Chapter Six

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"Hey Annie! You need help in there?" Sideswipe asked as he heard a loud bang inside the Lennox household.

"N-No! I'm fine!" Sideswipe rose an optic ridge. He straightened up after his crouched position and glared at Ratchet.

"How long is your holoforms gonna take, Wrench? It's the first day and somethings happening already!" He threw up his servos. Ratchet looked up from his tampering on his arm.

"First of all, it's Ratchet and they won't be done for another two to three days." He snarled. Jazz smirked at this.

"And you told Will they have been finished for weeks now."

"And you told Prime!" Sideswipe chipped in. Ratchet rolled his optics and went back to his tampering. Sideswipe rolled over on his wheels and looked over his arms. Ratchet growled and swung his arm, smacking him in the face. Sideswipe laughed and rolled back, rubbing his face. Jazz's visor flashed in amusement. Jazz went over to the house and got on his knees, looking in.

"Ey Lil Belle, it's gettin' late. Why don't cha get cleaned up and get ready for recharge?" Annabelle looked up from her toys in the living room. She groaned and began putting them back in her box. Jazz chuckled.

"But I just took these down!" She whined.

"Sorry Belle." He grinned. Annabelle sighed and began hitting the lid,trying to get it on the box of toys. He only watched, his smile widening.

"Need help?"

"Uh huh! I'm a big girl!" She protested.

"That you are." He laughed at her frustration. She grumbled and began dragging it back up the stairs making more bangs. Sideswipe rolled over.

"She okay?"

"Just fine." Jazz smirked and stood up. Ratchet sighed as they walked back over. "What's up Hatchet?" He asked. Ratchet glared.

"It's Ratchet. Get it through your thick processors." He snarled. Sideswipe only shrugged and began walking through the perimeter of the pasture. Jazz leaned against a tree.

"Ratchet. What's up?"

"We need a human here, Jazz. We can't feed her." Ratchet grunted.

"Sarah said she left some food for 'er." Jazz tilted his helm. "Besides, we'll have those holoforms in no time." He waved his servo.

"Jazz, I'll have to stay up all night working on them. Nonstop." Ratchet shook his helm at the thought. He turned to the house as he picked up faint water running in his sperior audios. His optics softened slightly.
"Taking care of a sparkling is a serious job. I take the responsibility to spark. I want to make sure she's nourished, cleaned, well-rested, and-." Jazz laughed.

"Ratch', chill man." Said mech glared again but it went unfazed. "You're rambling worse than Bluestreak. Listen, I'll help best I can. You know I'm good at coding. And I'm sure nevermind. But I got your back. Don't stress." The small mech placed a servo on his back. "Annabelle will be fine. Sarahs food may not be the way you want to be but it will have ta do until we get em down." Ratchet looked away.

"That woman can not cook." He grumbled. Jazz laughed.

"Well niether can you."

"But mine shall be healthier than hers and much more efficient. I can not cook, true, but I will learn enough so when the holoforms are ready...I may be able to make an appropriate meal." He smiled.

"Don't let Sarah hear ya sayin' that. She learned over years and you learnin' over night?" Jazz snorted. "Human females are very scary...very scary indeed."

"I doubt that." Ratchet crossed his arms. Jazz shuddered.

"I'm not jokin'...that woman has done awful things to mah paint." Ratchet looked at him and raised an optic ridge.

"What did you do?" Jazz shook his helm.

"I had taken her shopping to get groceries before and I transformed before I knew she was done unloading and crushed the milk. I swear females get upset over the smallest things. Sideswipe on the other hand...I'm suprised he's not dead." Ratchet groaned.

"What did he do?"

"When Annabelle was almost one year he took her out racing." Ratchets optic widened. He did what!?

"Yes...I'm suprised he isn't." He mumbled. The sound of a creaking bed caught Jazz's attention.

"Alright mech. I'm gonna get her to recharge. 'Member what we talked about." He said before walking over to her window. Annabelle had laid down and was staring at the ceiling.

"Jazzy?" She whispered.

"Yeah Belle?" He asked.

"Can you check my closet? Ironhide always does..." Jazz hummed in thought. What would he need to check her closet for? But nonetheless he did. His optics scanned over the pile of clothes and he smiled.

"Nothings in there but clothes and shoes." Annabelle sighed and rolled onto her side so she looked at him. Jazz set his clawed servo on the window. "Night Belle." Annabelle grabbed one of his claws and closed her eyes as she held onto it tightly.

"I miss them..." she whined.

"Aw they'll be back. Don't chu worry." He reassured, his claws slipping out of her grasp and pulling the blanket up to her chin. "Alright? Nothing to be upset about."

"Okay. Hey Jazzy?"


"Can you stay with me please? Ironhi-."

"Ironhide does. Yeah I can. Just go to sleep. I'll be right here." He transformed outside her window and started his engine. His speakers turned on at her shifting. He played clicks and whirls out of them. Soon enough he heard the gentle breathing of the young Lennox. Ratchet smiled and looked at Jazz.

"You are aware your playing a Lullaby in Cybertronian to a human...right?"

"Yup. And it still works."

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