Chapter Seven

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It was early in the morning. The sun was not even up yet. Sideswipe and Jazz stood near Annabelles window. Jazz leaned against a tree as Sideswipe rolled back and forth on his wheels. While, Ratchet was in front of the house, working. The two argued on the comm and Ratchet growled in frustation.

::I don't care how! Just do what you have to!:: He snapped. Jazz and Sideswipe quieted down.

"Alright fine. But you owe me. She's gonna be crying and yelling at me for days." Sideswipe grumbled in agreement. Jazz chuckled.

"Ah, no she ain't. She'll forget 'bout it 'fore ya even know it."

"Heh. We'll see about that." He snorted and honked his horn loudly. They watched Annabelle shift and groan before falling back asleep. "Oh great. Now what?" Sideswipe sighed. He then blinked and transformed, rolling over near the wall. He chuckled to himself.

"Sideswipe...Whatcha doin'?" Jazz asked with furrowing optic ridges. He took a small back.

"I'm waking her up." He laughed. He turned on the headlights.

"Oh no no no! Wait!!" It was too late. Sideswipe revved his engine as loud as he could. Jazz covered his audios and Ratchet began yelling and swearing, his lights behind him began flashing in alarm. Sideswipe only quit when he heard loud wailing. He quickly transformed and peeked inside the window. Annabelle was crying and running out of the room.

"Nice job. Scared er off." Jazz frowned and crossed his arms. Annabelle ran outside with big tears in her eyes. Her teddy in her arms, being squeezed to death. She ran over to Ratchet and he picked her up in his palm. He sent a glare as he held her close to his chest plates.

"Sideswipe!" He shouted. Sideswipe cringed and they both began coming to the front.

"Yeah, Wrench?" He asked. Ratchet narrowed his gaze. Sideswipe shrunk down a little.

"It's Ratchet to you." He snarled. "And I told you to wake her not fragging scare the pit out of her you glitch!!"
He yelled. His optics blazed upon Sideswipe. Sideswipe gave a sheepish grin and small shrug.

"Look Wrench she didn't-."

"Shut up you selfish bastard!!" Ratchet belowed. Sideswipe shut up at his piercing stare. Annabelle whimpered and looked up at Ratchet.

"Ratchet? What does bastard mean?" She asked with a frown but had a itch at the edge of her lips to smile. Ratchet froze and blinked down at her.

"'d think from Ironhide being here she'd know." He grumbled to himself with a vent. Sideswipe snickered. Ratchet looked over with at glare. Sideswipe pointed to Jazz who smacked his hand away. "Nothing. Excuse my french." He said with a sigh. She nodded and her stomach grumbled. He chuckled and set her down. "Go on and eat your breakfast and get ready. We'll be out here waiting." He encouraged. She looked unsure and he pushed her forward with and finger. She stepped onto the staircase and looked at Jazz. He gave a smile and nodded her along. She went back inside and shut the door quietly.

"Ratchet? What does bastard mean?" Sideswipe mimicked and laughed as he rolled to him. Ratchet smacked him away.

"Shut up you immature sparkling!" He grunted.


Annabelle ran over to her desk and sat down. She smiled and took her backpack off. She set it on the floor next to her. Once everyone shuffled in, the teacher shut the door. She walked over and smiled to the class. "Hello and good morning! Do you want to know something that I found out today?" She asked in a cheery voice. The children began nodding their heads and shouting out questions. She laughed and waved her hands. "Now now settle down. We have a teacher here who has learned another language. Spanish! How exciting!" The class awed and Annabelle smiled widely. She then blinked. She quickly rose her hand. The teacher grinned and nodded toward Annabelle.

"Yes? Something to share?"

"I learned French today!" She giggled and stood up. The class faced her in awe. The teacher blinked.

"Oh really? Care to say something in french?"

"I bet it's just bonjour." A classmate snickered. She whipped her eyes to him.

"Oh shut up you selfish bastard!" She stamped her foot. The teacher gasped.

"Annabelle!" Annabelle blinked and looked at her.

"Oh that's not all!" She smiled.

"Don't you dar-."

"Fraggin', pit, slaggin', and glitch!" Annabelle grinned happily. The teacher crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

"To the front please."

"Okay..." she whimpered and walked forward sulking.


As Annabelle walked down the driveway that evening Sideswipe rolled up to her.

"Hey belle! How was school!?" He questioned excitingly as he could. His concern grew slightly at her sad face lifting to look at him.

"Ratchet lied. He can't speak french." She said quietly and continued walking to the house. Ratchet turned around with wide optics.

"What the pit did she do?"

"I don't know!" Sideswipe laughed. "But I bet it was great! Man I wished I didn't miss it!!!" He said falling backwards laughing. Jazz grinned and shook his helm. He kicked Sideswipe. Ratchet groaned and facepalmed.

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