.

After breakfast I drive us to the day spa at Hamilton Hotel. When we pull in front of the hotel a valet opens the door for me. "Good morning, Miss Stryker."

I give him a half smile. "Good morning. If there's a dent in the car I'll make sure that it comes out of your pay." I tell him.

He gives me a ticket. "When you're ready to go give the ticket to one of the valets and we'll get your car for you."

"Thanks." I walk into the hotel with Mom and Maggie.

Maggie looks around the foyer of the hotel. "I like this hotel." She looks at the roof. "Why don't we spend time here Mom?"

Mom looks at her. "We have a house in Los Angeles we don't need to spend time in a hotel in a City we live in. If you want to go to a different City I'd gladly pay for us to spend the night in."

"Can we follow Melody around after I graduate? I want to travel the world before I start college."

Mom looks at her. "I can't travel with you. I have to stay in the States for a while. I want to make sure your father's company is running perfectly before I leave the country."

Maggie turns to me. "Can I come with you?"

"Sure, I could use an assistant while I'm on tour. You'll have to get me stuff and listen to everything I say. I will give you money for working for me."



She hugs me. "I love you, Mel. You're the coolest sister."

I wink at her. "You'll think I'm cooler when I drop you off at school tomorrow."

"Are you going to skip the after party for me?"

"Yes," I show them the way to the spa.

The owner of Hamilton Hotel closes the spa from 10-2 for VIPs as she's friends with most people that want to use the facility. The door to that spa opens and Joy steps out. "Good morning, Miss Stryker and guests. The spa is all yours. Let me know if I can get you anything?"

"We're fine. Thanks."

She walks towards the front desk as she calls the next group that's checking into the hotel.

I open the door and walk into the spa.

A soft melody plays across the radio and I follow it to until I reach a room that has three chairs. There's a foot spa on the ground and I place my foot in it. A mask is placed on my face and I close my eyes. Letting these woman do their job of relaxing me.

I'm going to need with the night I'm going to have ahead of me. I can't wait until I perform at the Staples Centre tonight.

My concert was sold out within the first three hours that the tickets were available and that was for the three nights.

Looking over at my mother I say. "Thank you for taking me here. It's what I need right now."

Mom smiles. "You're welcome."

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