Number 12 Grimmauld Place

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The nurse handed the baby over to Medea, hoping to comfort her some. At least one of their children was alive.
It was then that it dawned on Sirius. Lucinda wasn't pulling his strings. She was being completely honest. He began to cry then, too. His precious baby boy taken at such an early age, just after he was born.
Sirius took one of Faye's small hands, and she held on tightly to his finger never wanting to let go.

However, they had mistaken who's child it was. They put the wrong label on one of the boy's wrist. It was Abraham that didn't make it, not Harry.

After a few days, both families we're allowed to be sent home. Lily and James a day later than Medea and Sirius.

The Blacks had arrived home and had gotten settled in, with strict orders for the mother to 'get some rest.' For the death of her child hit her the hardest.


* apostrophe's in italics are thoughts 'hello everyone!'
* simple italics are words that are exaggerated such as: oh my God she's pregnant!
* words in parenthesis (are letting you know certain things about the story)
Feel free to comment! Especially if yah have questions!!


- The Twins, 15 Months Of Age -

Dark times. That's what these were, very dark times. There was a prophecy about a baby. It was so important that Voldemort was killing families who had any male children around 15 months of age ruthlessly, and killing anyone who refused to join him, period.

The prophecy went -

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...With the child in the way, Voldemort cannot accomplish his quest for power and control. While Voldemort lives, the baby cannot achieve a happy, peaceful, and safe life with his friends."

Voldemort knew who the baby belonged to, Lily and James Potter. For they had defied thrice him before. One being refusing to join his side.

Dumbledore urged Lily and James to get a Secret Keeper, and they decided on Peter Pettigrew. He was not happy about their choice, and tried to change their minds. He wanted Sirius Black to be the Secret Keeper.

It turned out that in the end, Dumbledore was right. For their 'Secret Keeper' had betrayed them in the end. After Sirius, James best friend found out about their deaths he went on a rampage to find that rat, Peter Pettigrew. However it backfired on him... For he was accused of killing thirteen muggles, and Pettigrew. Then Sirius was sent to Azkaban...the worst prison for Wizards and Witches.

- Few Years Later Grimmauld Place -

Faye was now five, a joyful, curious, mischievous child. She had survived the 'massacre' Voldemort threw when she was younger.
However, she did get the occasional nightmare with a green light and an unfamiliar lady screaming "Abraham!~' Which always followed by a awful pain in her chest, like something was missing. It woke her up of course - which she was thankful for, because she no longer wanted that nightmare to last...but she often awoke in tears. Which her mother Medea calmed her down from.
It was now just her, her mom, and Kretcher living in this big house. Her father went after that aweful person when she was just 15 months old and she missed him terribly, even though her memories of him were heavily foggy.

Her mom told her all about Sirius, how he was kind, gentle, adventurous, mischievous, and much much more. Pictures of them and him littered the house. Medea didn't believe for one second that he committed the crime. She knew it was Peter Pettigrew. Sirius was too kind hearted to kill thirteen muggles.

Faye grew up to be a youthful child, with many of the traits her father held. She was especially fond of animals, and nature along with learning. Which she got from her mother. As she grew, so did her powers just like any other Witch or Wizard.
It scared her at first, having not experienced much magic around the house. Her mother liked to do things the muggle way. However, after her mom explained it all, and bought her some basic books on Magic she seemed to calm.

It was a year later that her letter came, Faye was overwhelmed. Excited, yet sad to leave her mother alone with their house elf. Oh how she wished her father was home and safe. She had heard aweful rumors about Azkaban.

Bringing the Hogwarts letter to her mom, Medea and letting her open it, she read it allowed-

(Click/tap pictures to enlarge them 🙂 )

Faye squealed with joy, which was uncommon for her, mind you.
Faye hugged her mom, "can I go?" She asked.
She chuckled and hugged her daughter back. "Of course, darling. As long as you keep me up to date."
Faye smiled widely, "when can we get the supplies?"
"How about tomorrow?" Her mom spoke.
"Yes! I'm going to Hogwarts~" Faye sang, running up stairs.
Medea rolled her eyes, remembering how happy she was when she got her letter.
It was her dream, after all. Then, in her fourth year she met a certain troublemaker... Medea smiled to herself. She wouldn't take those years back for anything. They began dating the next year.

- In Surry, England -

Her Twin was receiving the exact same letter, though having a bit more trouble opening it thanks to his cousin Dudley...
Abraham, as Lily and James had named him had gone to get the post as his Aunt Petunia ordered him to, and shockingly found a letter addressed to him for the first time in his life!

It read-
Mr. Abraham Potter
The Cupboard Under The Stairs
4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging

Abraham's eyes widened as he read the letter, it was actually addressed to him! Who would have sent it?

He distractedly walked through the hall, handing his uncle the post while keeping his eyes on his letter.
Until - a certain someone had to ruin it all, of course.

"Dad look, Abraham's got a letter!" Duddly yelled, snatching his letter.
"Hey, give it back it's mine!" Abraham yelled back.
"Yours? Who would be writing to you?" His uncle Vernon laughed as Petunia looked over his shoulder.
He turned to her as he saw the Hogwarts symbol. The word magic was banished from this household you see, as Petunia saw Lily as a freak.

Throughout the days letters for Abraham continued to arrive, never stopping.

One day, Vernon was leaving for work his wife kissing him goodbye however...Owls literally surrounded Vernon's car. It was a strange sight for a muggle.

The letters arrived in all sorts of ways, even in eggs! Making Petunia scream.

Abraham felt dread well up in him, as if he'd never get to open one of his letters...

Finally, Sunday arrived and the Dursleys were more then pleased. Why? Because there was absolutely No post on Sundays.

...Except in the Wizarding World. But how could muggles know that?

Vernon sighed. "Fine day, Sunday. Best day of the week. Why's that Abraham?"
"Cause there's no post on Sundays."
"Right you are, Abraham!" He said, grabbing a cookie from the offered plate.
Abraham looked out the window to see an owl...
"No blasted letters today. No sir, not one single letter today! Not one single miserable-"
Just then, a letter flew past Vernon's face interrupting him and the house seemed to almost...vibrate.
The chimney exploded with his letters, hundreds of them!
"Ahh! Make it stop, please make it stop!" Dudley yelled.
Abraham stared, and finally went after a letter seeing it as his chance to get one.
He grabbed one, and got chased by his uncle "Give me that! Give me that letter!"
"Get off!" He yelled as Vernon picked him up as Abraham was opening his cupboard door.
"They're my letters, let go of me!" He yelled once more as letters began pouring through the mail slot.
"That's it, we're going away, far away! Where they can't find us!" Vernon began to go mad, and bring them all to an island...

Where Abraham of course got the ground.

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