[3: Jason's POV]

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They showed up a few days after my father told me about it.

Even though I knew there was going to be 35 of them, their size was very surprising to me.

The first was a girl with tar-black hair and electrifying blue eyes, and she looked out of place compared to the rest of them. Once spotted me she glared and continued to walk forward with the rest of them,  meeting her tomorrow would very pleasant, I thought.

After her came a girl with hair so dark it looked almost black from the way I was standing, her brown eyes pierced me to the wall when she looked at me. She had the looks of a queen. Apparently, my dad thought so too, because he leaned over and pointed at her discreetly. I glared at him and he looked away.

Continuing with the line of fierce women, there came a girl with brown hair, eyes that seemed to change colors in the light, and a sparkle in her eye.

My father seemed to find her displeasing because he glanced at me with a look in his eye that said If you marry her I will murder you. I glared back at him, glancing back at the group of girls standing in front of me. They had filed into 4 lines, with no apparent reason for doing so. They all seemed to shift uncomfortably when they noticed me staring at them. I laughed silently to myself.

My voice boomed around the large room. "Ladies, calm down. It's not like I'm going to hurt you." They nodded at this, but the tension in the room didn't seize. This was going to be fun, I mused.

"Please let the guards escort you to your rooms, and I will personally meet with each of you tomorrow. Until then, good night." I sat down in my chair and watched as each and everyone left the room. 

"Son," My father said, startling me. "you must be careful upon who you choose. Keep in mind how good they would be for this country and their Caste." 

"So my feelings have no say in the matter? Do you just get to decide for me? Or do I get to choose?"

My father looked away at that, and I got up from my seat. I started to walk over to the exit when my father said "Jason, it's your choice, just be careful." I ignored him and kept walking. 

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