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Here's another chapter! I want to apologize first for the way it was written, which is a messy group chat written like regular text jsjsksk, but I didn't have many options and this one really had to happen, because skipping right over it felt wrong. I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Jimin's POV

The sound of a new notification suddenly resounds from my phone and causes its screen to light up from somewhere within my sea of blankets, and I mindlessly pat around the bed to find it while I put my book aside after memorizing the page.

When I get a hold of it, I quickly let the camera scan my face to unlock the screen before taking in the text that pops up next.

Three new soulmates have been added into your soul group chat, the soul registry wishes you a wonderful new bond, and may you all get along.

I stare at the words in a daze, unsure of whether my mind is playing a trick on me or not.


"Did you all get that, or was it just me? Three new soulmates?".

"Didn't Namjoon meet only one outside earlier?".

"What do we do?".

"Let's enter the chat for now, let's not keep them waiting any longer".

I hear my bedroom's door open, and I look up to see Taehyung standing in the doorway with a blanket wrapped around his lean body, ears twitching atop his head and confused eyes on my form like he truly doesn't know what to do at the moment.

My heart swoons at his cuteness that never ceases to marvel me, and I pat my bed to invite him by my side before staring at the screen again.

He comes over with small steps, then climbs in before snuggling against me with his tail wrapping around my waist, and we both observe without a word as I press on the notification to open the soul chat app that's already becoming active with our new soul pieces.

It hadn't been used in forever and all of a sudden, we have what... three more soulmates? At the same time? What were the odds?

I guess fate deemed that today was time to unite everyone together once and for all. Minus one, that is...

I want to know who they are, those whose soul was always meant to belong with us, and though I know that I shouldn't, I can't resist the small light of hope in my chest that she might be one of them.

That she might finally have found her way back to us.


Erm... hello?
I realize that we didn't exchange names earlier, but I'm the hybrid from the mansion? Min Yoongi's the name.

Oh, are you new here as well? I registered my mark not too long ago so I just got the link.
Seokjin! You're here too!
I'm Jung Hoseok!

Yes, I am, I guess we all registered our mark at the same time?
I'm Kim Seokjin.
Are the others not here?
It seems pretty quiet in here.

No, we're here.
Welcome to the bond, the three of you.
I'm Namjoon, the one you talked with, Yoongi, with the coffee.
It's nice to see you here, I was wondering if you'd made it home safely after I saw you leave.

Ah, so that was your name, then.
I'm sorry, it all went so fast that I completely forgot to introduce myself.
Did you meet two more soulmates after we parted ways?

Don't worry about that ^.^
And... no, we weren't expecting anyone else for tonight, we thought it would be only you.
Hoseok and Seokjin, it's nice to meet you.
Might I ask if you're here because the two of you met on your own?

It's nice to meet you too, and that's exactly it, though... erm.

It's a bit complicated?
We met someone else as well.
And we believe you might know her?

It can't be... did you two meet Y/N?
Choi Y/N?

That would be her, yes. Earlier today.
We actually work for her at BeyondGold, she's the CEO. Our boss.

Are you serious?
You're not joking, right?
You really met her?

Y/N? Our Choi Y/N?
She became a CEO?
This is Taehyung, by the way. I'm with Jiminie.

I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same Y/N, yes.
Hoseok and I noticed that something seemed wrong with the soulmark after we first met in the auditorium this morning, and then she came to give a speech to the new recruits, which is why we were there in the first place.
It sure was a surprise to discover that she's also our mate.

Right? That was the last thing I expected.
Our marks were really painful at first but it seemed worse for her, her entire soulmark was red.
Anyway, she called us to her office, and there, she explained the state of the bond. She talked about four soulmates from her past, which I assume is you guys, so we know a bit about what happened, but I'm not sure I really understood everything she said.
It was a very sad story though.

It must have been a soul blockage that caused the pain.
Can you elaborate, please?
What did she say?

Well... I don't know if it's really our place to say everything but... we did tell her we'd help, so I guess this is how we do it.
She talked about her past, when you were still together, and how her parents seemed very against hybrids as her soulmates. Things got worse because she wanted to accept everyone even though they didn't want her to.
That lead to abuse, but I don't know if that was the worst or easiest part of her life... in the end, she got kidnapped because of something her parents did.

They abandoned her before it got too bad, and left her to deal with the worst of it.

If I ever find these people, I'm going to kill them.
All of them. This is so messed up.

That's... I know that a lot of people hate hybrids for being so different, but to do that to their own child just because she gets hybrid mates? It's... disgusting. What happened next?

She mentioned how she overheard a conversation that she wasn't meant to hear. Apparently, the people who took her were going to kill you as to avoid dealing with anyone looking for her, and she was forced to reject the bond to protect you.
That's why she did so in the park, and it seemed to be the most painful thing she ever had to do. I could feel it, see it, in all of her.

She looked really sad... and she misses you a lot.
She's scared that you're going to reject her if you meet again. That's why we told her that we'd talk to you guys first, it seemed to weigh really heavy on her heart.

Oh, Y/N...

Where is she right now?
Are you with her?
Can you let us talk to her?
Or give us her phone number so we can call her?
Please, oh my god, she rejected us to save us?
What the fuck?
And she thinks we'd reject her?
That silly girl, she really...
How can we meet her? BeyondGold you said?
I'm going to have a look at where that is right now.

We left too quickly to get her phone number, but I'm sure you can see her at the company building. Hoseok and I will have to go back anyway, since she can't access the soul chat. You could come with us tomorrow, I'm sure she would love to see you as soon as possible.

Of course, yes, we'll be there.
This is a lot to learn so suddenly. We had no idea it was... that bad.
Was she... how was she?

She seemed to be in her element, at BeyondGold, I mean. She's amazing. She managed to create such a safe space for everyone, but especially for hybrids. She treats everyone like family, and she really cares. She's kind, to a fault, and I say that fully aware that I haven't known her for long.

Yes! She tries to be strong for others' sake, but I don't think it's such a good thing for her. It seems to hurt her more than it helps, though I wonder how much of that habit was by choice...

That does sound like her... God, I can't believe you two met her.
We've been searching for years, but we never found a way to her and we were losing hope.
Thank you, Hoseok, Seokjin, seriously. You have no idea the gift you just gave us.
Jimin, Taehyung, babies, are you okay?

Yeah... we're just shocked.
We can't find any words right now, but we're beyond happy that she's back.
Sad too, it feels like she went through hell after she left us, and I hate that.
I wish she wouldn't be scared of us, not us.
We miss her too much to push her away.

Time has a way with using nightmares to create fears that no one needs, she probably had too many dreams of things going wrong and can't differentiate reality from them anymore.

I think you might be right...
She's been left on her own for so long, she must be very scared, then.

I... I wish I could come tomorrow, but I'll lose my job if I try to take a day off and I can't afford that. Please let her know about me when you meet again? I wish I could come but it's really not possible.

Of course, Yoongi. I'm sorry that this chance to get to know each other is being overshadowed by Y/N like this, it's just been so long since we last heard someone talk about her other than us and we're desperate to know everything we can.

No worries, I get it. I'd miss her too if it'd been that long.
Especially after learning of what happened... it's terrible.

I'm sure she'd be very happy to know that you want to see her just as much as she does, despite everything.
I sincerely regret that we did not get her phone number before leaving, I'm sorry, everyone.

I'm back.
BeyondGold is in Seoul, forty minutes away, maybe an hour with the traffic, and it opens at eight in the morning. I say we leave at seven?

Taehyung and I are okay with that. The sooner we can see her, the better.
And it's okay, Seokjin, I'm sure there was a lot to deal with already.
We'll let her know that we're not rejecting her as soon as we see her.
We just want her back.

Agreed. Jimin's right, you can't think of everything all the time.
But for now... let's push that matter aside, shall we?
It's not like we can do anything about her for tonight and I don't want our newest additions to feel cast out.
Yoongi, are you feeling better? Did you get a new phone in the end?

Oh, yeah.
I shouldn't have destroyed my other one, it was better than this one but... oh well.
That'll teach me to release my anger on an object of value.
Sorry about earlier, by the way. I really lost myself for a bit, but talking to you helped. I would've been miserable on my own.

I'm just glad I stepped outside at the right timing.
A little later and we might have never met.

It's scary said like that, isn't it? Change a simple little thing about your day and your entire fate is affected.
Did something happen, Yoongi? Why were you angry?

Just a shitty job. Or no.
Rather a shitty boss and shitty coworkers.
I don't like working with them, but the job's fine.
I do have anger issues too, so I apologize in advance for anything I might say or do in the future.
I'm working on it.

I know what that's like, I've had plenty such experiences too. You'll get through it, Yoongi, both work and anger issues.
What animal are you, by the way? I couldn't tell earlier.

Thanks... I appreciate that, Namjoon.
I'm a white wolf. Most people mistake me for a dog, but in my animal form I'm a lot bigger.

Wow, your kind is rare around here.
I'm a black eagle. We're obviously not the only hybrids in the bond, who else is one?

I am. I'm a panther, and Taehyung's a tiger. The others are all humans.
That means we are... four humans, and four hybrids. We're all predators, too, I just noticed.

Isn't that rare?
I thought we'd get at least one prey hybrid in the bond?

It depends, that's usually how it goes, but I think it's not bad that we're all predators here.
I don't know exactly what kind of past Y/N has had, but the way she spoke... she said the danger's over, but I don't know. I don't feel too good about it.
Maybe it's not without reason that we're all dangerous predators in the soul bond.

What do you mean, Seokjin?
What danger? Do you mean when she was kidnapped? Do you know what happened after that?

She didn't say. Just that if she didn't reject the bond when she did, you could've died. She said that she wasn't supposed to see her soulmates ever again, but that she earned her freedom? And that it's why she could call Hoseok and I to her office to meet.
It seems to all stem from her parents, the abuse, the kidnapping.
She apparently never told you anything, too.

No. We learned about the abuse only when it was too late and she was gone.
Her parents are shit and I wish I would've known sooner, I would've taken her out of that hell before things got bad.

We had no idea what happened to her, she never talked about anything back then.

That's concerning...
She did seem pretty taken aback that she cried in our arms... I guess she's very reserved. She looked uncomfortable about showing too much of her pain.

She cried???!
Y/N never cries! She's too proud for that.
God damn it.

Calm down, Jungkook. I can hear you pacing and swearing in your room.
Don't make another hole in the wall, please.

I guess I'm not the only one with anger issues then.

Ah! You can say that again, Yoongi.

But hyung!
Y/N cried and I wasn't there to hug her! I don't like that!
We're talking about seeing her, but I can't see her yet and it's driving me crazy!

Sounds like torture to me.

See! Yoongi gets it!

Taehyung agrees. It is torture.

I confirm. Torture it is.

Alright, alright.
I realize that my instincts aren't quite as intense as hybrids.

Damn right! You're lucky to be a human, it sucks to be in my skin right now.
It's like... like the animal inside me is trying to claw its way out to reach her faster, but not knowing where she is is like ripping my heart in two with my bare hands instead. I don't mean to say that you're not craving her too, hyung, but you don't have an animal pacing inside of you with endless whines and growls on its tongue.

I confirm, it really does feel like that when your instincts get in the picture.

Yeah, it's the same for me too.

Tae says the same.

Come on guys... why are you all ganging up on me now?
I just wanted to do some damage control on the house... we've had to cover enough holes as it is.

Namjoon... I think that might not be helping?

I confirm.


Oh okay! I get it! Stop it!

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