A Serious Mix Up

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* apostrophe's in italics are thoughts 'hello everyone!'
* simple italics are words that are exaggerated such as: oh my God she's pregnant!
* words in parenthesis (are letting you know certain things about the story)
Feel free to comment! Especially if yah have questions!


31 July, 1997. That's when it all started, in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries to be exact.
Two families were their - they were friends. One family were The Potters, Lily and James. The other being The Blacks Medea and Sirius. And both women were pregnant, their due date was today, just hours apart.
Medea and Sirius were expecting twins, where as James and Lily were expecting a little baby boy.

It had been hours since both families had entered the hospital, and just twenty or so minutes ago the twins were born.
A girl, and a boy. There names, Faye Ella Black, and Harry Regulus Black.

Lily was also in the process of giving birth, however it was a difficult one a C-section. Eventually, she gave birth to a little baby boy, Abraham Dylan Potter.

(To clear things up, Medea and Sirius had Harry 'Potter' and my OC, Faye his Twin. Lily and James, had Abraham, my other OC.)

-Later On-

In the incubators, sat the three new-born babies, Faye and Harry Black, and Abraham Potter. However one of these three babies health was rapidly failing. The nurse's came rushing in hearing the beeping, and cries of the babies surrounding them. They located the beeping, only to find that the child had minutes to live. He wasn't breathing, nor moving. They had to get into action and fast. So, they did...and failed to save the child.
They had to tell the Black's that one of their children didn't make it, the baby boy.
Telling a family this was always hard.

The main nurse who had worked on saving the child, Lucinda approached the exhausted couple with a sad face.

The said couple looked alarmed, Sirius gripped Medea's hand tightly for support.
Lucinda stopped at the edge of her bed, looking at them. 'they don't deserve this...' she thought.

Lucinda took a deep, steadying breath in.
"I..was just at the incubators, and I'm sorry to say but your baby boy, Harry didn't make it." She informed them, sadly.
The mother broke down into tears, heart broken. Sirius stared at the nurse, refusing to believe it. "Very funny, now give me my children." He demanded.
Lucinda went to the incubators and took Faye from hers very gently. She'd have to grow up alone, without her twin brother... The nurse knew all about that, her twin sister died in a car crash at a very early age.

The nurse handed the baby over to Medea, hoping to comfort her some. At least one of their children was alive.
It was then that it dawned on Sirius. Lucinda wasn't pulling his strings. She was being completely honest. He began to cry then, too. His precious baby boy taken at such an early age, just after he was born.
Sirius took one of Faye's small hands, and she held on tightly to his finger never wanting to let go.

However, they had mistaken who's child it was. They put the wrong label on one of the boy's wrist. It was Abraham that didn't make it, not Harry.

After a few days, both families we're allowed to be sent home. Lily and James a day later than Medea and Sirius.

The Blacks had arrived home and had gotten settled in, with strict orders for the mother to 'get some rest.' For the death of her child hit her the hardest.

Sorry it's short, but what'd you think?
The rest of the chapters will be either in the 1,000's or close to it!
To clear things up, In this story Harry is Sirius's child and yes he did survive, though he got labeled wrong and is now Abraham Dylan Potter, not Harry Regulus Black.
(But possibly not for long.)

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